Category Archives: yuya

Definition of education, intelligence and learning (AUDIO ESSAY)

I’m going to talk about what the education, intelligence and learning is with Ken’s idea.

First of all, I am going to talk about education.

According to this meeting, I understood Ken defined education as one of the way to enhance children’s creativity because he stressed how important the creativity is for our future and he emphasized we must enhance children’s creativity by education.

I almost agree with Ken’s definition of education because as I will explain later, there is similarity between Ken’s and mine.

I define education as to enhance people’s ability of solving problems and to give them knowledge which we need to solve problems.

Why I define in that way is we do education to give children the ability of living in our society, and the most important and necessary thing to live in our society is the ability of solving problems, and we need variety of knowledge to solve problems.

For example, think about the solving math problem and drawing paintings. If you are not taught how to solve math problem or how to draw paintings, I’m sure almost every one can’t solve and draw. But after we are once taught how to solve or draw, we will apply that method and become able to solve new problem and to draw original picture. That’s how we get the ability of solving problems.

I suppose Ken’s idea about definition of education is closely related to my one because if we have creativity, we come up with a lot of way to solve problems and as a result, our ability of solving problems.

Second, I am going to talk about intelligence.

Ken said intelligence is diverse, dynamic and distinct thing, however, he didn’t define it clearly.

I suppose he doesn’t want to define what the intelligence is because if we do that, we will definitely distinguish what is intelligent and what is NOT intelligent, and finally there will be the hierarchy of subjects then it results in decreasing creativity. He doesn’t want that.

I define intelligence as the ability of solving problems. According to this definition, education can be defined as enhancing people’s intelligence and we can get intelligence by education.

We call those who can get good score at math or paint well “intelligent”. In other word, we call those who can solve problems well intelligent. That’s why I define intelligent in that way.

If we define intelligence like that, there won’t be the problem of hierarchy of subjects.

At last, I am going to talk about learning.

Ken didn’t define learning In this meeting, But guessing from what he talked at his meeting, he will define learning as enhancing creativity by oneself by using the methods taught at school..

I define learning as to try to solve problems and enhance the ability of solving problems because we learn at school to enhance the ability of solving problems.

Listening to Ken’s meeting, I rethought about how important the education is, so if I have a child in the future,  I want to give him good education.

My reaction about “Germany ‘must invest more’, says France’s economy minister.'”


Europe’s economy has been getting worse in recent months and it causes persistently low rates of inflation leading consumers and business to hold off making purchases or making investments.

Therefore, France’s economy minister Emmanuel Macron suggested two things about the way to recover the economy.

First, he said that Germany has an urgent responsibility to invest more in the Eurozone by doing more to boost consumer demand.

Second, he said it was time for the ECB to adopt a method known as quantitative easing to prevent deflation in the Eurozone.

However, he also said we must care about France’s younger generation, many of whom have experienced widespread unemployment. France must firstly think about those people, and recovering economy is just secondary thing.


When I first read this article, I thought about Japan’s economy. Although it is controversial thing that whether the Japan’s economy is getting better, I feel it’s not getting better and still be bad. Why I feel like that is increasing the number of people who suicide. There’s no day not to hear about the train accident and I guess that’s because of an unemployment or hard work. It is important thing for government to recover economy, but I want government to focus on not only economy but also people’s health and their mental condition.

My Reaction About the article “Hitler painting fetches $161000 at Nuremberg auction”


A watercolour thought to be painted by Adolf Hitler has sold at an auction in Germany for $161,000. An anonymous private buyer from the Middle East  bought the work. Experts generally consider Hitler’s artworks to be of poor quality.The auction house said bidders from four continents had expressed an interest in the work.The original bill of sale was included with the painting, which contributed to the relatively high selling price,. Previous sales of Hitler’s art have caused controversy, and been criticised by some relatives of Holocaust survivors.


First of all, when I finished reading this article, I thought  “Why the bidders bought such poor painting at that high price?”, so I told my classmates about it and we argued about it. Our answer was that bidders are  crazy about Hitler. I think this matter is related to how people value the things. I mean that the value of the thing is decided by someones preference, so even if some painting looks poor for you, other one may feel it great thing.

Secondly, we argued about “Can we value the painting of Hitler as great thing?”. This means that if we value  Hitler’s painting as great thing thing and buy it at high price,  it can also mean we value Hitler his own. Our answer was YES  and the reason of it was that the painter’s personality doesn’t affect the value of the painting. But I think this is controversial.

My reaction about the article “Australia lifts parliament ban on face coverings”


The Australian government has changed a decision to forbid women wearing full-face Islamic veils to access to parliament in Canberra.

The decision was made because of growing concern about the threat of terror attacks in Australia.

Actually, there were rumors that a group of people were planning to attend prime minister’s questions on 2 October wearing veils and stage a protest in the public gallery.

Before that change, anyone visiting the building with their face covered would have to sit in a separate area of the public gallery, but right now, visitors are free to move the public spaces of the building with facial coverings after they show their face briefly to security.

My opinion

After I read this article, I strongly felt that the  images to religion we have can be dangerous thing. Actually, I don’t have any good images to Islam because I hear a lot of bad rumors or news of Islam through the media. Actually, I even feel scary to Islam.

In this article, there were rumors that the  people wearing veils would stage a protest in the public gallery and the government made the initial decision. I think the decision was made because the government had prejudice to Islam like Islam is dangerous religion.

If the government has such prejudice, it can cause discrimination to come religion, and it can even cause the violation of people who believe that religion. We must avoid that.

My Reaction – “Zimbabwe arrests Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi”


Police in Zimbabwe have arrested the editor of a state-owned newspaper Edmund Kudzayi, who was recently appointed by Information Minister Jonathan Moyo, because of articles he had written.

Earlier this month President Robert Mugabe accused his information minister Jonathan Moyo of using state-owned media to sow divisions in the ruling of Zanu-PF party.

Correspondents say there is tension in the party over who should succeed 90-year-old Mr Mugabe, who was re-elected president last year.

Mr Mugabe had blamed Mr Moyo for firing editors at state-owned newspapers who were loyal to Zanu-PF. Mr Moyo has fallen in and out of favour with Mr Mugabe.



Through this article, I really felt how strong effect mass media has. If some politician can freely utilize mass media, they are able to control people’s thought, idea, or opinion and they can do any policies they want to do. Take a look at recent Mr.Abe, who is the prime minister right now, he is controlling mass media in order to pass his policy of right to collective defence. He used mass media and told people incorrect information about right collective information. He is now doing such thing as autocracy. I think Mr Mugabe knows how scary mass media is, and that’s why he blamed Mr Moyo Strongly.

This I believe

This I believe

I believe that having a goal and making an effort to reach it is the best way to make our life better and richer one. I feel it wasting our precious and short life to live without having a goal of your life. Any goal is OK, easy one or difficult one…  for example, trying to remember 10 English vocabulary per day to get better at English, or trying to get good score at your exam. That’s ok, that’s enough.

Talking about my life, I have reached one big goal and I’m now trying extremely difficult one.

The first one is high school entrance exam, and I could pass it. Then now, I’m studying hard to pass bar exam to be a lawyer. Bar exam is so difficult that I don’t have time for having fun, but I don’t feel bad about it because I am doing what I want to do and studying to realize my dream. Some people ask me “Why do you study that much? Why don’t you want to play with your friends?” Actually, of course I want to play with my friends, but studying law is much more fun for me.

What I want to tell you is that making an effort to realize your dream makes your life great one. Recently, I only do studying law, but my life is productive one.

In addition, if you have good circumstance for studying, I think you had better not waste it and study hard to gain knowledge. Plenty knowledge give you a lot of choice. I mean if you have a lot of knowledge, you can find or make your goal easily.

There are a number of people who have a dream but can’t realize it because of poverty, so if you are in good circumstance, I think we must not waste it.

I am given good circumstance to study law, so I am trying not to waste it.

I will do my best to pass bar exam and to be a layer.

I hope you have a goal and make your life better one.

My reaction about the article”Paraguay drug seizures up by 39% in 2013″


Officials in Paraguay, which is the largest producer of cannabis in South America , say the amount of drugs seized in the country in 2013 rose by 39%. Therefore, officials are caring about such drug so the leader of Paraguay promised to fight against drug trafficking rigorously. On the other hand, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalize the marijuana trade. President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica tells us the reason of that legalization as this “if we don’t legalize marijuana trading, the low murder rate in Uruguay will soon rise as drug related violence spread.”


Before reading this passage, we argued about matters of drugs such as  ” Why some country treats marijuana as a legal thing while the other country treats it as an illegal thing? “or “What is the difference between drugs like marijuana and alcohol or cigarettes?  They are quite similar on the point of strong dependence and bad effect to our body, but only marijuana is treated as illegal.”

My own answer about the first one is that the difference of people’s thought about marijuana and difference of the economical environment between those countries cause such difference.

My opinion about the second one is there’s no essential difference between those things. Historical cause decides whether it is illegal.