Category Archives: saki

Audio essay

Ken Robinson talked about human creativity and education system. I agree with his ideas. In his speech, the creativity is as important as literacy in education. So we should treat with same status. Children have potential and originality, can show exceptional ability. Even if they don’t know anything, they try to do. If they are afraid that it is wrong, they don’t conceive of the original thing. The current education system eliminates human being original creativity. To study mathematics and language is given priority to art subjects. However, there are not only the children that have academic ability but also the children that have artistic sensitivity. Moreover, human intelligence is various, dynamic and peerless. We should educate that all children can make the best of their intelligence.


I want to speak my experience in the following. I studied the subjects like mathematics, science and history very hard in childhood. Strictly speaking, I was made to study hard by my parents. They often said that if I studied hard, I could go excellent university and get a good job. So I have thought studying is the most important in my life. However, only the subject to use brain isn’t most necessary in our lives. If I had tried to do various things in childhood, I would take interested in a lot of things and have extended experience. That’s why I want children to identify their ability and think a great deal of their possibility.


Ken Robinson said that many people think that academic ability is superior to artistic subjects in order to work companies. Present education system has a few problems. It isn’t only academic ability to need in a lot of companies. It is important for children to have creativity, cooperativeness and sociability and so on. Adults should teach children to have them. What should we do to improve such power? I have three ideas. First, school should increase discussion in the classes. There are few opportunities to discuss in elementary school and junior high school. To talk about their opinions leads to develop their creativity and positive thinking. Second, it needs to carry out field works. For example, to touch them naturally, to perform an occupation experience, to appreciate traditional arts and so on have them think about themselves. They will learn something that cannot learn in academic classes from field works. Third, reading many books is good for them. Books made them more creative. But now, almost they read few books. I want them to read various books.




Human creativity is limitless and make in the future. So that he says, we have to become the support that children make the future.


My reaction about confirmed as Maduro attacks US ‘oil war’


The Venezuelan economy is now officially in recession after the central bank released figures showing that it has been shrinking all year. President Nicolas Maduro explained factor of recession and future prospects. He said that political instability and falling oil prices affected economy of Venezuela. He also said his countries was suffering the consequences of an economic war launched by US President Barack Obama “to destroy” the oil producers’ cartel, OPEC. However, he think the crisis as a great opportunity for Venezuela to change its economic model.


Venezuela is one of the developing countries. The Venezuelan economy depends on oil exports. Some people accuse that decline of economy is caused by the socialist policies of Mr. Maduo and his late predecessor, Hugo Chavez. I think that exchange control policy and seizure of the product by Mr. the forcible policy. A lot of people in Venezuela are troubled his policy. But he insists his policy is for his country. Venezuela needs to change the economic policy. To become a developing country, he should governs more democratic. In addition, He should support the companies of various fields as well as oil companies. A shortage of many staples, such as corn oil and milk, is very seriously. It is important whether most nations can obtain daily necessaries. First of all, he should do a policy to do their daily lives wealthily. It must lead to recovery of the Venezuela economy. I hope that the nation in Venezuela can live without troubles of lives.

My reaction about “Despite graphic battle scenes, Russell Crowe’s sons will accompany him to The Water Diviner premiere in Sydney”

CHILDREN should not be spared from the brutal truth of war, according to Russell crow, who is taking his two young sons to the world premiere of his directional debut in Sydney on Tuesday night. The Water Diviner, which tells the story of a father (Crowe) who travels to Gallipoli after the war to properly bury his three sons, includes a number of graphic battlefield flashbacks. When he won a Best Actor Oscar for his performance, he said that it’s definitely a film that you take our kids to. He wants children to watch the movie.
He describes The Water Diviner as “unashamedly anti-war”. He said that however we often romanticize what things mean, we should describe the reality. In addition, he felt it was important to canvas both sides of the story.

It is hard for me to watch violence movies because I feel scared. Children must feel similarity. But it is important to convey the history of wars. And it is good for us to use the movie to learn it. The Water Diviner is not horror and killer movies. So I want to children to watch the movie in order to learn the history of wars. We must not forget a lot of wars. However I think that some movies about wars have too many violence scenes to pursue the reality. It is difficult for children to watch the movies. We should be it easy to watch the movie about wars.
It is important the history of war not only one direction but also both sides. According to the view, we will feel different about wars. We should learn wars objectively.

My reaction about ‘Instagram for doctors’ to be iaunched in Europe

This article is an app which help doctors share pictures of their patients. This app called ‘Instagram for doctors’ was started selling in Europe. More than 150,000 doctors have uploaded case photos, but some experts have worried about patient confidentiality. Patients’ face and identifying marks like tattoos are blinded by the app.

Founder Dr. Josh Landy told that the best way to protect patient’s identity is not to have any personal medical data. In addition, he told that if some rare disease were uploaded case photos, the patients could have been identified. Anybody can download the app for free, but only verified healthcare professional can upload or comment on them, he added.

I think that Instagram for doctors is a good app because doctors can resolve some rare cases. It is too difficult for doctors to cure incurable disease by themselves. If many doctors are involved in treatments, it will be able to cure the incurable disease. To share photos of their patients leads to save many lives.

But I am worried about identifying the patients in the app. No matter how doctors try to hide their patients, in rare cases, we can identify who is the picture. It is important that protect the privacy of patients. So we should do that only doctors are to be able to see ‘Instagram for doctors’. However, I think that more important thing is to clarify what is the incurable disease. I want to help ‘Instagram for doctors’ to resolve many medical problems.

This I believe

I believe that it leads to happiness in the future to make an effort towards an aim little by little every day.

When I was an elementary school student, I had the habit of studying every day. At first, I was made to study by my parents, so I studied against my will. I could not play until study is over. I studied at early morning or coming home immediately because I ended study early and wanted to play. So I gradually came to study every day.


I studied every day to play as quickly as possible childhood. This leads to continue making an effort towards an aim.


After that, when I was Junior and senior high school student, it is hard to be successful both study and club activity. I was a member of the tennis club. I didn’t want to give up another one. So I made an effort both them little by little. I concentrated on club activity before the match of club and concentrated on study before an examination.


As a result, though I was not able to leave a make an achievement in the last game, I enjoyed it. And, I could enter Keio University. Now, I’m having fun every day. I think that the reason why there is the present life is that I made an effort seriously when I was Junior and senior high school student.


People should make an effort not only one thing but also all thing that they want to do.


But recently, I tend to give priority to club activities and part-time job, travel and so on. So I am apt to put off study. Of course, I think that it is important to play with friends and do part-time job because it becomes the precious memories. However, I entered Keio University due to study and find my future. It is the way which I decided by myself. I think that we are able to find what I want to do in the future by making various studies. I haven’t found it yet. So I want to try the study hard without giving it up. If I can find my dream, I set an aim, and I’d like to do my best and work hard for my dream. I believe that it lead to happiness in the future.

My reaction about Ebola deaths pass 300 in West Africa -WHO

Our group discussed about Ebola.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people killed by the deadly Ebola Virus in West Africa has risen to 337. The virus occurs in southern Guinea’s Guekedou region suddenly, but then spread to its neighbors. So it is spread by close contact.
More than 500 suspected or confirmed cases of the virus have been recorded. In addition the death rate is very high. It is because there is no cure or vaccine for Ebola. Symptoms include internal and external bleeding, diarrhea and vomiting.
The WHO said it was working with the three countries to strengthen cross-border collaboration aimed at tacking the outbreak. Therefore it does not recommend any travel or trade restriction on the three countries.

Ebola is incurable disease. It is so terrible. But we cannot solve this problem easily.
I think that the government should educate people about Ebola at school, office, and media. People need to learn that Ebola is dangerous to people.
Most dangerous thing about Ebola is no cure or vaccine. We cannot get recover if we are infected with Ebola virus. So we must prevent us from being infected with Ebola virus. It is necessary to confine any travel or trade on the three countries where infection was suspected or confirmed so that the WHO recommended it.
In addition, developed countries should help the three countries develop new cure, vaccine and medicine. It is important that many countries cooperate to lose Ebola.
It takes a lot of time to reduce people infected with Ebola. I hope that people suffering in Ebola disappear.

My reaction about more than 25% of young people share parents’homes


The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said more than 3.3 million adults between the ages of 20 and 34 were living with parents in 2013, 26% of that age group. It also found young men more likely to live at home than women.
The ONS suggested the trend of living at home might be due to the recent economic downtown.
According to Karen Gask, senior research officer at the ONS, one of the main reasons is housing affordability, and that’s been cited by several academics who’ve looked into it.


I think it is not so good that a quarter of young people in the UK living with their parents.
It is comfortable for them to have their parents do housework. But, they become independent and should live. This is because I think that if they depend on their parent forever, they cannot grow up. Moreover, if their parents die, they may not live alone.
However, they cannot spend money to buy a house. It is difficult to buy a house for their salary. But, they should be able to live in the cheap and small house. So, they cannot live with their parent by the reason of a salary being low.

In addition, there are some reasons that young men are more likely to live with their parents than women. Firstly, men cannot do housework than women. Secondly, men often inherit the house of parents than women. But, I think that men have higher salary than women. So, I think that more men become to live independently.