Category Archives: nobutsugu

final audio essay

His presentation’s theme is the creativity and education.

He says that education system has to change. Meaning of intelligence should be reviewed. Moreover current education system extinguishes children’s creativity. For example, education system has the hierarchy and the priority sequence of subjects. So, especially the art subjects are quitted if they don’t want to be artist. Intelligence is introduced by interaction with various fields. Dance is as important as math.

Human creativity enriches the world. Creativity is as important as literacy. And children are hope. Since, all they have incomparable creativity. Adults should develop it. But current education system consider fails wrong, prevent to develop creativity. Human ecology should be gotten in education. Human ecology is one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capacity.

I think that creativity is important too. But, the education system which emphasizes creativity is difficult. So I want to hear that his specific plan. However I’m disappointed because he didn’t say it.

There are two reasons that change the current system is difficult.

First, current system is useful. Measuring ability is so difficult. The current system can narrow the subjects and we can appreciate students easily. If variety is too emphasized, we need to various criterions for judgment of education and it’s hard to compare each abilities. It’s not bad that ability to try certain subject harder, although strong or weak, favorite or not. Moreover this ability is needed in society.

Second, a general hierarchy of subjects is meaningful. Languages are needed for living. Mathematics is needed for developing logical thought. Humanities are needed for more enriching own life. Science is needed for questing truth. I think that languages should be at top of the hierarchy.

Changing the system is difficult. But I think that it should be changed so. I have three plans.

First plan is to adopt small-class. The number of students per a teacher is bigger problem than teacher’s quality. In big-class, teachers can’t look own students deeply and are required to teach a majority. Essentially, teachers have to teach a minority like students who is really good at studying and not good. Finally, teachers have to emphasize usability than to develop creativity.

Second plan is to collaborate with cram school. They have know-how about education as much as public school. The public school adopts these know-hows. Public school is at the limit of various educations. The government should help professional private schools.

Third plan is to support parents. As long as parents are teacher, they are beginner in education. They have big anxiety. So they sometimes forget to love their children. Despite it’s most important of their role. They are afraid of their children have differences. Since, they think that their children can’t live in society. Therefore they give their children the same education as others and children will lose creativity.

In conclusion, I think that how to teach is more important than what to teach. Children themselves can grow up. So we shouldn’t decide contents of education. We have to make environment not to prevent their growth.

Clinical studies planned in Japan for prenatal screening of fertilized eggs

My article talked about pre-implantation genetic diagnose.

The screening, called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, has ethical problems over genetic selection, as it would also include testing for genetic disorders.

Doctors are planning to conduct clinical studies on the screening of eggs fertilized in vitro to see if the implantation of eggs containing no genetic abnormalities can lessen the risk of miscarriage.

A subcommittee of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology has drafted a plan for the studies, to be reviewed by the group’s ethics committee.

If approved, the group plans to solicit public opinion on the plan.

I agree with almost ways for who have the babies. But I oppose ways for choose babies.

I think that there aren’t normal children and abnormal children. Everyone has the differences. Only the people who will be able to accept all kind of difference should have the baby. Technologies such as pre- implantation genetic diagnose should be used by the people who can’t have the babies.

Prenatal diagnosis has good points. For example, we get the information about fetuses, we can prepare for them. We will be able to get information about “abnormal” children and prepare for accept differences. But this technology shouldn’t be used to choose the lives.

Disney Makes Space for Snow White With Tokyo Expansion

The article talked about Tokyo Disney Resort.

Oriental Land Co., the owner of Tokyo Disney Resort, is planning to expand property. The company has begun developing Fantasyland, 10 year plan and will also create a new themed port, to be adjoining DisneySea park.

Some analyst said that Tokyo Disney Resort is at full capacity and it won’t be able to attract more users.

Actually, remodeling of Disney’s California Adventure theme park has boosted attendance.

Tokyo Disney Resort is always crowded. Since this theme park have good quality, and is favorably located. We can alive to the theme park from downtown in about 1 hour. To expand space and to create a new theme port adjoining Tokyo Disney Land and Sea will alleviate crowd and increase visitors. It needs to increase employee and keep high quality.

Other theme parks should get something out from Tokyo Disney Resort. They needs to take measures of anyone isn’t tired to increase repeaters.

I want to increase spots which give not only children but also adults a dream and extraordinary experiences. These will stimulate invention. So, it will give us not only material something, but also mental benefits. Mental benefits give good influence to human activity. At last it creates a virtuous circle.

Dengue fever

My group article talked about the dengue fever.

In Japan, many people have become ill with dengue fever. dengue fever haven’t been confirmed for long time in Japan. Patients who developed the disease for transmitted by a type of mosquito, usually come down with the symptom. For example, it’s fever, headache, rashes and pain behind the eyes. In this case, fortunately, there are no deaths. Most of the patients have visited Yoyogi Park which is popular park in central part of Tokyo. So, Japanese authorities closed and fumigated large part of the park. Someone who is an assistant professor said the virus can be contained because the mosquitos which have the virus can’t survive the cold weather.

I think Japanese government should takes measures to some disease like dengue fever.

Generally, the disease is found in tropical and subtropical climates. Global warming is progressing. To stop it is too difficult. So, in the future, some disease like dengue fever will come to japan. I guess that dengue fever appear again in the next year. Japanese government has to take measures the new disease which is only in tropical climate now. Otherwise, many Japanese will die. During winter when the mosquito is dead is good time for government takes measures.

I Believe

I believe that the friendly relationship between people makes the world peaceful.

Direct communications are important for establish friendly relationship. For example it is to talk, listen, discuss, and solve together and directly. I’ll cite three instances for your understanding.

First instance, some articles and comments which are extreme and violent are in the spotlight on the internet. Many of people want to peace the world and establish friendly relationship. But it is natural opinion. Then, unfortunately, nobody says anything like this. Of course, these aren’t in the spotlight. Consequently, the minority opinion which is extreme, violent, and cause wars will affect majority opinion.

We can’t recognize existence of someone on the internet.Then, we can hurt and enflame someone easily. But at the same time it is possible that we were done the same thing. Since, safety was insured and to escape is easy.

Second instance is the Gulf war. There are many similarities between the internet and the Gulf war. The Gulf war was called “Nintendo War” because so many people were killed as play video games. Since they didn’t recognize existence of someone, the war didn’t seem real. This tendency is getting stronger. Specifically drone strikes have been increased.

Third instance, I had talked about China to elementary school students, some of them said that “I hate China” and “China is bad”. However, I said them that “Have you  talked with Chinese?”, they said “No”. I felt surprise and fear. They were controlled by information of mass media.

There is a little foreigner in Japan. Many of Japanese don’t have opportunity of contact directly with the foreigners. So, the mass media have major influence on image of foreigner. This will be the cause of “Hate Speech”.

It isn’t easy now that we recognize existence of the individual.

We need to enjoy friendly relationship between people.

I think that I have to do something for recover relationship between Japan, Korea and China. But I haven’t done something yet. Some of people have already acted. For example one of the Japanese took the free hugs campaign in Korea. In other case, one of the Chinese held the table tennis meeting. Many Japanese and Chinese took part in it. I want take part in and hold some events like this. Certainly we change too bad present condition.

Poaching elephants summary and my opinion

My group article talked about poaching elephants in Africa. A major wildlife conservation group reports many elephants were poached because some people get their ivory across the African continent last year.  Moreover, for the first time, more smuggled ivory was seized in Africa than in Asia. CITES Secretary General says it isn’t success that CITES seized many smuggled ivory. He says it is important that where and how the elephants were caught and who caught them. We have to survey details. On the other hand, poaching levels decreased in parks in some African countries.

I have two opinions. First, as long as illicit consumers exist, elephant population continue decline. Probably consumers are rich countries like Japan. We need a system which can crime the consumers under international law. Second, I think it isn’t someone else’s problem. Because Japan has a problem of research whaling. Japan claims that research whaling is possible because while population has increased enough to catch. There are many problems which are kind of culture, resource and to protect wildlife animals in it. To solve the problems like this, we have to balance each elements of problem. There is no doubt about to protect wildlife animals. But it’s true that everyone needs to eat animals. Other problems have to be solved without be emotionally.

Polls close in eastern Ukraine

My group article said that the Ukraine problem. Recently, many people who live in eastern Ukraine wanted to independence from Ukraine. So, referendums held by the people in two cities. But there is a lot of fraud. For example, several people did double voting. Moreover to bullets were fired and to some police prevented people from voting happened. Two incidents heightened tensions at polling places. The Ukraine governor didn’t accept right of the polls. And, the present, they can’t control activists. Russia allegedly support to activists.

I have two opinions about this article.

First, I think the poll isn’t right. Because it isn’t important that just hold referendum. It is important that hold referendum right. Right referendum doesn’t have to have fraud.

Second, I think the issue is not only in eastern Ukraine but also between Europe countries, U.S. and Russia. Present situation is likely to become the cold war again. We have to avoid that regional dispute become world war. If world war happen again, we may go to bust. We learned wars are un productive and terrible. Even strong countries like U.S. and Russia never get everything own way.

I hope that to solve the issue in eastern Ukraine peacefully.