Category Archives: yuka

Audio Essay

Ken Robinson emphasizes creativity is essential citing many success stories, and repeatedly said that today’s education system ignore children’s potential. His speech totally illustrates creativity as good, and schools as absolute evil that deprive wonderful creativity from children.
But I believe this topic should be about neither whether creativity is necessary or not, nor whether schools are necessary or not. It is because both are indispensible and not mutual exclusive. It is more proper that schools play a complementary role in order to develop potential creativity.

Firstly, I’d like to begin with what is ‘creativity.’
He explains creativity as “the process of having original ideas that have value” but doesn’t define exactly what is creativity itself. Creativity is not the ability to generate something fantastic and new from zero bases. It is the ability to see the world in new perspectives, to find or make connections between apparently unrelated phenomena, and to apply pattern in other field that passed unnoticed. It is also significant that being creative is not equivalent to being imaginative. Being imaginative does not need to realize what you imagine, but being creative need to shape up images or ideas. Creativity consists of thinking and producing: spontaneous ideas and ability to embody them.

Secondly, in order to be creative, it is necessary to go to schools.
When it comes to his critics to schools, he just says conventional education systems are places where “mistakes are the worst thing you can make”, however, I do not agree with this statement. Since children need straightforward and clear criteria to learn morality or discipline, not repeating mistakes is a simple step to be socialized as community member.

In the first place, he totally ignores how schools give children highly competent communities.
Needless to say, children get basic knowledge and skills that are necessary to realize ideas through schools. But more importantly, what is unique to public education is, it is where the most diverse community that children can experience in their childhood. Schools help children to develop their potential creativity in this sense. Schools have varieties of children who have different background: regional, religious, racial, ethnic, cultural or financial. Schools are also where students having interest in other field are in the same classroom and share their schooldays. Attending a school and interacting with diverse students give them new viewpoints, thinking pattern and inspiration. Taking classes in various fields including ones of no interest also broadens perspective and cultivates children’s mind.

In conclusion, creativity is stimulated through interacting with diverse people because in the end, creativity is one of abilities that exercised for people’s good and makes everyone’s mind enrich.

‘dislike’ botton on FB


CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook took it into account to give its users new buttons including expression of “dislike”, while it is not clearly defined to call “dislike” yet. It is also considered to add a heart, a peace sign, a protest fist, a hand holding a bunch of flowers and a glass of Champagne. He said the button expressing negative sentiment would be used for being force for good by the way the Facebook company found.


I disagree with the idea that adds ‘dislike’ bottom which expresses negative sentiment.
The reason lies in the fear that the bottom could threaten an essential right to freedom of expression, especially minorities’. Facebook is a communication tool that users can share life events or anything users experienced, chatting with friends and so fouls. At the same time, Facebook is also free space to express ideas, thoughts, beliefs or ideologies. If ‘dislike’ bottom use is allowed, users have to see both positive and negative reaction to their post. It is a big change for users to be added negative reaction because they become to feel that their posts are clearly evaluated as good or bad posts.
It causes problems especially when posts have messages that include controversial issue or themes in gray zone. There are naturally ideas that are sometimes at the target of serious attack, especially ideas by any protected category of people based on their disability, religion, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. Then, if the number of ‘dislike’ becomes ‘attack’ on these users, they hold back from posting by fear that they are targeted of critics again. Since it is against the principle of fair and free speech, I’m opposed to ‘dislike’ bottom.

Yuzuru Hanyu finishes second at Cup of China

Yuzuru Hanyuu collided with China’s Han Yan in warm-ups for free skating, still he won the second prize at Cup of China. He appeared on the ice with his head wrapped and with blood streaming from the cut on his chin exposed. Although his performance apparently reminded the audiences of the shocking crash with falling five times, he nearly won silver.

I have two things to talk about here.
Firstly, to some extent, people make themselves lay national sentiment on the stage of international competition, although international competition of sports is the place where politic affair is put aside and people with different background can mutually interact. Actually, after media reported the accident between Yuzuru Hanyu and Yan Han, some Japanese brought an issue of Chinese anti-Japanese sentiment and claimed Yan intentionally collided with Hanyuu.
Secondly, the accident poses a question: to what extent athletes could decide whether they continue their performance or not, when they are injured before or during a game. The coach persuaded Hanyuu to cancel skating, but finally he allowed him go because Hanyuu did not say yes and physical signs of a concussion did not appear. The skating union takes medical system into account affected by the accident. There is room to discuss how much the will of athletes should be respected.

Mobs assault Hong Kong protesters’ barricades

A mob who opposed to Hong Kong’s prodemocracy demonstrators assaulted on protesters’ barricades and clashed with police.
Demonstrators originated a civil disobedience movement because they objected to restriction on the first-ever direct election for the semiautonomous Chinese city’s leader. The leaders of students-led protesters require authorities to stop screening candidates and demand to resign Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, the city’s Beijing-backed leader. They declare they don’t intend to retreat from the street until authorities accept their demand.

Hong Kong is the very place that political tension between authorities and citizens, especially students. It was only several months ago that students stayed in Hong Kong’s Diet opposed to economic policies with China. The accident was not rare, or rather students’ movements are very active in Hong Kong. I wonder why students in Hong Kong have high political awareness or what inspire them so much. In my opinion, one of the reasons is that students are the easiest group to originate social movements. Compared to workers, for example, students probably have much time to communicate, discuss, gather and unite. In addition, students do not expect personal benefits in return for participating in political movements. But still, I have many questions about why youth or students in Hong Kong are motivated to participate in politics.

This I believe

<Find one thing you can devote yourself>

“Prioritize studying to every other thing.”
This is what my family members always say to me.

My parents, especially my mother, are obsessed with their children’s education. They would like to broaden the future possibility of their two children through studying.

In this sense, they succeeded in growing up their first child, my brother, who is four years older than I.
They sent him to a cram school since he was the fourth grader in elementary school. He liked studying and concentrated on it than playing the piano, kendo, or other thing he learned at that time.

However, the same way as my brother does not fit me.
As well as my brother, my parents send me a cram school and told me to prioritize studying to any other activities. I do like playing the piano and the violin I learned at that time but I was not allowed to be absorbed in. My parents did not let me take part in club activity and required me to leave for a cram school soon after finishing classes in junior high school days. I really understood that it must be very helpful to study hard, but I couldn’t be a hard-working daughter without doing anything that I’d like to do. Then, I got bored with everyday life because I found it everything I did became really halfway done.

When I went on to high school, I was enthusiastic about academic debating as club activity in spite of strong opposition from my parents. That is the first time I devoted myself to something. There are many schools that students do academic debating. Students enjoy improving their debating skill in order to win a national tournament. It is the largest scale of debating championship for high school students that every team of four students competes with each other to get a ticket for a world tournament.
Since I also wanted to be champion with my team members, I struggled over how our team could get victory in national tournament. Then I found that the most important thing is not the logic, sharp view to surpass opponent arguments, and techniques to win the match. It is the cooperation, solidarity, and respect to team members. This experience has dramatically changed my view. Before starting club activity, I looked down those who focus on only one thing to do, because such people seemed to be incapable. My view was, however, totally wrong.

Being buried in one thing needs much more energy than doing a little of several things. This is because, when you faced a big problem that cannot overcome easily, you need to seek a new way that you never see.
Thus, I believe devoting yourself to something can be nice way to cultivate your mind and broaden your ways.

Social Business in Uganda

This article carries a story of social business in Uganda.
In Uganda, infant mortality is currently at issue.
BundleTree Baby, a baby blanket and accessories brand, sell products all handmade by Ugandan mothers in order to empower mothers and save babies. The profit directly contributes to a healthcare and education fund.
People can recognize the exact support toward such social issues through small purchases.

My comment is about sustainability of social business.
Even if the products cannot be sold well, the company cannot dismiss its workers and has to continue paying rural mothers certain amount of money.
The company cannot make large amount of products because they are all handmade. Products of social business absolutely need to survive market competition as well as other product by profit seeking companies.
Thus, I doubted whether social businesses such as BundleTree Baby continue to support mothers and babies.
Social businesses in a rural area, however, have a sense of strong community ties among women toward a shared goal. Since women recognize they need to cooperate each other in order to make a living in a small rural area, mutual understandings, trusts and respects are formed among women there.
These characteristics can be strong point of social businesses.
Therefore, I think companies running social businesses can probably be sustainable through making full use of these advantages.


A main topic of this article is religious conflict between Muslims and Christians in Central African Republic (CAR).
A French journalist was murdered in CAR during her working.
Citing her last tweet, the article says that this accident is attributed to disturbed social order and security triggered by religious conflict between Muslims and Christians. Although there’re already thousands of troops from the African Union, France and EU, CAR still cannot gain quietness.

The article brings several issues on the table, but I’d like to refer two of them.
The main issue is the difficulty in co-existing different religions in the same community, especially between Muslims and Christians. I think it is because those two can be both characterized as major religions of monotheism with strong exclusivity. They believe that their worship is one and only worship all people should believe. In addition, people, where the idea of secular politics is not matured enough, are more likely to attack other religions over political authority. I think these characteristics of religions results in prolonging religious conflict.
Another issue I mention is that the safety of people working in countries where social order is unstable. As we can see a case of a murdered French journalist, it seemed to be difficult for the French government to avoid the accidents. The international communities already pressurized CAR in aspect of diplomacy and military even before she was murdered, because there were consensus among foreign countries that the government of CAR lacks capability to control. Therefore, I think foreign governments should seek another way in order to protect people working in developing countries.