Category Archives: haruka s

flexible education is necessary

Japanese current education is lacking the ability to foster creativity. Not unique opinions but correct answers are wanted from students. The talents of students are hidden by current education. This is why such education system should be changed as soon as possible.

Ken Robinson says that the education practiced in almost all over the world seems to make children lose their creativity rather than develop it, and that it is no longer supporting raise childrens’. For example, schools in every country consider there are difference levels of importance in subjects. Math and language are usually considered to be the most important subjects, humanities are the second importance, and art is the least important. This difference shows that people think subjects which are necessary in getting good jobs are prior to others.

Also he criticizes that the idea that the academic ability determine one’s intelligence, and at the same time, he tries to rethink of the idea from three points of view. First, he thinks intelligence is consists of the senses such as sight, hearing, touch. Second, intelligence is very interactive and dynamic. Finally, intelligence is something so unique people cannot put all the aspects of it together into one definition. Therefore, he argues that people should reform the education system so that children can develop the true intelligence.

I agree with his opinion. It seems like the existing education system is depriving potential children of their talent. For example, teachers often say that mistaking isn’t a bad thing so students should not hesitate to make a mistake. But in fact, if students make mistakes or fail in exams, teachers don’t praise students. Not only that, teachers often criticize such students also in existing education system, and they only teach questions for which answers exist, so there is no room for supporting creativity. What I mean to say is that, true intelligence isn’t being cultivated by the existing education.

Recently, Japanese educational facilities try to change the education system. For children’s creativity, the Minister of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is planning to change the National Center Tests for University Admissions. MEXT consider that flexibility and creativity is becoming more important because of the globalization. To be more specific, MEXT announced that the center test will be add an essay test and interviewing in a few years.

However, I don’t think they will be able to make any good result only by such modification. It is difficult for people to measure flexibility and creativity. But MEXT tries to measure them at the Center Test. If those who are educated by existing education system make the test and interview, this modification would not be a drastic reform.

I think if people want to develop the true intelligence, the distinction between teachers and students is no longer necessary. There is no answer in creativity. Everyone has different answers about it. By building an equal relationship, it becomes possible for people to express their opinion freely and foster creativity.

The Japanese education institution tries to change a part of the education system such as form of the examination. However, it will have little effect. To support children’s talent,   more flexible education is necessary.001_150118_2241A0

Australian food will be safer than the alternatives―reaction


This article is about  Australian economy. It is thought that agribusiness is one of the next waves of growth in the many industries because China has great demand for food. There are potential value about next wave in Australia. Australian laws are trusted by foreign countries and Australian government interference is minimum. This is why foreign countries think Australian food is safer than other countries’.

After Australian mining boom, Australian growing industries are tourism, agribusiness, wealth management, international education and gas. Domestically, the average life span will be long so servicing senior citizens will be more important. Also, by increasing incomes private schooling and health care will become more important.


My opinion

I’ll talk about food safety. In this article, Australian food have a good reputation to foreign countries. Such reputation will profit Australian economy. In agribusiness, Japanese industries should model itself on Australia. However there are some problems in Japan.

The important one is rumors caused by the accident in Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. After the accident, many countries carried out import restrictions against Japan. At present, the relationship between Japan and foreign countries has recovered. However, once Japan has lost trust from other countries about food safety, other countries will have a strong doubt for a long time. The lowered reputation of Japanese food is not only in foreign countries but also in Japan.

Recently, the media reported some extraneous material was found in instant food and fast food. Such news makes people anxiety about food safety.

This is why Japanese food industries should make special effort to improve reputation.

Yuzuru Hanyu collided with Chinese skater at Cup of China-My reaction


Yuzuru Hanyu who is an Olympic champion was injured on his chin and had a concussion of his brain because of his collision.

The Cup of China was held at the Shanghai. The accident happened while athletes were preparing for their free program. Hanyu collided with chinese Han Yan. Hanyu was bleeding from his chin.  He couldn’t stand up for a while. Hanyu’s coach, Brian Orser told him to take care of himself. However, he decided to take part in the free program. He skated with “Phantom of Opera” and finished in second place. He scored 237.55. Hanyu was extremely surprised when he looked at his score so he bawled and appeared overjoyed.


My reaction

I’d like to discuss this topic from two points of view. The first point is whether figure is a sport or not. Second is about the most important thing for athletes.

First, figure is different from other sports, such as soccer and basketball. In most sports, athletes shoot at the goal, but in figure, judges give a decision on their performances. This is why it is often said that figure isn’t a sport.

However, I think figure is a kind of sport because athletes don’t contend with men and women together in competitions. For example, in competitions of painting or playing the piano, prizes are given to artists and performers without distinguishing by their sex. On the other hand, female and male athletes are divided in sports including figure.This is why I think figure is a sport.

Secondly, which is more important for an athlete, his health or his pride? Hanyu finished his performance to the end so audience were strongly impressed. On the other hand, his coach and people were involved in the competition were worried about Hanyu’s physical condition. Some people said that Hanyu shouldn’t participate in the competition.

I think Hanyu’s judgment was right. If he had given up skating, experience of accident would have become a trauma. Before causing a severe trauma, he had to overcome his fear.This is why I think Hanyu had to take part in the competition not only for his pride but also his future.



Brain repair `may be boosted by curry spice` my reaction


It is already known that curry is capable of promote healthy.

Furthermore, a German study shows turmeric accelerate the growth of neuron which is thought to be a part of the brain’s repair kit. Turmeric is expected to become drugs for Alzheimer’s and other diseases, but it is ongoing study so it isn’t clear whether it works for humans.

The German institute is studying aromatic-turmerone. Rats injected with this compound is used for and sufficient parts of their brains which are related to neuron growth seem to be activated. A scientist says that the compound may accelerate the increase of brain cells.

In another study, it is proved that neural stem cells can transform to any type of brain cell. Scientists suggest that the effect can be used to repair wounds and disease.

They say it is possible that human enjoy the benefits of this study in the future.



I’ll talk about Japanese achievements in the study of turmeric and problems on scientific technology in japan.

This article is related to japan deeply. In fact, Musashino university originally specified the effective of turmeric. Prof Abe focused on the fact that there are less patients of Alzheimer’s disease in India. He supposes that the cause was their eating habit. He made a inquiry of spicy including curry.

Finally, he confirmed the ability of prevent turmeric to prevent brain damage.

I think Japan can be proud of this discovery.

However, I also think that this study has a problem. The problem is the little budget on scientific researches in Japan. In this article, Germany studied the effects of aromatic- turmeron, but if the Japanese government invest more studies, Japanese scientists may be more successful.

This is why I think people need to be more interested in scientific research and understand the role played by science and technology.

This I believe

I believe we know what the important things in our life are. But we sometimes forget because we take them for granted. Appreciation is one of them. I don’t want to have such situation that people will forget appreciation and the phrase of “thank you” someday.

When I was a high school student, my teacher gave me a message: “You owe what you are today to the people around you. So don’t hesitate to express your appreciation to them at any time.” This message reminds me of being supported by so many people like my family, friends and teachers.

In society, we are supported by someone and express our appreciation for it unconsciously. Through such a normal interaction, we can create a bond with each other. This kind of relationship expands rapidly, from small one to all Japan and from all Japan to all over the world. It builds up strong bonds among people over the border.

Do you know “Peace Village International” in Germany? It is a non-profit charity operating a medical facility. They accept children who can’t get any medical treatment in their own country because of the war or crisis areas. It is being run by contributions only and there are many staff from all over the world. In other words, this facility is supported by the hope and good will of people who believe this is essential for innocent children. After finishing the treatment, children return home and try to contribute to the Peace Village International in their own way. They keep the hope for “peace”, which is way they appreciate it. And the staff always have appreciation for the children and other staff working there. This is the important element that the project has kept on over 40 years. The feeling of appreciation makes an emotional connection among all their people. It is most decisive evidence that this project is expanding worldwide in the ways of the “succession” and “cooperation” day by day.

What can we do for keeping appreciation in our mind? The answer is to continue to say “thank you” to others. This phrase is like a light to keep in our mind the importance of helping and supporting each other. I think it is now the most necessary phrase for this world filled with sad news. The individual appreciation may not be so strong, but every person has it. The way to express it depends on the one. So the important point is to show the appreciation in a visible way to others. When you feel happy and thankful for them, tell them “thank you”. First of all , let’s start to appreciate the small things around us.  028_140712_2021A0

Veil bans in France-my reaction



Wearing veil in public was banned in France. A strict control was carried out. If people break the rule, they will be fined. These days, Muslim population is rapidly increasing  so The French Government made  this rule.The government claims that this rule focuses not on the religion but on the security.Also, French President Nicholas Sarkozy says that the veil restricts women’s rights and this is a discrimination against women.

Some people are against the government’s opinion. They argue that these bans will lead the conflict between Islamic culture and western culture.Also, other opponents say that the bans deprive the women of their freedom.

After all, this debate is still growing.


My reaction

I’d like to discuss this topic from two points of view. The first point is French attitude toward religions and the second one is women’s rights.

Firstly, why did The French Government imposed veil ban? In fact, it is clearly written in the constitution that France is nonreligious nation. Therefore, it is thought that people shouldn’t show religious attitude in public.

However, in my opinion, I think this attitude is too strict. Wearing veil doesn’t affect the other people. Moreover, Muslims don’t force their religion on French people. This is why I think government doesn’t have a right to make such a rule.

Secondly, I refer to women’s rights. French President Nicholas Sarkozy claims that veil is discrimination against women. However, I think Muslim women wear veils without being imposed by someone . Is this discrimination for women? It seems that veil bans rather prevent Muslim women from living freely.

This is why I think France should have a more generous attitude toward religions.