Category Archives: yhiroki

Audio essay about education

What is the purpose of education? Nobody knows the correct answer and can find it, because there are as many answers as educators. I also have an answer, that is to make the base for innovation. Innovation is very important because it is the power that makes our future.

What is the base of innovation? I think innovation is composed of two sides, one is creativity and the other is knowledge. Both are important and we can’t make innovation with one side. Education should take balance between creativity and knowledge.

I think creativity is a kind of spices. Imagine the situation that you are cooking stakes. To make it delicious, you need to sprinkle salt and pepper on meat in harmony, don’t you? Same as it, you can make innovation by adding creativity on knowledge. However, creativity is not treated as equal as knowledge in modern education.

It is true that knowledge is very important because it is essential for innovation. I think innovation is not to make something from nothing but to find new combinations from many options. This option is knowledge. For example, smart-phone is one of the innovations but its idea is miniaturization of PC. In short, it isn’t able to make smart-phone without PC. PC is a invention in past , that is knowledge. Innovation named as ‘smart-phone’ was made from knowledge. As options are increased, its combination becomes various and diverse. Therefore, to have much knowledge makes many innovations.

However, we can’t make innovation only by knowledge, as we can’t cook steaks without pepper. We need to add creativity you have on it. Mr. Robinson says modern education kills creativity. I agreed his idea because I had such education. In school classes, we need to find correct answer. In short, we have to find one combination from many options. Even if you show your teacher another combination, you are scolded because it’s not correct combination. Education kills possibility of making innovation. That is ironic because what is needed in recent society is innovative person.

What is important is the balance between creativity and knowledge. Modern education attaches too much greater importance to give knowledge than train creativity. To give well-balanced education, ‘communication’ is an important element. To be concrete, I think schools have much more discussion or debating training because these training have many good points. In such class, you have to make your own opinion by using your creativity and your knowledge. And by listening to opinions of other people, you also can get new way of thinking and knowledge he has.

In conclusion, we must realize again the importance of training creativity. Innovation is interactive thing between creativity and knowledge, so it is nonsense to educate only one side. What modern education have to do is to combine two elements in harmony in its curriculum.

My reaction about the shrinking of Chinese economy

Chinese economy shows the indication that it stops growing.

Chinese manufacturing activity shrank for the first time in seven months in December. Markit Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) that signifies national growth rate was at 49.6, just below the 50 level. 50 level is standard rate. If it is higher, it means its economy continues growing and its market is expanding. On the other hand, if it is lower, it means its economy is shrinking. Chinese economy, which is honored as “factory of the world” is gradually declining in power. As the response to this, Chinese central bank surprisingly cut interest rates to 2.75% for the first time since 2012 aiming recovering the economy.

What makes China stop growing economically? The answer is not said in this article but I think it’s because of soaring cost of labor. In those days, China has attracted many foreign companies by making use of the cheapness of cost of labor and activated its economy. In fact, Japanese companies also has constructed their factories. When we look at products that is sold in Japan, they often have tags that is written “made in China”.

What makes cost of labor in China soar? The reason we can guess is improving of the life standard in China. It is natural as we think, so China stands on the stage that it have to get new temptation except the cheapness of cost of labor. On the other hand, because Japan is much depending on Chinese market, it is needed to find new markets with making sure of the economic situation in the world.

“Frozen” products sales

Disney announced that sales of dresses based on its movie “Frozen” was over 3 million dollars in North America this year alone. In this “Frozen” fever, Disney is making next “Frozen” movie. The title is “Frozen Fever”. Making use of this movie, Disney will earn more and more money.

Why can Disney succeed in business ? Of course, its brand value or quality of its goods is one of the reasons. But the biggest reason I think is its abvertising strategy. In the first place, Disney is the conglomerate that dominates various media, for example, publication, broadcasting and so on. It has succeeded by strong power of advertising through each media it has.
Advertising power is extraordinary. In fact, by its power, we seem to be good thing in spite of bad thing in reality. Therefore, if you want to get succeeded in business, you should forcus on advertising. And we should pay attention not to be tempted by false advertising.

Hong Kong protesters

Pritesters in Hong Kong decided to hold over the vote whether to accept several goverment concessions because of a lack of discussion with protesters. But it doesn’t mean protesters stop demonstration. They still have the will to fight against the government.

Why people in Hong Kong are fighting against Chinese government ? It is caused by the inequality of elections. Chinese government has ruled that candidates for the chief executive election must be vetted by nominating committee dominated by pro-Beijing groups. In short, Hong Kong people have been deprived their freedom of politic participation by the government.
In my country, Japan, everybody can announce one’s candidacy. But it isn’t in Hong Kong. I surprised because what I think it’s natural is not natural. Many people around me may not know the value of freedom about politics. Now, I’m 20 so I have the right to vote. Using this right, I’ll positively participate Japanese politics. I believe if people have the will of paticipating politics, the government must be changed. To get the precondition as the participation to politics, I want to support to Hong Kong protesters.

Hallucinogen in ‘magic mushrooms’

Researchers report that a small number of longtime smokers could drop their smoking habit when taking psilocybin, so called “magic mushrooms” in trial at Hopkins University School of Medicine. According to the trial, 80 percent of study participants could quit their smoking. Before this, the success rates of quitting smoking by taking smoking cessation drug was less than 35 percent. Therefore, that success rates is unbelievable high level. But magic mushrooms have hallucinogenic effect, we must be careful when taking them. It is needed to administer after careful preparation and in a therapeutic context.

In Japan, it is banned to take or have magic mushrooms in the law. And I think it will be still banned after this report because we should focus on safety. A person who have hallucination may do violent acts or injure someone around him. And it is dangerous for himself because he may get involved in accidents, for example, traffic accidents. If the drug or method that can control that hallucination discovered, it can change situation. But now, there are no way so it should be still banned, I think.


“Don’t have a silly sense of superiority or of inferiority.”

This is the phrase that my teacher of the high school I graduated from said. After hearing this phrase, it became my belief. I have never heard such a profound phrase.

When I was 15, I entered the high school and joined its baseball club. Our high-school baseball team is so strong that it have made it into best 8 in the prefecture tournament. We always practiced very hard to break the record. Our manager, my teacher was always in the center.

He gave us hard menus every day, and if he found what gets on his nerves, he became furious easily. It happened many times that we had to persuade him to let us practice because he got angry. Why did he become that? It’s because we didn’t utter a loud in our practice. He got angry. We apologized. He got again. We apologized once more. Only the same repetition. Did we practice baseball for just humoring him? We hated him. Naturally, also I did.

One day, the time that the summer prefecture tournament was coming, we were practicing with limited members who could be chosen as the member of summer tournament. After practicing, we had a meeting with our manager. What he said was this phrase, “Don’t have a silly sense of superiority or of inferiority.”

What did he want to tell us by the phrase? At the time, I thought he sympathized the members who were not chosen. But now, I think it has another meaning. A sense of superiority stops you from maturing more. Once you find the existence of inferiors to you, you’ll be satisfied with your position. And you’ll never step up anymore. A sense of inferiority is also same. Once you recognize your inferiority, you can’t catch up with superiors you think forever.

I thank him very much to give me such an important phrase. The man I hated the most changes into my best teacher.

Please remember that the wrong impression makes you ruined.
Don’t have a silly sense of superiority or of inferiority!

My reaction about a Ugandan journalist


In Uganda, a journalist makes effort to support lost and abandoned children. Her name is Gladys Kalibala. She is writing newspaper column for New Vision, one of Uganda’s leading newspapers to get more people know that children and to offer assistance for them.
Kalibala is loved by many of motherless children because she primarily considers them. But she is not a rich woman. But thanks to funds provided by her supportive readers, she supports she pays tuition fees, for example.
Where does her compassion come from? The key is her childhood. Because she was abandoned by her mother, she was raised by her grandfather. He was a reverend, so he often willingly helped needy people. Because she grew with looking at such behavior of him, she took over his mind.
She hopes to start a foundation for supporting these children by providing them with shelter and education.


After reading this article, I was surprised at her conscientiousness. How many people who can do the same are there? Of course, some people do the same. But in many cases, they are rich people. Not rich people, like us, can’t easily such things. Well then, what shall they do?
I think there are 2 means for this.
First, they can start fund campaigns or join them. If even they have little money, many a little makes a mickle. This is an ordinary means but most effective means I think.
Second, they can inform existence of that children to other people, like Kalibala. Today, the power of the mass media is very strong. Supportive people may appear for this. Thanks to the spread of the Internet, we can inform various things to people in the world. And recently, by the appearance of SNS, we became to connect other people more easily.

Manchester City fined for violating financial fair play

European soccer’s governing body fined Manchester City around $30 million and will limit its squad to 21 players in next season’s Champions League for breaking the rules of Financial Fair Play.
The club has been among the biggest spenders in Europe. Over the past 3 seasons, it has laid out more than $400 million on signing new players.
It is not only club that was cited by UEFA for violating the regulations. Another 8 clubs were cited for this.

The heart of this article is whether it is right or wrong to lay out much money to get good players. In my idea, it is right. There are 2 reasons for this.
First, Laying out much money for the player can be the barometer that the club appreciate the player. The expectation for the player becomes bigger as to be laid out more money.
Second, from the principle of capitalism, it isn’t able to avoid free competitions. It is usual in this world for the weak to become the victim of the strong. That’s life.

Therefore I think Laying out much money to get much money is right.