Category Archives: mao

Audio essay about education

Mao’s audio eassyI agree his ideas about education, intelligence and learning. He said three contentions about creativity.

One is the extraordinary evidence of human creativity. The second is that we have no idea in what’s going to happen. I also have a big interest in education because it meant to take us into this future that we can’t grasp.

The third is that children have their capacities for innovation. He insisted that all kids have tremendous talents. I really think so. When we were kids, we had much possibility to be such as artists, musician, scientists, politician and so on.

However, education system has influenced on diminution of creativity . I think intelligence is necessary and important. On the other hand, creativity is also essential for us.  So, we should treat it with the same status.

We have been taught fear of being wrong.  As a result, we can’t try anything original easily. He said “if we aren’t prepared to be wrong, we’ll never come up with anything original.” I agree this contention. Unfortunately, almost kids lost their talents at present. We have to change national education system all over the world. We bring up talent of kids to create creativity.

It came industrialism in 19 century. It was most important and necessary for people to learn high literacy because they have to get good jobs. They learned academic ability to get better jobs. So, mathematics and languages are more important than dancing and music.

When I was a child, I would like to become a cartoonist. But my mother said “Study harder mathematics, Japanese, and social studies than writing a comic. ”Although I wanted to write a comic, I obeyed my mother’s advice. If the education system was changed, I might become a cartoonist. I would lose my talent at that time. Was I happy? “No.”

The most important is variety of talents in the future. Kids are also to invent new idea which adult is not able to think. Therefore, we must change education system for our society.

I suggest that we seek our creative capacity by new education system. Teacher and parents should change their minds. In other words, adults around children need to see through individual talents. So, they never blame children for their mistakes. Thus, adult must change how to view them. As the same, children will change their thinking. Children will be able to notice and learn what they are interested in.

I hope our children to change our life for the richness in the future.


Reaction:Baby shortage imperils Japan’s economy


Japan is suffering from an acute baby shortage. Just more than 1 million babies were born last year in Japan. On the other hand, Japan’s health ministry also estimated that 1269000 people died in 2014. The fact indicated the population has decreased in Japan.

The trend threatens to severely limit economic growth as worker struggle to pay for the booming number of elderly. So, the government has sought to boost birth with reforms.


The population especially young people has decreased in Japan year by year. We should think about shortage of working force. I suggest instead of working force. There are two remarkable ways.

First, housewives work while taking care of their children. Some housewives want to work to earn income. But, they can’t work the same as regular employees for many hours. So, it is difficult for them to take a job at present. Thus, the government have to support a more childcare system.

Next, many older people work. Older people has increased every year. Therefore, it is necessary for us to use an older people. Recently, we discuss about mandatory retirement system frequently. It may become a solution to abolish this system.

These ways will lead the answer to solve the problem.

Reaction:”Guess how many ‘Frozen’ dresses were sold this year?”


According to Disney, sale of dresses based on its megahit movie “Frozen” topped 3 million in North America this year alone. “Frozen” is really popular with kids around the world and its characters is truly a phenomenon for a long time. This movie has greatly influenced people. Disney is producing a new “Frozen” film, “Frozen fever” and constructing new attraction based on “Frozen” at present.



“Frozen” is the most popular movie in this year. Why saw people from kids to adults this movie? I think the secret of popularity is a sense of closeness.

There are two heroines in the film. They are sisters. Older sister, Elsa act prudently. On the other hand, younger sister, Ana is optimist. She has a bold view. Their personality is exactly the opposite. They quarreled about thinking. This situation is realistic.

I have older sister the same as this film. My sister is very cautious. For example, she lock up securely many times before she is out. But, I’m optimistic person. For instance, I can’t do homework earlier. I always try just before a deadline. Our situation resembles this story. So, I was deeply impressed by seeing this film.

This story aroused sympathy from many in the audience. Therefore, it is the most popular in this year.

About Height differences could be caused by DNA

Scientists found 400 regions in people’s genomes –their individual DNA libraries-that could contribute to an individual’s height. It may be great discovery.

We could solve the problems that how to cure an illness when people contract an illness.

For example, cancer is serious problems all over the world. Especially, in Japan, It is said that the probability of having cancer is 50%. It may also shed more light on cancer, where cell growth is out of control. I feel it is important thing. I have looked my mother suffered terrible pain from cancer for a long time. Unfortunately, she passed away this year. So, I strongly hope that this discovery prove to be very useful to cure cancer as soon as possible.

On the other hand, this discovery will cause another problem. Now, we understand with the DNA whether it is deformed baby or not. If pregnant women notice possibility of having deformed baby, some people may have an abortion. In this case, I consider to infringe human rights.

Therefore, this discovery is serious and difficult for us. However, there is no doubt that we can develop our life much more by this fact in the future.

This I believe

I believe that social media changes the society. I think that it will change politics, economy and human relations in the future.


When the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11th 2011, we couldn’t connect with each other by a cellphone which we trusted the best tool.Almost Japanese people panicked this situation. And we used cellphone at the same time in many places.We thought we could get in touch with friends or family immediately.But, all the lines were too busy not to connect anyone.At that time, I used a one of the social networking service, mixi to confirm my friend’s safety and so on.I felt the social media was essential for the first time.We could get an information of earthquake and transportation from mixi whenever we would like to check the site.Therefore, we recognize that social media is very useful.


Now, social media has spread all over the world. It can shake ideas of people beyond border.For example, we remember democratic movement called “Arab spring” from 2010 to 2012.It has spread to Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East from “Jasmine Revolution” that took place in Tunisia.At this time, planning and asking of demonstration was done on Facebook and twitter.I have noticed two points from this incident.First, social media has been popular with citizens, especially young people.Democratic movement has happened in more than fifty countries through social media.The fact indicated that many people used social media over the world.Second, there is strong influence of social media.If somebody makes an objection to a government by using a social media,the government could be changed. This case shows how strong influence of social media is. It is possible to move society by using a social media from these points.


However, there is demerit of social media.Sometimes, it cause the problem of bullying and crime.In fact, trouble of social media is increasing rapidly .In other words, it may go good way or bad way.So, if social media change our society, it is important for us how to use it.

My reaction about World Cup

Recently, people become enthusiastic over the world. The FIFA World Cup took place in Brazil,on June 13,2014.

Why do people get excited the soccer game? Probably,nobody knows what will happened until the end of the game. Almost sports except soccer are possible to expect a victory or defeat by the ranking of the world easily. However,soccer wasn’t influenced the ranking of the world because only goal decided the game. For example, Spain which was ranked top in the world was eliminated in the first league in this World Cup. People were surprised to hear this fact all over the world. There will not seldom happen in other sports. Therefore, nobody knows country which win the trophy. That’s why many people are so excited the soccer games.

According to this article, although Cameroon was very strong team, this team faced a crisis that Cameroon skipper Samuel Eto’o will fail to appear the game against Croatia due to his right knee injury. The situation took an unexpected turn.

Many people expect the host country, Brazil to win this tournament. But, Someone will perform miracles during this tournament. So, I am looking forward to seeing the final match.

Appeal over decision to halt fraud trial -my opinion-


A decision  to halt a fraud trial  meant they defendants could not find barristers to represent them. they could not find to be challenged by the Financial Conduct Autority. This is because Legal aid fees in England and Wales have been cut by up to 30%. As a result, many barristers refused to take on long or complex cases.


I was shocked to read this topic. According to this topic, Legal aid fees in England and Wales have been cut by up to 30%. Therefore, many barristers didn’t take on long or complex cases. It means defendants can’t have rights that they are tried a trial justifiably. This is serious problem. If I were a barrister, I would not refuse to these cases. In other words, we should provide enough legal aid fees for barristers to take a justifiable trial. So, I can’t agree that Legal aid fees in England and Wales have been cut by up to 30%. Thus, it  has to change its system as soon as possible in my opinion. This is what I thought to read this topic .