About Ireland’s smoking ban


Ireland was the first country which enact smoking ban in the world . That extend to not only a workplace but also restaurant. Smoking in enclosed workplace is made illegal and punishable by a fine.
This law was copied by some countries. And recent research prove the smoking ban has a positive effect for health.
But we can’t completely sense that smoking rates decline everywhere. If you can’t smoke inside, you would smoke outside. So it is probable that more and more people in outside smoke or are inclined to smoke.


I think the smoking ban is moderately necessary. Sweeping smoking ban is too hard.There are three reasons for this.
First, recently many societies have had negative image for smoking. Health problem,especially passive smoking is very cared.
Second, there are companies of cigarettes. They have a lot of employees and influence on economy. So if the sweeping smoking ban is enforced, employment decrease and economy has big damages.
Last, there are many people who like smoke. Although Cigarettes are ordinary legal products, the suddenly Smoking ban is very hard. We should think not only nonsmoking but also smoker more carefully.
For these reasons, I think sweeping smoking ban is too hard. We should separate smoker from nonsmoking more hard or we should make cigarettes more expensive products.


My opinion about Turkey’s invasion

Turkey invaded Cyprus . Cyprus was governed by Greece and Turkey. Europe ‘s top human right’s court ordered Turkey to pay 90 million euros. Furthermore it required Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities make effort to reunite the island.
Such territorial problems often happen all over the world. Japan have also many troubles. For example sennkaku island (China ) , takeshima (Korea ) and hoppouryoudo (Russia) . Base of these problems is resource. On the growth of countries resources are indispensable. So it is natural that they become desperate. Now these rows ‘ point is that they think they are right themselves each other. So they can’t accept opponent. Far from it they cannot even listen to him. Because of these dilemma they even don’t discuss.But we Japanese should debate more with these countries. Because they are neighboring countries. Especially with China and Korea . On the economical aspect we should have strong tie with China. On the defense to North Korea we should make friends with Korea . So debating is indispensable . Sure,these islands are Japanese’ on the letter but opponents don’t regard it as the point at issue. Right from the beginning they doubt that these islands are Japanese’. So first, we Japanese must understand this aspect. But still we need not concede. What I would like to say is to listen each other is important.

Referendums in Ukraineーmy reaction

This is the topic about the referendums enforced in Ukraine.
 The subject was that whether Ukraine’s two eastern regions (Donetsk and Luhansk) should be practically independence or not.
 The referendums were certainly enforced by pro-Russian, but there were no voting booths in places and no electoral register.
 So this vote was condemned by Ukraine.
 I think the referendums should be voted again, because people suspect that this vote had some illegal points.
 For example, government of Ukraine had found over 100 thousands of ballot paper which already put “approved” sign 1 before day of the vote.
 In addition, there was no an official electoral roll.
 It meant that whoever elector in Donetsk could vote in any times and in any place.
 In short, this time’s referendums was nearly illegal and the condition was so bad.
 Do you think that such confused vote is legal?
 I don’t think so.
 The government of Ukraine or the pre-Russian faction must be set a clean and right condition of the referendums, and then it would be carried out.
 The problem have continued from now on――whether the government of Ukraine accept the regions’ independence, after the independence, whether the regions would be admitted by Russia, etc.
These are very difficult problems, but I hope they are solved in good direction, and the policy would be each other’s benefit.