Category Archives: makoto

Final audio essay

    I agree with Ken Robinson’s idea in whole. I believe that creativity is as important as languages and mathematics, as he said.

   When I was a high school student, I often felt dissatisfied with an educational system because my teachers told me to do what they said anyway as if the reason is not necessary . It seemed that there wasn’t discretion of students. In such a school, it seems that the higher their performances of main five subjects in school is , the more excellent students are. Although languages and mathematics are very important and the possibility of using that knowledge in the future will be higher than that of putting to practical use what you learned about ,for example, arts, students have likes and dislikes and they will often decide their job based on that preference. Now, subjects requiring creativity such as arts is not so valued. In fact, in high school I went to, we can’t choose the classes of music and home economics when we were third-year students. Though I didn’t intend to choose such classes of art since I would be a university student majoring in law, students who were interested in arts and planed to be musician or designer was prevented from taking fascinating classes for them.

   By the way, I know a big man who attended to classes he didn’t take but he was interested in, daring to quit a university. He is Steve Jobs, one of the founder of Apple Inc. He dropped out a university to stop to take classes he was not interested in because he thought costs of classes he took was not enough valuable to spend money his parents earned. And then he started to sneak into classes he was really interested in. He said ” the knowledge I learned at that time is very precious for me, especially about calligraphy because I utilized the knowledge to equip with Mac a lot of font and adjustment of space between words”.

   As you can understand from his case, it is better to do what you want to do than to do what you think of as boring or disinteresting. If you are not concerned about making mistakes and you follow your heart, then you can make your natural capacity improved ; that is creativity.

   In conclusion, it is necessary to change current educational styles so that they could have a chance to select what subjects they focus on.

My reaction to ADB ready to work with new China-led financier


Takehiko Nakao , the head of Asian Development Bank, is positive about a new infrastructure bank suggested by Beijing and he is ready to work with China on that, in spite of fears it could weaken his institution. The new bank is called ALLB(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank). China and 20 other countries have already signed a memorandum of understanding to establish the AIIB. However, it could be a rival to existing Western-and Japan-dominated institutions, such as the World Bank and the ADB. That is why the Japanese government has expressed anxiety and the United States is severely against the ALLB. Chinese authorities have been explaining the ALLB will be complementing and supporting the work of the ADB instead of challenging and becoming a rival.


My opinion

I think Takehiko Nakao should be more cautionary because ALBB could be a rival to World Bank and the ADB and the American government disagrees to the new bank. I consider an existing relationship with the American government on the ADB to be more important than the Chinese government. It is unreasonable that the head of ADB will support the potential threat to his bank despite benefits of the ADB.

My reaction to the death calculator

This  theme is interesting for me. It is said that Japanese has long life expectancy, so this time was good opportunity to think about the reasons. According to the article , there are five factors to live to be 100; genes, outlook, diet, exercise, an active mind. Since I go to Keio University, I rarely exercise. That is why this was good cue to think how much I exercise. Although I probably can’t play sports every week, I was encouraged to stretch sometimes at least. As for diet, I remembered a food lifestyle councilor once said to me that meat, fish, beans, and eggs are especially important for me to be powerful. Of course, developments in medicine and welfare are strong factors. Antibiotec drugs and social services for challenged people and elderlies are richer than ever than before. Generally people in developed countries live longer than advancing countries for many reasons.

My reaction to “China Communist Party plenum begins in Beijing”

A big meeting of Chinese communist Party leaders focuses on the rule of law and fighting corruption has begun in Beijing. Communist Party has about 90 million members but power resides with the Central Committee. Unfortunately, the role of the attendees is merely to nod through the policies set out by Communist Party leader and national president Xi Jinping. The party released a statement highlighting the importance of the law. However, critics say he does not intend to make the Communist Party itself subject to the law by , for example , setting up an independent judiciary.

My opinion
Reading and discussing this article helps me know better what Chinese Communist party is like. I didn’t know that the Central Committee is the highest organization of the Chinese communist party until I researched. Chinese political system and Japanese political system are very different. I firmly believe just nodding through the policies set out by person with power is not democracy. And I think the rule of law in Japan and that in China are also different. The rule of law in Japan is under democracy and actions of everybody is restricted by law, including the president. But the rule of law in China is under communism and it could strengthen power of president because he isn’t bound by law. I think such a rule of law is not a complete rule of law. Although having said that, the move from the rule of men to that of law is a big change because adopting the rule of law will lead to sticking the knife into vested interests.

This I Believe


This I Believe

   I believe that exercising of the right of collective self -defense should not be permitted. Shinzo Abe, a prime minister in Japan, interprets constitution in an arbitrary manner.

   Public opinion indicates that about 60 percent of the civil are against Shinzo Abe, who aims to assert the right and interprets constitution as he likes. In addition, as they understand statement he submitted better and better, the tendency has got stronger. Under such a condition, he makes points of his plan complex, unclear, and difficult for people to understand. In other words, he avoid direct and simple explanation. Key word is “Using a military power can be based on the right of collective self-defense”. That statement will help him to exert the right.

   However, politicians supporting his plan claims that his plan doesn’t accept asserting the right and they don’t interpret arbitrarily. That insistence is not reasonable. Although a limitation is included in his plan, it will not be very effective. That is because they almost enabled themselves to exert the right, regardless of 96 article.

   Of course, it could be helpful that the Japan Self-Defense Forces can go abroad to support other countries when they are endangered, and to defend their own country and prevent an offense of opponent if some nations plan to attack Japan.

   But it’s a step toward war. At this stage, you have to remember Second World War, when American forces threw atomic bomb above Nagasaki and Hiroshima prefecture. You should learn a lesson from history. You must not cause that cruel war again.

   Moreover, the policy Shinzo Abe advocates could affect your future children. They might be called on for fighting for Japan. That’s a terrible. You need to protect next generation.

   Therefore, young people, including us, have to get interested in politics, understand what Shinzo Abe wants to do, and go to vote.

My reaction to Migrant Processing Center in Texas


The U.S government plans to turn an empty warehouse into a processing facility for un accompanied children who heve entered the country illegally. More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors have been arrested  since October. Most of the children are from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.Many are fleeing widespread gang violence, and some are looking to reunite with parents already in the United States. Homeland security Secretary Jeh Jonson wrote an open letter to Central American parents warning them of the dangers of such a journey and emphasizing that the children could be deported.

My opinion

I think that the responsibility of the parents should be pursued. As the article says, letting children go other countries illegally is very risky and their parents should be worried about them. Although wide spread gang volence in hometown is also dangerous, it can’t justify parents letting children run away alone. I believe that authority should regulate those parents in order to prevent those parents from letting thier children fleeing alone. Child migrant processing center won’t be helpful until these measurements are taken because the number of unaccompanied minors have incredibly increased and the facility couldn’t accommodate all of them.

My reaction to Entrepreneurship seen as solution to S.Africa’s Unemployment Crisis


South Africa’s unemployment rate has creeped up, standing at 25.2 percent.

Government’s attempts to help small business oweners are bound in redtape and bureaucracy.

Coming from a previously disadvantaged background, you have to begin from grassroots.

Education is one of the biggest advantages in starting a business. The country lacks the services to enable its young entrepreneurs.

My opinion

I totally agree with what the article says. People who come from a previously disadvantaged background tend to be disadvantaged again because their parents are poor and don’t have enough money to help their child. So I firmly believe that the government shoud attempt to help small business owners, not bureaucracy. Specific solution I think is good is to improve scholarship systems. Actually, I have been given a scholarship with repayment and interest mandatory. I wish I would not have to repay with interest.