Category Archives: atsuko

My thought about education

Every day I think this theme.
There is a person who I know has a great talent for music but can’t be interested in long winded lectures in the university. Therefore he is a far from honor student. But I think he is very smart and a warm hearted person. He is charming more than people who have no enthusiasm for anything and take credits moderately.
Intellect is mind. A person who has no mind can’t have real intellect. When he accomplishes things, he needs the balance of mind, brain and body. In this three items the most important thing is mind. If we lack mind, brain and body can’t work perfectly. Human try to know the structure of the object which he is interested in from the bottom of the heart. That’s the function of brain. Moreover he try to express in any form. I mean body has this role.
School education exists for raising obedient adults. People who were educated by such system can live peacefully when they lead ordinary lives. But they often don’t want to adventure. They dislike change. They escape from new world. Right from the beginning they don’t think they can change the world. Because they didn’t receive education by which they can have confidence in their original ability.
I had a piano lessons until I graduated from high school. When I was a student of a elementary school, I often received prizes at musical contests. I understood my teacher’s advice in the lessons. That was nearly intuition. But I didn’t know how to use this ability to study.
I attended a cram school to enter a private junior high school. Teachers of the cram school and my mother didn’t teach me how to do. No, I myself made a mistake. I should think more about my will. If I had had a strong will, I might have good results at entrance exam. But I couldn’t think so. I thought teachers and parents were absolute. That’s exactly experience children lose their gifts.
I agree with the speech very much. We need to think future education to develop children’s gifts. But I think what we can do is not only that. As I am so, I believe adults who received stereotype education can develop their original ability. To do it they need to find “the right “is not always right. Mind which doubt what many people say as the right makes us creative.


My reaction about test of in-vitro fertilization

In Japan doctors can only test which the eggs have problems or not before return them to mother’s body in the case of in-vitro fertilization. When we discuss this theme, we should think at the both points of view of mothers and doctors. Mothers, especially elderly mothers tend to know that the eggs are in order  or disorder than younger ones. Because the late child-bearing has high risk. Furthermore they concentrate their first pregnant more. I give you my thought first . I disagree with such technology. I am going to explain the reason later. But if I were elderly mother, I would like to know the “fact”. The conclusion we can get through the technology may not perfectly correct. But it is the fact that we can get the information to some extent. So I can’t say this test is perfectly bad and we should eliminate such technology.

Furthermore science technology can’t stop. Human learn the rules of nature and use the knowledge to live usefully. Once one know the confidence, we can’t escape from the  fertility. So nobody can stop developing science. So the task we should face with is to keep thinking about good and bad aspects of technology.  And we should think how we face with science technology.

the problem of copyright

The UK government is going to allow museums, publishers and film-makers to use “orphan works” which don’t have their makers freely if they research seriously.

I think protection of copyright is so important. By insistence of law which protects that right artists or writers can create things safely. If we can use these creations freely, they can’t earn money. It means their lives are threatened. But the part which choose or buy them examine creations. When we choose or buy clothes, we go to the shop, watch them and sometimes try them. Like that we want to choose music.

 In the internet there are many sites which we can listen to music freely at. Of course that we upload or download famous things without permission may not be good. It can be illegal on the situation. But it is fact that there are many meaningless creations among a large amount of music. I think we can use these sites to find good creations between them.

Actually we invest the artists by some means if we admit their arts to be good. For example we go to see his live performances or his exhibition. For artists there are also good things. Being uploaded their creations can be advertisement for artists.


We should be discuss about these themes with both sides.

Problem about surrogate mother

When people talk on the cases of surrogate mothers,I always care about one point. That is the fact they lose the point of view from children’s stance. It is no wander they do. Because they can’t know the feelings of children until they will be born. But imagine the case you are the child who was born of surrogate mother. Moreover in the case we try to assume the sperm was from a third party. You can have a question about what is different from the case and acceptance of an adopted child. Even if the sperm is from the couple, dependence on surrogate mother means the child is raised by her blood. Furthermore in these cases surrogate mothers may assert her parental rights. There is also danger that operations fall through. Here can’t you think desiring children who are related to him by blood is parents’ egoism? I think relationships between parents and children are decided by not blood relatives but time which they passed together. Children understand the persons who love them and raised them are true parents. So you don’t need to take risks of lawsuits or medical errors. It is wrong we think human can change easily the world created by God. Human knows a very few part of nature. With such a little knowledge we shouldn’t think we can do everything by the power of science.

I believe that illness arises from sickness of the spirit.

I believe that illness arises from sickness of the spirit. In my childhood I often ran a fever. Of course it was because I was weaker than I am. But the reason is not that only. I became sick intentionally . I hated going to school when I was an elementary schoolchild. Being forced to adapt myself to everyone was troublesome . Basically I like being alone from my childhood . Furthermore people of my age seemed childish to me. So the school was the uncomfortable place and I would like to avoid attending as much as I could. But I was not too foolish to absent myself because of my feelings. Therefore I sometimes try to run a fever and really ran a fever.
Moreover I took a cram school to enter a private junior high school when I was the upper grades. I would like to go to the school which is difficult to enter. But my grades were not a very impressive. So my mother often scolded me . I didn’t like to be got angry. However when I became sick , she became kind. Therefore I tried to be sick . That’s why I often became ill.
But I have changed from entering a junior high school. My school was a girl’s school and classmates were very frank. So going to school became a very pleasant thing to me. But what changed me most was to join a brass band club. I could find the thing which I absorbed in. To develop my skill, I played every day. In the morning I went to school early and practiced. I also practiced in lunchtime and after school . I thought that missing practice even one day means decreasing my skill. I loved playing flute and would like to be a good performer. To be so, I couldn’t be sick. Having a healthy meal, gargling, washing hands and sleeping well became daily works . As a result I became healthy in spirit. To be in good health mentally means being stronger physically. In consequence I never absented myself for six years when I was a junior and senior high school student.
Then I entered university. The first semester passed pleasantly. But too busy life made me tired and I became nerves . As a result I suffered acute gastroenteritis . Sleeping well restored me. By having inner reserves I maintain my health now.
Even in the world of sports , they say feelings of trying to win promote players to success .
These my experiences and words made me believe this phrase .

My reaction to elephant’s ivory.

I was impressed about the article that African elephant’s ivory. To catch ivory for making accessories or keyboards of pianos, many elephants have been killed. Because we have to kill an elephant whole to get ivory. Furthermore ivories come up only once a life.
Of course that African elephants face extinction is bad thing. Right from the beginning poaching them is illegal. So we should restrict ivory dealing . But I have a question at one point. The biggest consumers are Asian countries. Especially China and Japan. Does this dealing become so big issue if European countries are the biggest ones ? Let’s think another case. In japan people have eaten whales for long time. But European don’t have custom to eat them. So they can’t accept for Japan to catch them. Therefore whaling is restricted. Now I have raised some examples that European criticize Asian . But it doesn’t mean that European are selfish. What I would like to say is European tend to think they are the rightest. Europeans discriminated black people or native people during especially war time. They bring many disputes and wars. For example apartheid or the Rwandan civil war. They don’t have a relation with the cases of whales or elephants directly. But if Europeans have custom of eating whales and using ivory , catching them may not be so big issue. Far from it they probably make every effort to protect their interests. And to it another countries can’t fight against probably.
We should think about this dilemma when we talk about ivory dealing.

My opinion about Turkey’s invasion

Turkey invaded Cyprus . Cyprus was governed by Greece and Turkey. Europe ‘s top human right’s court ordered Turkey to pay 90 million euros. Furthermore it required Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities make effort to reunite the island.
Such territorial problems often happen all over the world. Japan have also many troubles. For example sennkaku island (China ) , takeshima (Korea ) and hoppouryoudo (Russia) . Base of these problems is resource. On the growth of countries resources are indispensable. So it is natural that they become desperate. Now these rows ‘ point is that they think they are right themselves each other. So they can’t accept opponent. Far from it they cannot even listen to him. Because of these dilemma they even don’t discuss.But we Japanese should debate more with these countries. Because they are neighboring countries. Especially with China and Korea . On the economical aspect we should have strong tie with China. On the defense to North Korea we should make friends with Korea . So debating is indispensable . Sure,these islands are Japanese’ on the letter but opponents don’t regard it as the point at issue. Right from the beginning they doubt that these islands are Japanese’. So first, we Japanese must understand this aspect. But still we need not concede. What I would like to say is to listen each other is important.