Bosnia and Serbia emergency after “worst ever” floods

My topic is Bosnia and Serbia emergency after “worst ever” floods.

It happened the heaviest rain and worst floods since records began 120 years ago in Bosnia and Serbia. Overflowing rivers have burst into towns and villages, cutting off whole communications, while landslides have buried houses. Army helicopters have been sent to evacuate thousands of stranded residents but reports say bad weather is hampering the efforts. Serbia`s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said his government had appealed for help from the EU, Russia and neighbouring countries. Rescuers in Serbia have so far managed to evacuate around 4000 people. In Bosnia, army helicopters have been trying to rescue residents. But strong wind and rain may be hampering the efforts. The rescue pilot said “This is the most difficult mission I have ever participated in.”


After reading article, I think that it happens a lot of abnormal wheater all over the world recently. For example, in Japan, there are a lot of Gerirra Gouu i.e. heavy rain, tornados, too high temperature and so on. Environmental problem is the important thing for ourselves now. Therefor, we have to improve the global issues. In other words, we should put off rights, decreas CO2, protect the nature resource and so on. We never forget the crisis of globe and ourselves life.

My reaction “Britain’a magnet for immigrants'”

Many migrants were entering Britain illegally through France every year.Philippe Mignonet, who is also the town’s deputy mayor, said, “The ease with which illegal immigrants can work on the black market in Britain, coupled with the fact that migrants’ family members can more easily join them, means that Britain is a magnet for illegal immigrants.”

Moreover, he mentioned about the most appropriate solution to the British problem, he said, “The quickest, most radical and easiest solution would be simply to shift the border from Calais to Dover and Folkestone and then the problem wouldn’t be handled in France but Britain.”

In addition, committee chairwoman Margaret Hodge said, “The border Force prioritised passenger checks on arrival at the expense of other duties and weakened the security of our borders.” “The morale of staff is at rock bottom, threatening the prospect of achieving the increases in productivity and flexibility of workforce which the Border Force so sorely needs.”

I think that immigrants are good for economic growth in the countries and international communication around the world. Immigrants will be produce many goods and money, economies of the world will be grow up. Moreover, immigrants bring their own cultures from the mother country to other country. That is very good for grobal communications.

However,  illegal immigrants bring some problems. I agree with Margaret opinion that threatening the prospect of achieving the increases in productivity and flexibility of workforce which the Border Force so sorely needs.

EU raises its growth forecast for 2014

European debt crisis happened because of Greek debt crisis in 2010. The European Union helped Greece government pay its creditors. This made investors nervous about other nations, such as Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain. However, the European Commission has raised its growth forecast for the EU, saying that “the recovery has taken hold”.

Continued reform efforts by member nations and EU itself are succeeding. But I think that it takes so long time to solve this crisis entirely. Economic differentiation among EU member nations is very wide. For Europe’s biggest economy, Germany, it must be troublesome to help other states. On the other hand, in the nations which were forced to cutting in expenditures drastically, backlash against EU has become strong.

I think Euro is very wonderful currency. It connects the nations which had engaged with each other again and again, and it might become the key to avoid war. I hope EU economy recovers and cooperation with Asia also succeed.

Ireland’s smoking ban -my opinion-

March 29 marked the 10-year anniversary of a workplace smoking ban in Ireland, extending to pubs and restaurants. Ireland was the first country worldwide to enact such a sweeping ban. A lot of countries joined Ireland in creating a nationwide workplace smoking ban. Statistics show a national decline in post-ban smoking so it is said that the ban is a success. However Mary Byrne, a Dublin counter, says the ban has the opposite effect on smokers. She claims that the ban makes people smoke outside, then you see them and take one. She started smoking after the ban. Banning doesn’t always have a good effect.

Last week our group discussed the Ireland’s smoking ban. Though the number of people smoking in Japan is less than that of other advanced countries, we should decrease the number more.  As I don’t smoke, I can’t think of any good points of smoking. It is true that one who smokes looks cool and that smoking reduces our stress. However I don’t think we should run the risk of dying of cancer. Mary says the ban had no effects on smokers. I’m against her. The smoking prevalence rate has decreased surely, and her case is not common. I suggest the government put more taxes on cigarettes. Besides it is a good way to make smokers notice that smoking does harm on our health by putting warnings on boxes of cigarettes.



The main topic of my group was manipularation of voting in ukraine. First time i saw this topic, i remembered some happening in south korea. As a matter of fact, serious fraud case heppened in korea. After it had turned out a huge fraud, many people were upset about that. However, the same case just happened in ukraine.
An important vote was held in ukraine and it was about independence of part of ukraine. According to the result of vote, almost 80% of people in east ukraine ageeded with the idea of becoming independent while the government of america is denying the legality of vote.
If east part of ukraine unite with Russia, it would be unplesure happening for america. I think that is why the government of america insist that the vote for independence in east ukraine is illegal.
one of friend of mine say everyone have a right to want democracy so it is not illegal to do a vote for independense. I agree to my friend but partly because it was the part of ukraine where vote was held. Usually it is unacceptable for part of country to become independent because it causes chaos to entire country. However, in this case, several problems in ukraine have been an issue and the whole situation is at the chaos already. So i think maybe the vote could be permitted.

Polls close in eastern Ukraine

My group article said that the Ukraine problem. Recently, many people who live in eastern Ukraine wanted to independence from Ukraine. So, referendums held by the people in two cities. But there is a lot of fraud. For example, several people did double voting. Moreover to bullets were fired and to some police prevented people from voting happened. Two incidents heightened tensions at polling places. The Ukraine governor didn’t accept right of the polls. And, the present, they can’t control activists. Russia allegedly support to activists.

I have two opinions about this article.

First, I think the poll isn’t right. Because it isn’t important that just hold referendum. It is important that hold referendum right. Right referendum doesn’t have to have fraud.

Second, I think the issue is not only in eastern Ukraine but also between Europe countries, U.S. and Russia. Present situation is likely to become the cold war again. We have to avoid that regional dispute become world war. If world war happen again, we may go to bust. We learned wars are un productive and terrible. Even strong countries like U.S. and Russia never get everything own way.

I hope that to solve the issue in eastern Ukraine peacefully.

My reaction about the EU’s economy

My topic is economy of European Union. EU’s economy has become worse since Greece’s bankruptcy was occurred as people already know. However experts say that It is expected that the EU’s economy will be get better after a long time. And It also expected that job and growth forecast will be better than the early expectation of this year.

I hope the EU’s economy to get better quickly because if the economy of huge region such as Europe gets worse, not only Europe’s but also all of the world’s economy gets worse together including my country. Actually I don’t know very well about economy but I think that the economy of EU needs to get better for every country. And I hope the economy of my country also to be improved. I want to hear the news that Korea’s employment rate of young people will be better after all and price will be lower. I don’t even remember when the economy of Korea was good.

And I think discussing current news in English is good not only to improve English skill, but also to know international current news and develop discussing ability. I’m not good at speaking English like other students, but I think this class will makes me more fluent at speaking English. I will try hard to speak in English.

Appeal over decision to halt fraud trial -my opinion-


A decision  to halt a fraud trial  meant they defendants could not find barristers to represent them. they could not find to be challenged by the Financial Conduct Autority. This is because Legal aid fees in England and Wales have been cut by up to 30%. As a result, many barristers refused to take on long or complex cases.


I was shocked to read this topic. According to this topic, Legal aid fees in England and Wales have been cut by up to 30%. Therefore, many barristers didn’t take on long or complex cases. It means defendants can’t have rights that they are tried a trial justifiably. This is serious problem. If I were a barrister, I would not refuse to these cases. In other words, we should provide enough legal aid fees for barristers to take a justifiable trial. So, I can’t agree that Legal aid fees in England and Wales have been cut by up to 30%. Thus, it  has to change its system as soon as possible in my opinion. This is what I thought to read this topic .



Reaction about Ireland’s smoking ban

March 29 marked the 10 years anniversary of a workplace smoking ban in Ireland, extending to pubs and restaurants. Ireland was the first country worldwide to enact such a sweeping ban. The sweeping ban has spawned copycat law across the globe.

Some people think it as success, because smoking ban is saving lives and improving our overall health as a nation. In fact, the smoking prevalence rate has decreased more than 7% since the launch of the ban.

But other people think it as the opposite effect.  They say the ban has helped smoking more, that’s because everyone was smoking outside, you’d take one. The ban make people smoking outside, not inside. So, there are more chance to see people smoking outside.

In this article, one of the way to stop people smoking is to make smoking illegal, punishable by a fine of up to 3,000euros, or about$4,200.

I think there are two other ways for it, tax and package.

First, raising tax on a cigarette is effective. It is more effective than a fine to collect people’s money and treat justly. Smoking outside is not necessary punished by police, so the lucky is safe!

Second, packages on cigarette cases are also important. In Japan, many announces is written on them, for example risk for lung cancer and several bad effects for our health.  This doesn’t make people buy a lot of cigarettes.

There are many ways to prevent people from smoking too much.

Pollution in developing country

This topic is about china’s waste plant protest in hagzhou. It says that atmospheric pollution caused by planned waste incineration is getting worse. According to the topic, a lot of people were injured because of violent protest against pollution.

I’ll discuss about this problem from 2 different point of view.
First I’ll analyze the cause of these serious pollution in developing country. At second time I’ll try to find solution to resolve those problems related to pollution.
Why pollution is increasing in developing country (like china or India)? In my opinion, I think that environmental pollution  deteriorate correspondingly to the economy growth. When the consumption increase, industries have to rise their production to satisfy demand which require a massive consumption of energy (this exploitation of energy is nowadays regarded as one of the cause of pollution). As a result, the overuse of energy supported by the growing economy lead developing country to pollution.
How can we prevent pollution? I think the lack of technologic strength is the principal cause of pollution in developing country, which explains why contamination level of those country is higher than advanced country’s. Furthermore, I think less attention is paid to environmental protection and environmental standards are often inappropriate or not effective.Reducing environment pollution through innovation is required. Develop and improve pollution control techniques is a feasible solution to prevent pollution.