Category Archives: ryota

My reaction about “ADB chief welcomes chance to work with new China-led financier”


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a reginal development bank which was established to facilitate economic development of countries in Asia in 1966.  However, recently, new infrastructure investment bank proposed by China and it`s called the Asina Infrascture Investment Bank (AIIB). The head of the Asian Development Bank, Takehiko Nakao said “If the AIIB is established, we are very happy to have the appropriate collaboration.”  Also he added that it was understandable that Asian countries would want such an institution because of the region`s huge need for infrastructure financing.

But some analysts see as a venue to expand Chinese influence at their expense. However, Nakao stressed that the ADB has always been active in infrastructure  and China has always been supportive of the ADB.


I think the essence of this article is in the collision between the ADB chief`s opinion (especially Nakao) and analysts` opinion.

The ADB chief is saying that the AIIB is needful for Asian countries` infrastructure financing. Also they think China haas always been very supportive of the ADB. But above mentioned, some analysts see as a venue to expand Chinese influence at their expense and they oppose establishing the AIIB.

Before reading this article, I didn`t know much about the ADB and the AIIB. But I don`t agree about establishing the AIIB either. Because the recent Chinese economic is apprehensived for it`s deterioration. So I don`t think the AIIB is drastic reforms for Asian countries` infrastructure financing.

Final audio essay

Ken Robinson, an expert on education talked about his ideas about education, intelligence and learning in the video.

At first, he said the educaction is the thing which enable to carry to prospective future. And though making mistakes and being creative is not same, the education always criticizes making mistakes. He also said there are the relative merits of the subjects in education all over the world. For example, mathematic and language are top and art is low.  He expressed it is the education lacked creative.

In these points, I agree with his idea. In present education, people always divide the things to right and wrong things and they condemn the wrong things are bad. But I think these education system killed the human`s creative and talent. So I agree with his idea.

Next, he said the intelligence is composed of three points. First point is the diversity. He explained it is very  important to think the things from every angles. Second point is dinamic. He produced the example, interaction of human brain. He said the intelligence is made from interaction between various fields and values. Third point is distinctive. In this point, he talked about Jylian Lin who became a dancer.

In these points, I also agree with his idea. I think everyone in this world has an uncertain intelligence of various fields. And we also cannot never evaluate that intelligence. But above mentioned, the present education system evaluates the intellgence by using grades. So I think that situation of education kills the human`s intelligence. Therefore, we have to reconsider of these education systems.

Finally, he also talked about learning. He said that every children can show exceptional power. And the essence of learning is human`s concentration of the talent which they have.

I also agree with his idea. I also think the essence of learning is human`s concentration of the talent which they have. So the education must accommodate to this essence. But I think prensent education system robbed the chances for people to concentrate . The school timetable is a good example. Because it makes every people do the things decided by school on time. If there is a child who has a talent of art, he will be robbed the time to concentrate to his talent by the school timetable.

These are my   response to his ideas about education, intelligence and learning. Before writing this essay, I don`t have a chance to think about the relation between education and learning. But this time, I could reconsider of these things.

I appreciate to attend your class. Thank you!

My reaction about “Transplant success: Boy under 10 gets heart of girl under 6”


In this article, the girl under 6 was declared brain dead  and her liver and other organs were harvested for transplantation after family gave their consent. The recipient boy has been suffering from left ventricular noncompaction  and he was expected to  be able to leave the hospital in three to six months if he does well after the operation.

So the donor girl had been hospitalized at Juntendo University Hospital in Tokyo and her family agreed to provide her organs after a doctor diagnosed that the child could be judged as brain dead after suffering from a brain disorder.  Then it has successfully transplanted the heart.


I think the problem of organ donation is very intricate thing. So I cannot decide that organ donation is good or not way to save people necessarily. In class, we discussed about the possitive point and negative point of organ donation.

At first, the possitive point of this is of course that it can save many people`s lives. In that point, I think this is a good way to save people.

But, the negative point is the criteria of brain death is very difficult. In other words, there is possiblity that the donor is still alive and organ donation kills him. So the way to save people`s lives may kill people`s lives.

These points are the possitive and negative thing we talked about. So above mentioned, I cannot decide organ donation is good or not way to save people necessarily.

Women`s rights groups hail conviction of Afghan cleric for girl`s rape


This article is about the girl who was raped and confronted her attacker in court. What`s unusual about this case is that the victim had the courage to step forward.This girl was 10 years old, so a little young girl from a far province gets justice for herself, this was an amazing thing for people. This article says this is a success for human rights in the country. And also it says that it makes us believe and trust more in the justice system in the country.


When we read this article, we talked about the ways how can ladies or girls raped get justice against the culprit in countries such as Japan. In Japanese present law, it admits the participation system of the victims to court. I thought this will be the best way.

But usually, the victims who were raped have the clear memories about incidents. So it will be difficult for the victims to confront their attacker in court. Therefore, the partipation system is not the perfectly best way for victim`s salvations.

I think as the thing which complements the system, Japanese present law admits the shield system between victims and culprit or television telephone system for victims. These systems will improves the participation system of victims to court.

However, the little girl`s confrontation her attacker in court is a success for human rights in the world, I think.

What I believe in the best way to live


I believe that the best way to live our lives is to do the things what you really want.

I`m now driving for being an attorney for the foreseeable future. So I`m making effort for the bar examination now.

When I was borned, my uncle have became an attorney at the same year. So I had a few chances to go to law court. In those days, I`m not specially attracted to being an attorney and so on. Maybe I have not been sured what my uncle was doing in the place and I just watched only figures then.

But when I became an elementary school student, I finally knew that he was making to save many people in that place. I was really amazed and at the same time  I thought  the job that my uncle was doing was so stunning. At once, I talked to my uncle the things that I thought and told him that I wanted to be an attorney like him in the future. Then he told me “The best way to live our lives is to do the things what you really what” . So I wrote the thing about wanting to be an attorney in the future to a collection of compositions published by my elementary school then.

So here I am, 19 years old, I enterned the faculty school of law in Keio University and I`m now trying to realize my dream that I really desired from early childhood. Maybe there are a lot of difficulties in my process. But I`m really grad for being in the places that makes me able to do what I really love and also I`m happy with what I am doing now.

Some people say that only few people can realize their dream and do the things what you really want. But I think it`s not true. Because everybody has each chances to realize their dreams and do the things what you really want. I think that the difficult point is finding the “thing” what you really love or want. This is also the key point in this case. For me, the “thing” is being an attorney.

I think if you are doing what you love or want, there is much more happiness. And this will be the best way to live our lives.

My reaction about “Texas Border Towns Help Immigrants”


Thousands of immigrants came from Central America and they have crossed over the Mexican border into the U.S. state of Texas in recent months. Therefore, local communities are providing these weary and hungry immigrants with humanitarian assistance.

But, the city has spent about many bucks on this emergency  opperation. And also some people have decried such assistance as aiding lawbreakers and encouraging more people to cross the border illegally.

So, we have a problem with this, ”Is it a right way to spend much money in order to help?”


I`m agree with spending money in order to help immigrants.

Ofcourse, the money income from tax that was paid from our household economy and some people disagree with this. However,  I thought that we must end up spending much more dollars if the situation does not move. And in my group, we discussed that Japan have to intrude on this immigrants` problem much more. Because, now and in the future, declining birth rate will go higher , but also tax`s cost also go higher.  So, Japan have to invite these kind of imigrants and the those problems will be dissolved.

But there is another problem “If we intrude on immigrant`s problem, will we lost the traditions in our countries?” and we also discussed about this. I think “No”. Because we haven`t never lost those traditions historically. In the history, various incidents happen in counties(not only Japan), but there are few countries that lost their traditions by those incidents.

This is all my reaction about “Texas Border Towns Help Immigrants”.


My reaction about police warn visitors, `Don`t scream if robbed`


Brazil has the World Cup next month. But Brazil also has one of the world`s highest murder rates. In 2012, the UN office on Drugs and Crime said 25.2 people are killed per 100,000 population.

So Brazilian police have put together a phamphlet of top tips for staying safe during the World Cup next month. In those phamplet they suggest such as making sure not to scream if someone tries to rob you. If you say this simply, it`ll be “Do not react, scream or argue.“


Ofcource, I can understand why Brazilian police suggest like “Do not react, scream or argue”. The idea is apparently to warn visitors not to provoke robbers into further violence, and avoid the increasingly common crime.

But, tourists come from all over the world(in this article it says tourists come mainly from Europe and the United States), and I think the those kind of people do not see this crime very often in their countries. So, not to react, scream or argue if they are robbed will be a severe suggestion to them.

At no sistant date, the World Cup will be held in Brazil. I think that Brazilian police find another way to do the World Cup safely. And it`ll be the biggest issue for Brazil.
