Category Archives: kento

My reaction about lesbian couple’s adoption


In France,there are two sides to subject of lesbian couple.
One is a sapporter for lesbian couple’s adoption,and the other is an opponent.
France legalized gay marriage nearly a year ago. But,anger as French judge blocks lesbian couple’s adoption.
One of the lesbian rights activist said”shows in a blatant and violent way how inequality persists between the children of h
omosexual parents and those of heterosexual parents”.
Then French judges have allowed lesbian couples to adopt infants.
France’s same-sex marriage law also legalized gay adoption. Opponents staged huge rallies against it but President signed th
e “Taubira” bill into law.


I think French judges should allow same-sex marriage and same-sex couple’s adoption.Of corse, not only gay couple’s adoption
but also lesbian.
There are three reasons for this.
First,all men are created equal and we are freedom.So we can choose evrey way.
Second,recently many societis have not had negative image for same-sex marriage.So there are not reasons to prevent.
Third,there are many people who are gay and lesbian couple.If French law prevent a French lesbian couple from adopting an in
fant,many people will be unmarried person.
For these reasons,I think French judges should allow same-sax marriage and same-sax couple’s aadoption.
And I think this opinion is applicable to Japan.