Made in Africa -My Reaction-

In these days a lot of companies notice that manufacturing in Africa takes low costs.  There are some African countries growing rapidly in economy. However, it would rather be costly if they fail to develop manufacturing in Africa. Everywhere we see many kinds of products which are made in China, Taiwan or Vietnam but not in African countries. In spite of economic growth in Africa, Africa constitutes only  2% share of the world’s total manufacturing output. Asian and North American countries have more than 60% of the share. It can be said that Africa has less trust, compared with these countries. To attract more foreign investment, Africa needs structral transformation.

I think it is a good way to manufacture in Africa. There is vast land, and labor costs for workers are relatively low. In Europe or America, Africa is nearer than Asia. It might be cheaper in terms of transportation.  However, it is true that companies would be anxious about doing so. A brand of “made in Africa” is not yet familiar to us and workers there may not be used to manufacturing. Still, I think it necessary for companies to do so in order to introduce technology or techniques in Africa. It is a duty of advanced countries to help develop other countries. We should not always look after our own interests. I guess Africa will succeed in receiving lots of companies in ten years.

My reaction about African elephants.


Africa elephants ‘face survival threat’ from poaching According to the office of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the elephants in Africa still face large-scale poaching that endangers its survival as species. Ivory continues to see its high demand globally despite the law enforcement on its international trade by Cites. The number of Ivory seizure in Africa is more than that of Asia for the first time. Conservationists believe that the number of poaching is actually increasing in some areas. Although policing against poaching is becoming more strict in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, elephants in these countries account for 80% of Africa’s Ivory.


★My thoughts

Extinction of elephants is a highly concerned issue inthe global scale as there are many activists and organizations that advocate for animal rights today. I was surprised by the number of elephants killed in 2013. I also did not know that there still is very high demand in Ivory over the world. It seems to me that there are some cultural factors behind the high demand. For example, in Japan Ivory was long used to make name stamps for impression seal. For such reason, I could easily imagine Ivory being traded in many countries, even though it is internationally illegal. I believe there needs to be more strict law enforcement system that could possibly stop the elephants in Africa from extinguishing. In fact, I don’t see any other way that could be more practical in terminating poaching. In order to do this, there needs to be a firm structure that could police the poaching in the local level so that the patrolling will be more effective. I also believe there should be higher awareness on this issue. There are activists and organizations that voice the injustice; however, there needs to be more people involved. Even though people and companies who demand Ivory today may know about this tragedy, I still think it’s important to pressure them to save the elephants in Africa from extinction.

My reaction to the articlle ‘Made in Africa: Is manufacturing taking off on the continent?’

The low cost manufacturing in Africa is expected all over the world.
Until now, It has been ubiquitous for us to find the products which were made in China. While Africa commands a meager 1.5% share of the world’s total manufacturing output.
Africa Progress Panel report says “Economies that have sustained high growth over the long term have gone through a process of economic diversification.There have been not characteristics of growth in Africa, even in sectors that are attracting foreign investment. where are little structural transformation.

I was surprised at that Africa having not been expected all over the world because I thought Africa has already attracted Europe or USA… but it was wrong. Africa is the one of the areas with hidden potential.
By the way  I have anxiety when I heard about this news. That is the oppressive working conditions like other developing countries.
There may be nothing I can do but I wish anyone must not die or be injured by the condition….
so I think  it’s big problem for people all over the world  to solve,
and we should think about the manufacturing that costs low price.

Nigeria Gunmen Kidnap 20 Women in Northeast- my reaction


Boko Haram abducted 20 nomadic women in northeast Nigeria. On April 15, the group had already kidnapped more than 300 girl students and young women in the same place.

Boko Haram is an Islamic group and their purpose is foundation of Islamic country in Nigeria.

The group of vigilante is prepared to resist Boko Haram’s military actions. A member of the vigilante stated that a member of Boko Haram compelled the women to enter their vehicles and abducted the women and the young men who trid to save the women from Boko Haram.

275 of the kidnapped girls haven’t been found yet.


My reaction

Boko Haram is growing as a serious issue and receiving international attention so we have to consider a solution as soon as possible.

I‘d like to discuss two problems, concerning Boko Haram. The first problems is that Boko Haram has a big power in Nigeria and the second is that it is difficult to save women and children.

Firstly, why does Boko Haram have strong influence in Nigeria? The members have a lot of guns. In other words, they have much money so they can act in the way they like.

I think The Nigerian Government has to find Boko Haram’s source of income and restrict their action. However, in Nigeria the government doesn’t have authority so the government doesn’t have a power to stop Boko Haram. Of course, the vigilantes try to restrict Boko Haram, but the act of vigilantes don’t have justified because they are not an official group of Nigeria.

This is why the government has to recover the authority to suppress Boko Haram’s attack.

Secondly, abductions are invasion of women and children’s right. These are immoral action and provoke antipathy in the whole world. So we have to rescue them.

I think Nigerian government should receive support from surrounding countries and developed countries. Almost all countries have recognized that Boko Haram is a dangerous group so it is not difficult to get their support. In fact Britain and America already have stated that they will help gathering information. However, Boko Haram hates western culture so the huge religious conflict may take place if other countries give aid.

This is why Supporting countries need to consider seriously how to save the women and children.

my reaction about resula

my article was about the problem of resula animal that we might can’t see anymore because of destruction of nature by human.

actually, resula was found recently. it is new species in africa. however, if people try to save their teritory and lives they can’t use their soil for living.

my opinion about this problem is securing the teritory of resula by compensating for the people who living in that very teritory.

maybe this isn’t best choice but i strongly believe that resula can have their teritory if the government offer appropriate compensation for the people. they can’t keep their lives without their teritory because africa is not a developed country so they have to keep argriculture life, but without that land,

none of resula can’t be saved. it is very important to keep resula safe because they are whole new species.  if resula is extincted

maybe there is no more chance to see them again. it’s quite a big deal. many of species are being extincted even at this moment. resula could be one of them and we can make that never happen by offering some compensation.

Reaction to an article about explosion in public viewing center


In Nigeria explosion occured at a soccer public viewing center when people watched a World Cup match. A hospital source said 21 people were killed and another 27 people were injured. The explosives had been concealed in an abandoned motorized rickshaw. Northrn Nigeria where the incident occured is the home of Boko Haram group. A police official said they had warned the viewing centers not to open during World Cup. And people in the town had been warned not to gather to watch the World Cup games, another local official said. People are very afraid and stay in home.



As the article says, Boko Haram not only have kidnapped a lot of school girls but also caused an exposion even at a World Cup viewing center while people enjoyed watching a game. When I hear about terrorist activity news, I always wonder whether it is really effective way to realise their goal, or making islamic state. I think they cannot attract people by such ways. They never get favor from people with violence. It means they can never realise their goal. But today there are a lot of terrorist groups around the world. It’s incomprehensible but all the more interesting to examine for me.

My reaction for Africa’s elephant

Our group discussed the survival of Africa’s elephants. More than 20,000 Africa’s elephants were poached in 2013 and the levels were far above the elephant birth rate. Transnational organized crime appeared to be involved in the trade. However, the trade of ivory has decreased because of Cites’ regulation of the international trade of plants and animals and there is the rise in China for legal mammoth ivory. Regardless of this good news, in some countries, elephants were still endangered species.

I think that Cites had good influence to the decrease of trade of the ivory, but they or other institution need new solution for poaching and illegally trading. Cites regulate illegally trading of plants and animals, but protection of plants and animals which are poached is not enough to save those species. Protecting them has three types, punishing, establishing zoos, and stimulating interest in them.
Firstly, punishing poachers has good influence to the protection to a certain extent, yet too severe punishment may cause hard resistance so appropriate punishment is need.
Secondly, establishing zoos is difficult, but it is very useful and can be a long-period solution. The foundation needs a large amounts of money and many specialists about plants and animals. However, it makes the easy protection of them for a long time.
Finally, stimulating interest is a world-wide solution. If it succeed, many institutions are founded and they act themselves for the protection. It means that particular countries need not to spent money and all institutions cooperate each other for the protection.
In conclusion, the constitution of low, foundation of zoos, and a stimulus of the interest are effective for protection of plants and animals.

my ration to the protesters in Uganda

During a conference in Uganda, two protesters let loose two piglets, which was colored yellow and attached the slogans alleging members of the parliament are corrupt. They faced charges of criminal trespass,     conspiracy to sneak piglets into parliament and interrupting parliament work. Several police on duty at the time also faced charges of neglect of duty. The security forces are on alert over fears of terrorist attacks, because it was “standard practice” to test for terrorism-related material as ” there could have been another motive other than protest.”

Apparently, this case is rare and funny, but I think it’s more complicated. First, this case must have appeared on many newspapers, on TV, and on the Internet news because it had a strong impression. So the protesters succeeded in attracting many people’s attention and  making their message spread around the world. Second, as the spokesman said, this would be the preparation for the next action, terrorism. When I consider the other possibility, such as bombs on piglets’ back, it’s really terrible. Uganda’s social system is not functioning properly, and parliament does’t satisfy people, police are neglecting, I feel it’s natural to occur such a protest, but the way they resorted is never good.

My reaction about Ebola deaths pass 300 in West Africa -WHO

Our group discussed about Ebola.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people killed by the deadly Ebola Virus in West Africa has risen to 337. The virus occurs in southern Guinea’s Guekedou region suddenly, but then spread to its neighbors. So it is spread by close contact.
More than 500 suspected or confirmed cases of the virus have been recorded. In addition the death rate is very high. It is because there is no cure or vaccine for Ebola. Symptoms include internal and external bleeding, diarrhea and vomiting.
The WHO said it was working with the three countries to strengthen cross-border collaboration aimed at tacking the outbreak. Therefore it does not recommend any travel or trade restriction on the three countries.

Ebola is incurable disease. It is so terrible. But we cannot solve this problem easily.
I think that the government should educate people about Ebola at school, office, and media. People need to learn that Ebola is dangerous to people.
Most dangerous thing about Ebola is no cure or vaccine. We cannot get recover if we are infected with Ebola virus. So we must prevent us from being infected with Ebola virus. It is necessary to confine any travel or trade on the three countries where infection was suspected or confirmed so that the WHO recommended it.
In addition, developed countries should help the three countries develop new cure, vaccine and medicine. It is important that many countries cooperate to lose Ebola.
It takes a lot of time to reduce people infected with Ebola. I hope that people suffering in Ebola disappear.



We discussed the article about Nigeria gunmen ‘Boko Haram’ who abducted 20 women in northeast Nigeria. On April 25, at the same place, they kidnapped more than 300 school girls.A member of the vigilante groups who resist Boko Haram’s attack testified that he saw the men  compelled the women to enter their vehicles and taken away. The group also kidnapped three young men who tried to prevent the kidnapping, and now they want to found an Islamic state in their country.


Through this article, I found two points at issue that we should think seriously.  First, how the women treated all over the world.  In Nigeria, or in any other developing countries in Africa, the girls are often implicated the crime.  On the other hand, to our surprise, the discrimination against women still linger in the developed countries like Japan. We should grasp what is happening around the women all over the world. Second, how to stop the inhuman crimes as this case. I think it is necessary not to pass weapon  into the dangerous group. And of course, the highest priority is that the government gains power strong enough  to stop the groups having their own way in everything.