Category Archives: masahiro

Life expectancy


Way back in the past, life expectancy was about 20 years but now when we opened the lid it turned out that we could live for about 63 years or more. The reasons for our longer life expectancy are not only by genes but by the lifestyle. 80% of the factors of longer life expectancy are related to your lifestyle. In the end, if you have better genes, outlook, diet, exercise and an active mind you can live up to 100 years or so.


As I measured my life expectancy rate in this class I realized that I am able to live for about 80 years more from now on, if I live in a right way. This measure can easily be changed. You can subject your life expectancy rate by living in a bad situation or doing bad action. On the other hand, you can add your life expectancy rate by doing more good or the evolution of medical treatment may add it too. So I think this means that our life expectancy rate is unlimited because we don’t know and we can’t guess how far the medical treatment may evolve within our life span.

I believe in the future, future which I am over 200 years old. Some may think “I want to live until I am 80 years old and I want to die quietly” or “I don’t want to live longer, if I live longer it means I’m going to be lonely” , why think in a negative way? Think on the bright side, if you live longer you can go to a lot of place for vacation. You can have a lot of life experience and many people would admire you.

Thinking on the bright side is the key point for longer life expectancy. As I said in the summary ‘’ an active mind’’.



 This article is about the tension between protesters, police and the masked men in Hong Kong. Protesters opposed to the idea of restriction on the first-ever direct election. Protesters want to stop the plan of screening the candidates so they built a barricade in the center of Hong Kong. Police took out a dawn operation to relieve traffic. Protesters demanded the authorities to accept the demands. The masked men arrived to destroy the barricades because they are anti prodemocracy-demonstrators. So we could say that this article’s title could be “protesters VS police and the masked men”.


 As I read through this article I thought these kinds of actions are meaningless. It could be effective but causing trouble to an innocent people is not the way to demand something. By using barricades, people could not go through by car and even by foot. In anyway if you want to convince someone you should not rely on those violent actions.

 If I were to challenge the government I would use internet media. These day people tend to use internet. People inside their home often use “2ch”,”nikonikodouga” etc. By using them we could change people’s thoughts. In this way we won’t be an obstruction to anyone.

 What I wanted to say is that trying to change something in a violent way may be effective sometime(not always) but will be disliked by the citizens who form the city.

Cruise Ship Returns to Seattle Following Fire

The Westerdam which is the name of the cruise ship, were headed to Alaska when the blaze occurred. 2,086 passengers and 798 crew members were onboard. The blaze occurred twice and it took place in the boiler room. The first one and the second one were extinguished by the crew. Nobody was heart, but the cruise ship had to go back to Seattle.

These kind of news are dramatized because recently there had been an accident at Korea. The sunken ship Sewol was all over the paper. But think of it this way, by reporting these news people will hold back from going on a cruise trip. This will brutally attack the big business of cruising. People will refrain from using a ship to travel even if it is really safe. The company could say that it is safe, but the Sewol accident represents the lacking of safety so people won’t believe it. Second wave by this Westerdam’s accident could make people not to believe in the safe safe slogans without a doubt. This is only my opinion so it could be a false but you can’t say that no one’s thinking this way.

World Cup city gripped by dengue fever



The main point of this article is about the brutal attack to the World Cup by dengue fever. Dengue fever which has the same effect as chronic influenza is all over the Brazilian city where Portugal’s team and Nigeria’s team will train for the World Cup. The virus is carried by mosquitos. More than 30000 people have been infected and 3 are dead. It is said that there is no cure for dengue fever, so prevention from being infected is the most important thing. Luckily, both teams are going to be in a mosquito-controlled place.


As I read through the article something was wrong. The news took up this article because the World Cup is being held. If the World Cup wasn’t held at Brazil, I think the brutal epidemic wouldn’t be any news. This is the point where I thought something was wrong. This kind of news should be informed at any circumstances. The article also says that the team is going to run a much smaller risk than the local people. I think the countermeasure should be held for local people too. Even though the soccer team has to train for world sized game, there should be no difference. What I want to say is that helping local people is a must and everyone should be more concerned about these kinds of matters not just focusing on the World Cup.