Category Archives: akiko

This I believe…

I believe that practice makes me perfect and trying something I have’t done ever makes me stronger and stronger.

There are some reasons to support my opinion.

First about the word that practice makes me perfect, if we didn’t practice something to do well, surely we couldn’t performance as we expected. Actually, I’m good at playing the piano and I often participate in the piano contest, so I know well the importance of practice. Whenever I practice hard, I can performance satisfactorily. Of course, no matter how hard I practice, I makes mistakes once in a while, I think.But every time I’m satisfied with my performance, I have made efforts a lot.

Second about the word that trying something I haven’t done ever makes me stronger and stronger, I think if we want to change ourselves, we have to try something new. Of course, it’s important to do same works again and again in order to do better. But forexample, if a pianist  practice only the one piece, he could play no piece but the one. It’s not good ,I think.

Tha’s why I think that practice makes me perfect and trying something I haven’t done makes me stronger and stronger.To tell the truth, my dream is to win the piano contest in the world and I want to be a pianist who give dreams to audiences by my performance. To realize my dream, I’ll practice hard , try new thing , and I will not be afraid of anything. I’ll do.

Of course, I am not in the musical schoole,but I think I can do. While I study politics,English, everything to do in this university, I practice the piano harder than other students.

Thank you for your listening. Bye.

Vail bans


In France, the number of Muslims is increasing these days. As you know, Muslim women have to wear veil to cover themselves. It’s natural for Muslims to do so, but French people  think it is not good to cover themselves entirely. There are provocative devates about whether the veils is religious or repression, in short, whether Muslim women wear veils by their simple faith or by obedience. French president Nicholas Sarkozy says “the veils is used to oppress women. It is not a religious symbol, it is sign of en slavement. It will not welcome in the French Republic.” The Netherlands and Belgium aoso have opinions closed to France.


I think Muslims don’t have to compel women to wear veils. There are some reasons to support my opinion. First, as France says, everyone, of course women are free to wear what they wont to wear. Second, if  he or she believes a religion, he or she don’t have to obey as a slave. Of course, believing something is so good, but even so,we should live freely because  we are humen beings. We are not slaves.There are some religion in the world, and in each religion, there are some rules to follow.But I think you had better fight ageinst it if you don’t wont to follow.

Thank you for reading.                                Akiko Yano