Category Archives: kryota

Reaction of “Germany ’must invest more’, says France’s economic minister”

Reaction of “Germany ’must invest more’, says France’s economic minister”




Mr. Macron who is France’s economic minister said that Germany had “urgent responsibility” to invest more in the Eurozone. Europe’s economy has been floundering in recent month. It indicated the Eurozone economic saw anaemic growth. European Central Bank should adopt “offensive measures” to prevent deflation in the Eurozone. According to this article, all members of EU must make efforts to reconstruct its economy.



Recently, I often hear that Europe’s economy is not good. For example, in UK, their economic growth revised down. Probably, it is because lower government and business investment than first thought, and higher imports. In this article, it is regarded as problem that Germany invests little. I think that they doesn’t do, but can’t do like UK.

 Today almost countries face financial crisis. Although they can’t solve their own problem, this is not the time to worry about all Europe. I think, at first, they should manage their country.

 Import rate must be not very high because Germany’s GDP is higher than UK’s. So, I think Germany should solve the problem of employment like France. I can find the many articles of “country’s bad economic situation” as soon as I look up “economy”. That means almost countries are in same situation. So I think each country must stand up to by its own power.


31304627 Ryota Kurosawa


My Opinion of “School kills creativity”


I’m impressed by Ken Robinson’s talk. Especially, I like his word that no mistakes make us creative. I think so too.

Japanese education tends to bring up sense of cooperation. That sometimes means it is bad to make differences from others. So, we are afraid of this proverb, “stand out from the crowd and you just invite trouble for yourself”. I heard that Japanese students were too negative against saying their opinion. Actually I don’t like that too. It is because I afraid of making mistakes. As he said, national education system taught us mistake is worst. So we can’t discuss freely. And the system has another harmful effect. It is that all creative mistakes are denied either. There are useful mistakes for the future in it, but the system regard it as evils.

In this talk, he introduce about Gillian Lynne who is a director of “the Phantom of the Opera”. He said she was regarded as learning disability, but she could flourish in other stage that it is not necessary for studying, because one doctor discovered her talent for dance.

In this way, prejudiced thinking focused on study may deprive many possibilities. It is not always good that we think educational background is the most important. Today, Japan is society that places emphasis on academic records, so if some people can’t study math, language and so on, they are turned adrift. This trend has a bad influence of talented children. In addition, almost people think educational background is important due to Japanese education system. So, even if the system is changed, the trend will be not changed soon. We must know there are more important things than study.

After I listened this talk, I thought about “a success of life”. Death is equal for all people, so it is important how they live in finite times. Well, what is a success? I think it is to earn much money. I can’t say whitewash. Some people say money can’t buy happiness, but there is nothing that it can’t buy. I think the success can’t be quantified with the exception of money. For convenience, we assume that earning much money is success of their life. So, we can say that to be a soccer player, artist, or famous director is success. So, only study is not the right way. We must acknowledge this reality and change our views which study is justice.

Reaction of “Sony’s PlayStation hit by hack attack”

I couldn’t understand why computer spyware was created when I read this article. According to this article, a hacking group called “Lizard Squad” attacked Sony’s online PlayStation store. They achieved that because of their twitter status. So, probably they wanted to increase the number of followers and attain fame.

When I examined other articles about computer spyware, I know that it was created to steal password or recover deleted files. I can understand that reason but I think the reason for their fame is nonsense.

We discussed why computer spyware was created after reading this article. As I wrote first, I said “I don’t know”. But during the discussion, we noticed there were four type people who created them.

First type is people who wanted to get other’s individual information. Probably they want to know someone they like or hate.

Second type is people who want to make trouble for others. I think they are criminals who take delight in people’s reaction to their crimes. They have got special kicks out of imagining that someone has trouble.

Third type is people who are national level creators. They are ordered to create spyware to get other country’s important information by government. I have read the article written about this. In this situation, it is useful for military affairs.

At last, force type is, as this article, people who get fame. I think they are most immature. Indeed they may draw many people’s attention, but they’re not respected, and their statuses don’t change.

There are many reasons for creating computer spyware, but it should not be created because many and unspecified people are embarrassed.

Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Japan’s minister Obuchi and Matsushima has resigned almost at the same time.
Ms Matsushima had been accused by the opposition of violating election laws. Ms Obuchi was alleged to have misused her political funds
PM Shinzo Abe who brought them into his cabinet said he took responsibility and that they would be replaced within a day
Ms Obuchi was tipped by some as a future prime minister, but allegation emerged that her staff had misused campaign funds. She apologized for being unable to contribute to key goals set by Abe, including “a society where women shine”

After I read this article, I think it is stupid news.
Mr Abe wants to bring more women into top level of government, but I don’t think that is not good way.
I think Japan is not male chauvinism but female supremacy recently. If there are more women in the cabinet, they are more predominant in Japan. You may say that if there are many men in the cabinet, feminists get angry, but I think the best way of equality of the sexes is that.
At present, there isn’t the public tendency to discriminate against women in Japan, so even if there are only men in the Diet, it doesn’t become male supremacy. But how about turning this situation?
And there is more important problem. That is the policy to bring women into cabinet actively .It isn’t necessary to bring them into by force. Brilliant people must be ministers, so it should not be restricted that more women must become them. As this article, that policy brought about disaster.
I think it is good that more excellent women go into top level of government, but should stop the public tendency to bring them into government by force

Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Japan’s minister Obuchi and Matsushima has resigned almost at the same time.
Ms Matsushima had been accused by the opposition of violating election laws. Ms Obuchi was alleged to have misused her political funds
PM Shinzo Abe who brought them into his cabinet said he took responsibility and that they would be replaced within a day
Ms Obuchi was tipped by some as a future prime minister, but allegation emerged that her staff had misused campaign funds. She apologized for being unable to contribute to key goals set by Abe, including “a society where women shine”

After I read this article, I think it is stupid news.
Mr Abe wants to bring more women into top level of government, but I don’t think that is not good way.
I think Japan is not male chauvinism but female supremacy recently. If there are more women in the cabinet, they are more predominant in Japan. You may say that if there are many men in the cabinet, feminists get angry, but I think the best way of equality of the sexes is that.
At present, there isn’t the public tendency to discriminate against women in Japan, so even if there are only men in the Diet, it doesn’t become male supremacy. But how about turning this situation?
And there is more important problem. That is the policy to bring women into cabinet actively .It isn’t necessary to bring them into by force. Brilliant people must be ministers, so it should not be restricted that more women must become them. As this article, that policy brought about disaster.
I think it is good that more excellent women go into top level of government, but should stop the public tendency to bring them into government by force


Golden Gate Bridge board approval


According to this article, San Francisco bridge officials have approved the construction of suicide-prevention nets alongside the golden Bridge. Since the bridge opened, many people have killed themselves by jumping off the bridge. So, the project that the safety nets was constructed under the bridge started. There are many obstacles, but it was approved because “not one more soul will be lost to this bridge”.

My Reaction

In Japan, people often commit suicide at the tourist attraction. Probably many people have killed themselves since trains are opened. In Japan, there are also safety systems.
For example, the gates between platforms and tracks. I think they are working efficiently about reducing a number of suicides. In this article, some people say those who were suicidal would find another way if those safety system were installed but, I don’t think so. They commit suicide when they think they can be dead easily. Almost people are afraid of being dead, so I don’t think they choose troublesome method in order to kill themselves. In short, safety systems have saved many lives.
Also, how should we do to reduce suicide at the tourist attraction in different way?
It is difficult problem. I think there is no epoch-making solution. Getting rid of the cause of suicide or making environment without bullying are not easy. Perhaps, we can only prevent people from committing suicide when we find them doing.

My reaction to Columbian News

I’m going to write about my reaction about Columbians news.
On 31 May 2014, Columbian police have arrested 46 members of Rastrojos criminal gang in northern Atrantico department. Rastrojos is the name of gang in Columbia.
When I read this article, I thought it was difficult to get rid of crimes. We can’t make the free-crime world even if some of offenders are arrested. So, in Columbia, the present problem of high rate of criminal incidence will not change due to this arrest.
In addition to Columbian police say that Rastrojos used children and teenagers to sell cocain and other illegal drugs in the area. That means they are bring up new generations of offenders. Then, what should we do in this situation? I can’t find solution for losing criminals completely but we may reduce these. I think the most important thing to do is that we ourselves have the intension of not committing.
The world may be changeable when individual small minds gather.