Category Archives: daiki

My Opinion For Education


I’d like to mention about both pros and cons for Mr. Robinson’s opinions.


Basically, I agree with his opinion that teachers should notice children’s talents and try to develop them. There is an idiom “what one likes, one will do best”. The story of Gillian Lynne who is a dancer he provided is a good example of it. So teachers should notice students’ curiosities and respect each imagination. And I also agree with the opinion that score isn’t everything of students.


However, I can’t agree with his opinions at mainly three points.


First, it’s about the role of a school. He said, “There isn’t an education system on the planet that teaches dance every day to children the way we teach them mathematics. Why? Why not?” Of course, I think “minor subject” called in Japan, such as arts and music should be respected as same as other subjects. But originally schools don’t set the motto to develop children’s specific abilities. I think public education is for all people so educations in the school should meet common needs. One of the common needs is to learn basic and universal knowledge to live. It is natural that reading, writing and arithmetic are focused on classes. In addition, students can enjoy club activities so there is an opportunity to develop their talents except studies.


Second, it’s about the way to find your talents. I don’t hope schools make an atmosphere that each talent is the most important. Because if you can’t notice your talents, you’ll spend too much time to find what your talent is. It’s a waste of time, isn’t it? Takashi Saito, a Japanese educator, writes as follows in his work “Lessons from Yukichi Fukuzawa”. “If you think about your talents, it must be difficult to challenge new things.” We can’t find own talents easily so we have to pile up much experience. After that, we can decide own way based on own abilities. Mr. Robinson says “all kids have tremendous talents” but his examples are rare cases so we shouldn’t expect that all kids have special talents.


Third, it’s about the kind of talents. “Talent” doesn’t mean only a talent of arts or sports. Mr. Robinson only focuses on them and he didn’t mention about the talent of studies. I think he missed to evaluate the big role of school which develops children’s curiosities for studies. As I said, the score has nothing to do with the worth as a human being. However, students study hard for the score and also find interests of each subject through studies. Hence, I think the system of score shouldn’t be abandoned.


As for me, I’ve been playing the piano and the cello, and I tried to be a musician when I was an elementary school student. But after I entered the junior high school, I became enthusiastic at studying history and became to want to be a scholar of history. If I had been provided musical professional education, the curiosity for history would have died for music. To educate them under the special situation at an early age would decide children’s course. It could kill other potential talents in children.


Therefore, I think the education which develops each talent is an ideal but extreme special educations would ruin children’s opportunity to study broadly. I expect schools and teachers to understand each student’s talents and respect it but they should let students do many activities including studies. They shouldn’t do special education from an early age. So I agree with keeping the education system in these days.


About China’s car sales growth

Summary of the article

According to China Association of Automobile Manufactures (CAAM), the growth at vehicle sales in China halved by 2013 in 2014. Many global carmakers are competing in Chinese market. German carmaker, Volkswagen’s growth of income also decreased by 2013. And Toyota couldn’t accomplish the goal of growth. However, China is the biggest car market in the world still now.



According to the survey in 2012, there were 81 cars per 1000 people in China. Japanese carmakers are damaged by the deterioration of Japan-China relationship such as territorial issue. Japanese share of cars in China is about 20% now.

Chinese wealthy people tend to buy expensive Japanese car. On the other hand, Japanese cars aren’t popular among young people because they focus on the design and facilities so even now Volkswagen is more popular among young people (Volkswagen is traditionally a popular brand in China because after WWⅡ, Germany sent cars made by Volkswagen for China for recovery from the war). I’m very worried about the trend away from Japanese car in the future. And it’s very disappointing that Japanese share of cars doesn’t increase despite Japanese home appliances are very popular among Chinese people.

There is air pollution in China and one of the biggest causes is the auto emissions. I think if Japanese ecocars such as electric cars and hydrogen cars become popular in China, this problem would be solved more quickly. There would be old and bad mileage cars in China. In addition, yen is weak now so China has a chance to buy lots of Japanese ecocars and sell more reasonably.

When House Foods Corporation which is a Japanese foods company tried to sell curry and rice in China, the company made a curry roux which tastes Tomato because Chinese people love Tomato taste. Japanese carmakers should make some originality to be accepted in China like House Foods Corporation.

My reaction -about the selling a Nobel Medal-

Summery and Reaction

I read an article about the Nobel Prize. James Watson who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for a discovery of the structure of DNA sold the Nobel medal for $4.8m. It was the first case that a living winner sold the medal and its proceeds will be used for a donation for supporting scientific research. This selling would be triggered by his remarks which discriminate black people. He had been rid from scientific community and he became poor because he lost a job of some lectures. But according to some other reports, the motive of the selling was only to donate money for charities and scientific research as stated above. We can’t identify the real reason of selling.


Mr. Watson said it was free to decide how to deal with the medal. However, I think the medal is a proof of the award so it is a treasure which should be taken over for his descendants. So I don’t agree with the selling basically. In my opinion, an evaluation for Mr. Watson’s behavior depends on his motive to sell. If he purely wanted to donate money for science, I can sympathize with him because it is exactly a contribution for the society and it is a behavior like a scholar. On the other hand, poverty was not an appropriate reason because there would be other things to sell for money even he was poor. Possibly, he tried to let people recall his fame through a topic about the Nobel Prize. And perhaps he might want to express anger toward the scientific community.

In the end, the medal was knocked down to a Russian rich person, Alisher Usmanov. He said the medal should be kept by the winner and he returned it. In fact, he disagreed with the selling and he bought it to return to Mr. Watson. So practically, Mr. Usmanov contributed $4.8m to Mr. Watson. I think his behavior was a consensus of all people so he must be admired as an exactly donator.

My opinion -Defamation suit in Korea-

South Korean prosecutors accused former Seoul bureau chief of Sankei Shimbun newspaper, Tatsuya Kato of defamation. Prosecutors claim, he wrote that president Park Geun Hye had had a secret meeting with a man when there had been a ship accident on April 16th, on the news website. And they say this story is based on only a rumor among stockbrokers and other South Korean newspaper so Mr. Kato didn’t make some efforts to check the reliability and wrote falsehoods. Mr. Kato has denied the fault because the press has a value for the public. President Takamitsu Kumasaka of the company also demanded to cancel the charge. And Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida felt this suit was very regrettable and he was also anxious about the problem which concerned the freedom of press and Japan-Korea relationship.


This topic includes the problem whether the expression about president and politics has limitation or not. The press would cause some criticisms to the president or politics. Hence, it may be a beneficial press for the public. However, this story isn’t on a magazine but a news site so people must believe the story. So Editors should be refrained from such a rush behavior.

Under the Japanese criminal law, if you can prove that the story which is beneficial for the public is the fact, you won’t be punished for defamation. But people who write the story based on rumors or write without some researches wiil be punished. This suit isn’t in Japan but from a legal point of view, editors who swallow a rumor deserve to be punished. On the other hand, there are some opinions that president is a public person so she should stand that kind of presses, and even in Korea, people blame that the national power mustn’t invade the freedom of expression.

I think both side have each faults. Editors should take responsibility for that press but president has a chance to excuse herself so she shouldn’t make a criminal suit. I want journalists to write more beneficial contents and claim substantial opinions.

My reaction -Mexican government and Drugs-


On June 30th, Mexican security forces killed at least 22 drug gang members through a gun fight. They are the members of La Familia Michoacana drug cartel. According to prosecutors, when soldiers patrolled the area of cartel’s factory, gang members fired at soldiers and started the gun fight.

The president Pena Nieto tries to regulate drugs strictly the same as his former president. So he decided to use security forces (nearly army) to oppose drug gangs. Some people condemn that his decision would promote more violence of gangs.



No soldier was injured or killed in this case despite fighting against all 22 gang members. We can imagine there are lots of soldiers. I think shooting and killing members are excessive to fight against them. If the government tries to use such a strong power, they should take another way, for example, shooting only their legs, firing tear-gas bomb and so on. Of course, there are also riot polices in Mexico so they should be used instead of security forces.

In Japan, the conflict between country and private citizens is sometimes problem. From the view of constitutionalism, security forces are civil servants so they have to restrict using power to civilians even if they are perpetrators. Criminals also have rights to stand a trial and they might have been innocent. I don’t agree with government’s actions which invade human rights.

I Believe My Passion

I believe that even be alone, we can succeed by having a passion. This belief always makes me positive. I learned it from my experience.

When I was a Keio high school student, I belonged to the institute of Fukuzawa as a club activity. It is a club to study about Yukichi Fukuzawa and the Meiji Era. Basically, I’d been interested in history so I wanted to study it more and focus on one historical person. As you know, he is the founder of Keio University and his most famous work, ‟An Encouragement of Learning” made me impressed when I was a junior high school student. I decided to belong to the club but there is no member except me! Have you ever belong to a club which doesn’t have other members? It was also the first experience for me. On the other hand, lots of my friends participate in major sports or music clubs. I felt the difficulty of managing the activity.

Almost all activities are entering essay competition sponsored by Keio University and having an exhibition at the school festival. An Essay was hard enough to spend lots of time in summer vacation. I had to write about Fukuzawa with twenty manuscript papers. In the first year, as a result, my work wasn’t selected for the prize.

In the Second year, my life got harder because I started to belong to the orchestra club. I also had to write an essay as a member of the institute. However, I love history so I enjoyed writing an essay. I couldn’t spend much time only for the essay but I succeeded to win second prize. And I also had a successful exhibition in a classroom at the school festival. Of course, from planning to setting, almost all exhibits are prepared by me. These activities made my club more famous in my school and the institute of Fukuzawa was introduced in school brochures for the outside. And in the final year of high school, my dream which publish club magazines came true. This magazine also consists of almost only my pieces.

These activities are small scale but they satisfied me very much. In Japan, there is an atmosphere that belonging to majority is the safest. However, since I was alone, rather I could do what I want to do. So I don’t regret belonging to one-man club.

I was absorbed in studying history anyway. I think my success comes from this passion for the activity. Success isn’t always relevant to surrounding environment. Therefore, if you want to do something, don’t hesitate to do alone. Someone may notice your efforts. I believe that only your passion lead to a success.


A big drug producing country – Colombia – my reaction


Recently, Colombian police have arrested 46 members of the Rastrojos criminal gangs, who were  accused of extortion from shop owners and selling illegal drugs. Rostorojos smuggled at least 30 tonnes of cocaine into Mexico since 2008.  The Colombian Government lead by President Santos has to tackle this issue as quick as possible.

My Reaction

In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons for Colombia’s problems is its weak government. At first,  I was surprised that the Colombian government legally allows people of Colombia to possess drugs. The criminal gangs can take advantages easily from this environment. It is a good way to earn money in this disordered society.   I might say that it is better to be gangs than to work normally in Colombia, simply because they can earn more money. As a reasult, there are huge numbers of criminal gangs in Colombia, who control the  Colombian societies. They have more power than the government to influence people.

President Santos must build a well-ordered society, where there are less drugs and less gangs. It is important to bulid a circumstance where a country can control criminal gangs.  In order to do so,  the Colombian government will have to have closer relation with their people, so that they can face many familiar problems and solve them one by one. Whereas,  even if the police arrests the head of the criminal gangs, it will not be very effective to solve the problems. I believe Colombian people will eventually become happy, even without any drugs.



Brazilian protests –My reaction-

There were demonstrations against the government in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 16th. Demonstrators marched against the cost of hosting the World Cup. They want the government to spend money for social project or housing for low income people. Strikes connected to these protests are also happened in Pernambuco. They lasted for three days and lots of people were arrested. But the government didn’t focus on this happening. It denied the relationship between the protests and the World Cup and possibility of a tourists’ decrease.


Brazil holds some problems such as drug transaction and a slum area now. It is said that small gun fights happen sometimes in a town. I think people tried to condemn the government from lots of aspect by taking advantage of the opportunity that the World Cup is going to be held next month. The Brazilian law tends to protect labors’ right so people might be very sensitive to welfare. I agree with protesters’ feeling. Brazil is a remarkable developing country which is a part of BRICS. However the country has the biggest debt in South America and it hasn’t been solved yet.

Even in Japan, there were some criticisms that the government should prioritize revival after the big earthquake rather than holding the Olympics. Of course, “big problems” are uncountable in each countries but welfare work should be the most important thing for people.