Category Archives: koichi

My audio essay

I agree with his idea about education. We should protect creativity and future of children. And now , as he said , teachers tell us not to make a mistake and math and English is more important than music and art.


10 or 20 years ago ,if we get good score in school and graduate from good university , we could enter a good company and earn more money than people only graduated from high school. But It is different now.  Even if we graduated from good university , for example Keio university , it is not guaranteed that we can enter a good company and earn more money than average people. And as he said ,in near future more people will get high level education, so more people will graduate from university. And value of people who graduated from university will go down. So now we don’t have to stick to graduating from university. We should give children other way to make their life.


Every child has wonderful talent. And limitless creativity of human makes our world more richer.  So they should use that talent and make own way to make their life. But schools still stick to have us enter universities and subjects that is needed to pass an entrance examination of university is regarded as important. If schools still stick to have us enter universities , and more and more people enter universities , many people will be not able to get job , and there will be more miserable people. Not to increase such a miserable people , we should develop their talent.


As he said in the speech , Gillian Lynne was not good at study in the school . But doctor told her mother to have her daughter go to dance school. And her talent flowered and she became a great choreographer. So , to develop talent of children , we should treat all subjects fairly. And if students find own favorite subject , we should let them do this subject thoroughly. And furthermore we must remember that subject one student is good at is not always his or her favorite subject. It is important that we let students do what they want to do and if needed , we support it kindly.


To develop talent of children , letting them make a mistake is important too. Now, teachers tell us not to make a mistake. But if we are afraid of making a mistake , our talent and creativity will not develop. Moreover if we are afraid of choosing wrong way in own life , most people choose ordinary way in own life for example graduating university , entering a company and so on. So to increase their choices in their life and to develop their talent , we should let them make a mistake.


People who make future world is now children. So children is our hope. And to make future world more richer , we have to let children do what they want to do.

My reaction about oil price article


The price of oil has gone down below $50 a barrel for the first time since May 2009.   Going  down of the price is happened because of slowing global growth and increased supply of oil. CMC Markets analyst Michael Hewson said that if OPEC won’t do nothing about over production , the price of oil will declines towards $40 in the coming weeks. And oil industry insider said that it will takes one or two year to have prices return to around $80-$90 per barrel.
Recently Saudi Arabia’s main oil company has stopped a major clean fuels plant and several new machines to stop going down of price.  And now Iraq , Russia and Venezuela are suffering badly because they are  major oil producing countries.


I have a driver’s license. But I don’t drive a car. So I don’t care about the price of oil usually , and I didn’t know this news. When I read this article’s title , I thought this is good because a bus fare will go down. But when I read whole article , I found that This is not good for everyone because there are some people and countries that is suffering badly , for example Iraq , Russia , Venezuela and so on. I learn that even if there are good things for us , these things may load us in long time view.

My reaction about Twitter’s article


Twitter is making changes aimed at allowing users to report abuse or offensive content more easily.Twitter told Newsbeat the changes would give users “more control over their experience”. Twitter’s head of public policy in Europe ,Sinead McSweeney said “We’ve always said that users’ safety is a priority. It’s a job that we never regard as done. The social network said the changes will take effect gradually ” in the coming weeks”.


Twitter is very popular among young people all over the world. Of course I use it almost everyday.But when I use Twitter , sometimes I see offensive contents and advertisements. Those bother me very much. So this article made me happy.Maybe I make use of this change , and control my experience. But I’m hoping that Twitter will not show any advertisement too.




Hong Kong politics is ruled by Chinese government. Chinese government has ruled that candidates for the chief executive election must be vetted by a nominating committee  dominated by pro Beijing groups.There is not  enough democracy. So,protesters mostly composed of students started to take action. They planned to hold a ballot over whether to accept several government concessions.But they abandoned the plan because of “lack of discussion”.  Tens of thousands of protesters  still have joined a sit-in calling for full democracy in Hong Kong.


When I read this article, I thought Hong Kong students is very powerful. If Japan is in same situation, maybe Japanese student don’t take such a big action. Almost all Japanese students are not interesting in politics.  Why so?  I think Japanese students feel that ” Whether I vote or not, Japanese government will not change itself”. So I think Japanese government should change its politics  because of the reason that is different from Hong Kong’s.

This I believe

I believe family. My family always help me when I’m in a difficult situation. I have a mother,a father, a elder sister, and a cat. My family is very close. we have a supper together almost every day. And once a week everyone in the family eat out and enjoy conversations. More over we seldom get into an argument. I love my family very much.

My mother cooks breakfast and supper every day. And it is very delicious. I eat it almost every day. I don’t work and don’t have much money so eating her dish is also economical. I love her dish.

When I was an elementary school student, I tried to enter a private junior highschool. So I had to pass an exam. And my mother always taught me all subjects.

When I failed to enter an university, and I had to study one more year, she encouraged me. Thanks to her encouragement, I could study hard. Without her kind heart, I wouldn’t be a Keio university student.

My father always let me do what I want to do. When I wanted to enter private junior highschool, and when I failed to enter an university, he forgave me. More over he don’t mind paying money for me. Without his generous heart, I wouldn’t be a Keio university student too.

My mother and father are very close. They have been married for about 30 years. As far as I know, they never get into an argument. They sometimes travel double. And I’m happy when I see their closeness. I give a gift every their wedding anniversary.

My elder sister is not only valued family member but also my best friend. When I was child, I and she are on bad terms. But now we are very close. We have a same liking for food and music. So we talk like friends almost every day. I think she will have been my best friend.

Last, I introduce our cat “Sachiko”. She is two years old. She is Singapura that is most tiny cat. She is very cute and sociable. When I’m sad, I play with her and I’m healed.

As I said, I’m always helped by my family when I’m in a difficult situation. My family make what I am. I’m always thankful to my family. And I believe them. I love my family very much.


Riots are happened everywhere in Brazil.Protesters are marching against the cost of hosting the football World Cup.They say they are angry that billions of dollars are being spent on next month’s football tournament.They say goverment should spent more money on social projects and housing.The planned protests coincide with a range of strikes.The army is deployed to provide additional support after some robberies and looting,before the strike.But The goverment is arguing it was not related to the World Cup.

Many riots are happened in Brazil.But I think hosting World Cup is good thing.After World Cup,Brazil is going to earn much money because of foreign people who go to Brazil to watch World Cup.So the goverment can spend more money on social projects and housing than before.But if protesters are not stopped by the goverment,foreign people who want to watch World Cup will not go to Brazil because of public peace.So the goverment should stop these Riots.