My reaction about a woman in Uganda


The woman in Uganda saves Uganda’s lost and abandoned children. She name is Gladys Kalibala. She was abandoned by her mother and raised by her grandfather. He was so kind people that she was very effected his love.
After her brother’s death, she started a news paper column in order to notify people that there are many abandoned children as a journalist.
Kalibala wants to start a foundation where she can raise more awareness and support these children by providing them with shelter and education.

I think Kalibala is the very good and clever woman. Whoever help people is great, but her motivation and devotion are things worthy of special mention.
First, in Africa, basically income is low because Blue-collar works account for much more than white-collar works. So as is often the case with Africa, some stars( for example famous soccer players who are active in European countries) feed not only their families but also relatives and orphanages. They have enormous money, so in a different point of view, they are natural for helping poverty. But Kalibala is not rich person. She is not a self -centered person. She work to save lost and abandoned children.
Second, Kalibala is using the mass media. It is very effective to use mass media because that can make scale of movement bigger. By using mass media, she can do more beyond her capacity.
For these reasons, I think Kalibala is a good and clever woman.


My reaction to elephant’s ivory.

I was impressed about the article that African elephant’s ivory. To catch ivory for making accessories or keyboards of pianos, many elephants have been killed. Because we have to kill an elephant whole to get ivory. Furthermore ivories come up only once a life.
Of course that African elephants face extinction is bad thing. Right from the beginning poaching them is illegal. So we should restrict ivory dealing . But I have a question at one point. The biggest consumers are Asian countries. Especially China and Japan. Does this dealing become so big issue if European countries are the biggest ones ? Let’s think another case. In japan people have eaten whales for long time. But European don’t have custom to eat them. So they can’t accept for Japan to catch them. Therefore whaling is restricted. Now I have raised some examples that European criticize Asian . But it doesn’t mean that European are selfish. What I would like to say is European tend to think they are the rightest. Europeans discriminated black people or native people during especially war time. They bring many disputes and wars. For example apartheid or the Rwandan civil war. They don’t have a relation with the cases of whales or elephants directly. But if Europeans have custom of eating whales and using ivory , catching them may not be so big issue. Far from it they probably make every effort to protect their interests. And to it another countries can’t fight against probably.
We should think about this dilemma when we talk about ivory dealing.

Somalia’s al-Shabab militants impose dress code.

Somalia’s al-Shabab militants have round up around 100 women and ordered them to comply with a strict Islamic dress code or risk being whipped. The women were told to wear a niqab, which covers all of their body and face, leaving just a small slit for their eyes. A UN-backed government,aided by African Union forces, has pushed al-Shabab out of the country’s main cities but it continues to stage deadly attacks there.

I beleive every woman has freedom of choice. It’s also freedom of choice that Musulim women voluntarily put on Islamic traditional clothes. However, even though men must protect women in Islamic doctorin, men cannot decide what wemen wear. In Europe, the separation of religion and politics is adopted. A lot of muslim women are uncomfortable about it, because they cannot wear what they want to wear. I think both insistences shold stopped, and I hope every women live happy to find their life-style.

Porching in Kenya-My reaction

  In my first group of last lesson, we talked about poaching in Kenya.
According to the article, one elephant was killed by an ivory poacher’s poisoned arrow to feed the seemingly insatiable demand for ivory in far off Kenya. The elephant was in the national park, where understaffed conservationists monitored him regularly to protect him from poachers.
After we read it, we focused on animal protection and its law.
 In Kenya, the government set the law which prohibit animal poaching, but actually poaching are happened. So in the problem like that some restriction often don’t work effectively.
Then what can we do from our public position?
 My opinion is that we should buy some products made by companies which cooperate on animal protection. For example, I always use cosmetics sold by LUSH (they’ve been fighting against animal testing for decades and believe in only buying ingredients from companies that do not commission tests on animals). Mr. Brewster also described his policies: He doesn’t eat whale’s meat, doesn’t buy products by Del Monte, and so on.
It is difficult for us to affect and change national law or regulation, but it is possible to assist and influence present social trend by our own actions. That is, I believe, the most important thing from now on.

Poaching elephants summary and my opinion

My group article talked about poaching elephants in Africa. A major wildlife conservation group reports many elephants were poached because some people get their ivory across the African continent last year.  Moreover, for the first time, more smuggled ivory was seized in Africa than in Asia. CITES Secretary General says it isn’t success that CITES seized many smuggled ivory. He says it is important that where and how the elephants were caught and who caught them. We have to survey details. On the other hand, poaching levels decreased in parks in some African countries.

I have two opinions. First, as long as illicit consumers exist, elephant population continue decline. Probably consumers are rich countries like Japan. We need a system which can crime the consumers under international law. Second, I think it isn’t someone else’s problem. Because Japan has a problem of research whaling. Japan claims that research whaling is possible because while population has increased enough to catch. There are many problems which are kind of culture, resource and to protect wildlife animals in it. To solve the problems like this, we have to balance each elements of problem. There is no doubt about to protect wildlife animals. But it’s true that everyone needs to eat animals. Other problems have to be solved without be emotionally.

World Cup city gripped by dengue fever



The main point of this article is about the brutal attack to the World Cup by dengue fever. Dengue fever which has the same effect as chronic influenza is all over the Brazilian city where Portugal’s team and Nigeria’s team will train for the World Cup. The virus is carried by mosquitos. More than 30000 people have been infected and 3 are dead. It is said that there is no cure for dengue fever, so prevention from being infected is the most important thing. Luckily, both teams are going to be in a mosquito-controlled place.


As I read through the article something was wrong. The news took up this article because the World Cup is being held. If the World Cup wasn’t held at Brazil, I think the brutal epidemic wouldn’t be any news. This is the point where I thought something was wrong. This kind of news should be informed at any circumstances. The article also says that the team is going to run a much smaller risk than the local people. I think the countermeasure should be held for local people too. Even though the soccer team has to train for world sized game, there should be no difference. What I want to say is that helping local people is a must and everyone should be more concerned about these kinds of matters not just focusing on the World Cup.

My reaction to Columbian News

I’m going to write about my reaction about Columbians news.
On 31 May 2014, Columbian police have arrested 46 members of Rastrojos criminal gang in northern Atrantico department. Rastrojos is the name of gang in Columbia.
When I read this article, I thought it was difficult to get rid of crimes. We can’t make the free-crime world even if some of offenders are arrested. So, in Columbia, the present problem of high rate of criminal incidence will not change due to this arrest.
In addition to Columbian police say that Rastrojos used children and teenagers to sell cocain and other illegal drugs in the area. That means they are bring up new generations of offenders. Then, what should we do in this situation? I can’t find solution for losing criminals completely but we may reduce these. I think the most important thing to do is that we ourselves have the intension of not committing.
The world may be changeable when individual small minds gather.

“Rastrojos members held in Barranquilla raid”― My Reaction

Colombian police have arrested criminal gang. They are accused of extortion from shop owners and smuggling drugs such as cocaine. They demanded about $35 a month from businessmen in the city. When people refused to pay extortion money, the gang threatened and often attacked them. They have been related to at least 12 grenade attacks. They also used children and teenagers to sell illegal drugs. President Santos who is now running for re-election said they will continue fighting those thugs relentlessly.

I think that Colombia has to propose some drastic measures. Not only arresting but also  not producing thugs is important. If all of the Rastrojos members are arrested, new gang would appear. I think that the social system such as education and economy have to be reformed. I was shocked when I heard teenagers cooperated with gang. They may not receive public education and know that what they are doing is illegal. One of these days, they would become a criminal and the negative chain continue. I think it is necessary to make the society which prisoners can resume their place in. For that purpose, stable economic development and stable social order are needed. I expect President to carry out basically and radical reforms.

what I thought through the lesson

What I was most interested in the class was the article of whether the Brazil airports will be ready in time for the world cup. This week, the world cup will be held on. However, the main airport isnt ready yet in Brazil. People in Brazil say that it will be ready in time, but I dont think so. This is because not only the airport but also the stadium isnt ready too.The chairs in the stadium hasnt been  made yet.

i think holding the world cup in developing country is not a good idea. This article was about the airport. However, there are more problem, for example diseases whick are caused by mosquitoes. When thinking where is the best place to hold the world cup, we have to think it sincerely and carefully.

My reaction to the “bubble” in Brazil


These days, in Brazil, the “bubble” is growing bigger and bigger. As Salaries increase and mortgages become easier to take out, house prices climb. For example, property prices in Rio de Janeiro have risen more than 250% in 6 years. This is because people in not only Brazil but also other countries invest more and more money in housing market. The 2014 World Cup is held in Brazil and Rio de Janeiro was the host country of the 2016 Olympic Games. Therefore, investors take notices of these events. According to a local, this tendency will continue for the time being.


My opinion

The present situation of Brazil is very dangerous. When the “bubble” crushes, Brazilian economy and people’s lives will collapse. For example of this, Japan experienced the bubble economy and recession after that. From the late 1980s, land prices and stock prices soared, and people invested much money in real estates and stocks. However, in the early 1990s, the “bubble” crushed and many people lost much money. Considering this example, the “bubble” in Brazil will crush in a few years and the money for Olympic will not be secured.In addition, the gap between the poor and the rich is very wide in Brazil. This means that a little recession can break poor people’ lives. Therefore, the Brazilian government should adopt a policy of restraint and calm down the heat of investment.