A main topic of this article is religious conflict between Muslims and Christians in Central African Republic (CAR).
A French journalist was murdered in CAR during her working.
Citing her last tweet, the article says that this accident is attributed to disturbed social order and security triggered by religious conflict between Muslims and Christians. Although there’re already thousands of troops from the African Union, France and EU, CAR still cannot gain quietness.

The article brings several issues on the table, but I’d like to refer two of them.
The main issue is the difficulty in co-existing different religions in the same community, especially between Muslims and Christians. I think it is because those two can be both characterized as major religions of monotheism with strong exclusivity. They believe that their worship is one and only worship all people should believe. In addition, people, where the idea of secular politics is not matured enough, are more likely to attack other religions over political authority. I think these characteristics of religions results in prolonging religious conflict.
Another issue I mention is that the safety of people working in countries where social order is unstable. As we can see a case of a murdered French journalist, it seemed to be difficult for the French government to avoid the accidents. The international communities already pressurized CAR in aspect of diplomacy and military even before she was murdered, because there were consensus among foreign countries that the government of CAR lacks capability to control. Therefore, I think foreign governments should seek another way in order to protect people working in developing countries.

French journalist Camille Lepage killed in CAR


We talked about a french journalist who was killed in CAR(Central African Republic). Her body was found by a french police in the Bouar region. According to her last tweet, she was travelling with the anti-balaka militia by moterbike to a dangerous area where 150 people had been killed by Seleka rebels since March. And her killers have not been found yet. Besides, security in CAR is getting worse in recent months. Because of conflict erupted in March 2013 between mainly Muslim and Christian militia, a quaeter of CAR’s population have taken refuge.


Of course I have no idea about who killed her , but this article made me to think how international criminal should be solved between the countries. Today, it is not rare to be implicated in a crime in a foreign country especially for journalist like her. Both countries have to cooperate with eath other in oder to inquire into the truth of the matter as soon as possible. And my friend and I noticed that not only this article but another one are related to an opposition between Muslim and Christian. It is a common problem all over the world, we discussed. And it sometimes brings about a dispute, so we have to understand correctly the backgraund of a dispute between defferent religions, and find a settlement, I thought.

My reaction about police warn visitors, `Don`t scream if robbed`


Brazil has the World Cup next month. But Brazil also has one of the world`s highest murder rates. In 2012, the UN office on Drugs and Crime said 25.2 people are killed per 100,000 population.

So Brazilian police have put together a phamphlet of top tips for staying safe during the World Cup next month. In those phamplet they suggest such as making sure not to scream if someone tries to rob you. If you say this simply, it`ll be “Do not react, scream or argue.“


Ofcource, I can understand why Brazilian police suggest like “Do not react, scream or argue”. The idea is apparently to warn visitors not to provoke robbers into further violence, and avoid the increasingly common crime.

But, tourists come from all over the world(in this article it says tourists come mainly from Europe and the United States), and I think the those kind of people do not see this crime very often in their countries. So, not to react, scream or argue if they are robbed will be a severe suggestion to them.

At no sistant date, the World Cup will be held in Brazil. I think that Brazilian police find another way to do the World Cup safely. And it`ll be the biggest issue for Brazil.



My reaction about more than 25% of young people share parents’homes


The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said more than 3.3 million adults between the ages of 20 and 34 were living with parents in 2013, 26% of that age group. It also found young men more likely to live at home than women.
The ONS suggested the trend of living at home might be due to the recent economic downtown.
According to Karen Gask, senior research officer at the ONS, one of the main reasons is housing affordability, and that’s been cited by several academics who’ve looked into it.


I think it is not so good that a quarter of young people in the UK living with their parents.
It is comfortable for them to have their parents do housework. But, they become independent and should live. This is because I think that if they depend on their parent forever, they cannot grow up. Moreover, if their parents die, they may not live alone.
However, they cannot spend money to buy a house. It is difficult to buy a house for their salary. But, they should be able to live in the cheap and small house. So, they cannot live with their parent by the reason of a salary being low.

In addition, there are some reasons that young men are more likely to live with their parents than women. Firstly, men cannot do housework than women. Secondly, men often inherit the house of parents than women. But, I think that men have higher salary than women. So, I think that more men become to live independently.

French journalist killed in CAR -summary and reaction-

In the last class, I read an article which said French journalist was killed in Central African Republic.

It is said security in CAR has deteriorated in recent months. Mainly because of a conflict between christian, who form the majority, and muslim. French journalist seemed to be involved in fighting and killed when she was travelling near the CAR border with Cameroon. About this case, French presidency said all means necesally would bo taken to shed light, and actually the EU has deployed troops there.


I thought up three things after reading this article; the physical danger of the journalism as own job, the fact of existance of conflict inside one country, and finally the fact of intervension by other countries.

Firstly, I realised the possibility of getting injured or even being killed in the work of journalism. I am taking a journalism into an option of my furture job, so I felt I had to think about my furture more seriously.

Secondly, I realised there were still a lot of conflicts inside one country around the world. As I live in Japan, it is not very familiar to me. So I have to see problems which occure in other countries ,especially not big countries.

Thirdly, I was surprised by that EU deploysed troops to take control of security in CAR. Why can EU take a millitary action in other country? What kind of relationship based on law is there between EU and CAR? These question occured to me. I have to check them.

My reaction about the article was these three things above.



Veil bans in France-my reaction



Wearing veil in public was banned in France. A strict control was carried out. If people break the rule, they will be fined. These days, Muslim population is rapidly increasing  so The French Government made  this rule.The government claims that this rule focuses not on the religion but on the security.Also, French President Nicholas Sarkozy says that the veil restricts women’s rights and this is a discrimination against women.

Some people are against the government’s opinion. They argue that these bans will lead the conflict between Islamic culture and western culture.Also, other opponents say that the bans deprive the women of their freedom.

After all, this debate is still growing.


My reaction

I’d like to discuss this topic from two points of view. The first point is French attitude toward religions and the second one is women’s rights.

Firstly, why did The French Government imposed veil ban? In fact, it is clearly written in the constitution that France is nonreligious nation. Therefore, it is thought that people shouldn’t show religious attitude in public.

However, in my opinion, I think this attitude is too strict. Wearing veil doesn’t affect the other people. Moreover, Muslims don’t force their religion on French people. This is why I think government doesn’t have a right to make such a rule.

Secondly, I refer to women’s rights. French President Nicholas Sarkozy claims that veil is discrimination against women. However, I think Muslim women wear veils without being imposed by someone . Is this discrimination for women? It seems that veil bans rather prevent Muslim women from living freely.

This is why I think France should have a more generous attitude toward religions.

My reaction about Manchester City Fined for Violating Financial Fair


European soccer’s governing body fined Manchester City around $30 million on Friday and will limit its squad to 21 players in next season’s Champions League for breaking the rules of Financial Fair Play.

Manchester City is the biggest spenders in Europe since 2009. Over the past there seasons, it has laid out more than $400 million on signing new players.



The current football situations in which rich teams get better players and can be stronger is right or wrong, fair or unfair. I think it is right. There are 3 reasons.

First, most soccer fans are wants a strong team. So get better player can be make strong team.

Second, It is factors that create an environment to gather a good player.

In order to fix the environment, various costs will be charged.

Third, Football is one of the businesses. It is natural because it is the modern is freely moved in negotiations.


Conclusion I think rich teams get better players and can be stronger is right.

Vail bans


In France, the number of Muslims is increasing these days. As you know, Muslim women have to wear veil to cover themselves. It’s natural for Muslims to do so, but French people  think it is not good to cover themselves entirely. There are provocative devates about whether the veils is religious or repression, in short, whether Muslim women wear veils by their simple faith or by obedience. French president Nicholas Sarkozy says “the veils is used to oppress women. It is not a religious symbol, it is sign of en slavement. It will not welcome in the French Republic.” The Netherlands and Belgium aoso have opinions closed to France.


I think Muslims don’t have to compel women to wear veils. There are some reasons to support my opinion. First, as France says, everyone, of course women are free to wear what they wont to wear. Second, if  he or she believes a religion, he or she don’t have to obey as a slave. Of course, believing something is so good, but even so,we should live freely because  we are humen beings. We are not slaves.There are some religion in the world, and in each religion, there are some rules to follow.But I think you had better fight ageinst it if you don’t wont to follow.

Thank you for reading.                                Akiko Yano

Manchester City fined for violating financial fair play

European soccer’s governing body fined Manchester City around $30 million and will limit its squad to 21 players in next season’s Champions League for breaking the rules of Financial Fair Play.
The club has been among the biggest spenders in Europe. Over the past 3 seasons, it has laid out more than $400 million on signing new players.
It is not only club that was cited by UEFA for violating the regulations. Another 8 clubs were cited for this.

The heart of this article is whether it is right or wrong to lay out much money to get good players. In my idea, it is right. There are 2 reasons for this.
First, Laying out much money for the player can be the barometer that the club appreciate the player. The expectation for the player becomes bigger as to be laid out more money.
Second, from the principle of capitalism, it isn’t able to avoid free competitions. It is usual in this world for the weak to become the victim of the strong. That’s life.

Therefore I think Laying out much money to get much money is right.

My reaction about lesbian couple’s adoption


In France,there are two sides to subject of lesbian couple.
One is a sapporter for lesbian couple’s adoption,and the other is an opponent.
France legalized gay marriage nearly a year ago. But,anger as French judge blocks lesbian couple’s adoption.
One of the lesbian rights activist said”shows in a blatant and violent way how inequality persists between the children of h
omosexual parents and those of heterosexual parents”.
Then French judges have allowed lesbian couples to adopt infants.
France’s same-sex marriage law also legalized gay adoption. Opponents staged huge rallies against it but President signed th
e “Taubira” bill into law.


I think French judges should allow same-sex marriage and same-sex couple’s adoption.Of corse, not only gay couple’s adoption
but also lesbian.
There are three reasons for this.
First,all men are created equal and we are freedom.So we can choose evrey way.
Second,recently many societis have not had negative image for same-sex marriage.So there are not reasons to prevent.
Third,there are many people who are gay and lesbian couple.If French law prevent a French lesbian couple from adopting an in
fant,many people will be unmarried person.
For these reasons,I think French judges should allow same-sax marriage and same-sax couple’s aadoption.
And I think this opinion is applicable to Japan.