Category Archives: yamato

Yamato Aoki: This is I believe

Yamato Aoki: This is I believe


I believe that Japan will get rid of one quadrillion yen worth of government bonds and become the leader of the world as a developed country full of social issues.

I went to study in the Unites States of America when I was 15 on my own. It was an eye-opening experience for me especially because I only spent my time studying and playing sports in Japan. Many of the same generation was passionate about politics. There was a discussion about  American military base in Okinawa during one of the classes I took. One of the students asked me what I thought about it and I couldn’t say a word. My English wasn’t good but more than that, I didn’t know anything about that issue. Afterwards, I had many opportunities to participate in social movements. One of them was the presidential election that Obama was in.

After Obama got elected, I came back to Japan. I realized there were not many young people who were interested in social and political issues. Therefore, I started a non-profit organization to make young people more involved in politics. As the leader of this organization, I got to discuss with lot of local government workers about the future of this country. They all said that Japan faces declining birthrate and aging population.

I believe that only the young can solve these problems. Considering that I may live in this country for the coming 60 years,  we must reconsider the mindsets of local and federal governments.  They seem to believe that national tax will allocated to local governments in the form of subsidies as if they fall from the heavens. Hence, they do not live in the framework in which they must raise the money for themselves. I believe that even these local governments must take the responsibility to raise the money to solve the problems that they face.

Only after accomplishing this will Japan solve its quadrillion yen bond problem, and truly become a global leader. I believe that I will be a member who can contribute to realizing this dream.


My reaction about African elephants.


Africa elephants ‘face survival threat’ from poaching According to the office of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the elephants in Africa still face large-scale poaching that endangers its survival as species. Ivory continues to see its high demand globally despite the law enforcement on its international trade by Cites. The number of Ivory seizure in Africa is more than that of Asia for the first time. Conservationists believe that the number of poaching is actually increasing in some areas. Although policing against poaching is becoming more strict in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, elephants in these countries account for 80% of Africa’s Ivory.


★My thoughts

Extinction of elephants is a highly concerned issue inthe global scale as there are many activists and organizations that advocate for animal rights today. I was surprised by the number of elephants killed in 2013. I also did not know that there still is very high demand in Ivory over the world. It seems to me that there are some cultural factors behind the high demand. For example, in Japan Ivory was long used to make name stamps for impression seal. For such reason, I could easily imagine Ivory being traded in many countries, even though it is internationally illegal. I believe there needs to be more strict law enforcement system that could possibly stop the elephants in Africa from extinguishing. In fact, I don’t see any other way that could be more practical in terminating poaching. In order to do this, there needs to be a firm structure that could police the poaching in the local level so that the patrolling will be more effective. I also believe there should be higher awareness on this issue. There are activists and organizations that voice the injustice; however, there needs to be more people involved. Even though people and companies who demand Ivory today may know about this tragedy, I still think it’s important to pressure them to save the elephants in Africa from extinction.

My reaction about Manchester City Fined for Violating Financial Fair


European soccer’s governing body fined Manchester City around $30 million on Friday and will limit its squad to 21 players in next season’s Champions League for breaking the rules of Financial Fair Play.

Manchester City is the biggest spenders in Europe since 2009. Over the past there seasons, it has laid out more than $400 million on signing new players.



The current football situations in which rich teams get better players and can be stronger is right or wrong, fair or unfair. I think it is right. There are 3 reasons.

First, most soccer fans are wants a strong team. So get better player can be make strong team.

Second, It is factors that create an environment to gather a good player.

In order to fix the environment, various costs will be charged.

Third, Football is one of the businesses. It is natural because it is the modern is freely moved in negotiations.


Conclusion I think rich teams get better players and can be stronger is right.