Category Archives: kenji


Hello, I’m Kenji Matsuura.

I watched the talk given by Ken Robinson, I almost agree with his ideas. However, I have some ideas which I want to add to his ideas. I want to tell you my response to his ideas.

First, he said that children’s creativity and the potential capacity are infinitely. However, nowadays, the education system regard mistakes as the worst thing. This theory destroys children’s creativity. I agree with this idea very much. Children are forced to fear mistaking by their teachers. Children won’t do innovative things or do something in new ways based on their creativity because they fear making mistakes. I think that the ability of judgment to something wrong or correct is very important, but it is stupid that people shouldn’t do something which we cannot judge correct or wrong. If we fear doing something new, we can’t grow forever. Teachers have to make the environment where children can challenge a lot of new things or do something in various ways. It maybe can lead children to grow and find their each abilities.

Secondly, Ken Robinson said that there is a ranking order between the subjects to the other subject. In concrete terms, mathematics and language study are placed on the top position, next, humanities or civilizations, on the lowest position, artistic subjects are placed. Recent education system regard the subject which is very useful or helpful to work in the society as the most important, and valuable to spend a lot of time. I think that mathematics and language study are certainly very important for children, but we should not make light of artistic subject. Spending too much time to study specific subjects unbalanced is bad for children. Creativity is the process to construct original and valuable ideas. Creativity is produced by interaction with every field. We should give children the opportunity that they can learn many studies contain arts.

Third, scholarship or results of tests are often regarded as intelligence. Nowadays, a lot of people who have amazing creativity have felt that we don’t have any talent. Schools don’t value highly their talent. Moreover, teachers say it is bad to children who have ingenious creativity. I think that important thing is not only results of tests. Of course, memorization, calculation, study of language and so on are very important, but expression of something which they feel or think based on their creativity is also very important.

In conclusion, I think we have to bring children up as it is. We should give children opportunities which they can enrich and display their infinite creativity in the place of education.

Thank you for listening.

My reaction “Apple’s future”


Nowadays, Apple’s position in the market is getting worse. The number of big technological innovations are decreasing. Some people say that Apple’s software quality have been dropping in the last few years and Apple’s future is worried. They fear that Apple’s leadership doesn’t realize quite how badly their software flaws have damaged their reputation. Apple’s cloud services aren’t particularly very good. Complaints about Apple’s core software have been far more muted until a wave of bugs and security holes plagued both operating systems over the past several months. Apple has long marketed its products with “it just works” slogan, but Apple products are now operating far from that goal.


I use iPhone5S and I almost satisfy about iPhone’s spec, but I feel that Apple’s innovation became weaker recently compared with the days when Steve Jobs lived. Missing his intelligence and ideas is a very severe damage for the company, but there are maybe many people who have good brains. I want to expect that Apple will make many big changes to their software. I think there is no remit in human’s ideas. Apple have to make a lot of efforts to produce new software and smartphones for many their consumers around the world.

My reaction “Google should be broken up”


European MPs say that Google should be broken up. The landmark vote sends a clear message to European regutators to get tough on the Google. Google has around 90% market share in Europe and rivals asked the commission to investigate four areas. Joaquin Almunia tried and failed to settle the case. A series of concessions made by Google were rejected. There is the only option with a fine. Some people stated that the best way to resolve the row with Google was to separate search engines from other commercial services thereby ensuring level playing field for rivals in Europe.

My opinion

I think that monopolistic enterprises are very bad. They have mamy demerits. Rivals can make many good things each other. A company wants to win to other company, they consider how to make better products or how to cut costs to make products. So, we can buy their products which quarity are better, and we can buy them with lower costs. If there is the monopolistic enterprise, they can determine their products’s prise, they can sell their products with higher prise. Moreover, if there is no rivals, the monopolistic enterprise may not make efforts to make better products so much. In conclusion, I think that monopolistic enterprises make bad effects for consumers.

My reaction “Peanut allergies”

Summery of this article

This article shows that roasted worse than raw nuts. According to an Oxford University study, roasted peanuts are more likely to trigger an allergic reaction than raw peanuts. Scientists say it is likely to be the high temperatures used to roast nuts that are responsible for the chemical changes that, it may prime the body’s immune system, in turn, sparking the allergic reactions. Some can be mild, causing rashes for example, but others can be extremely dangerous, leading to swelling of the mouth and breathing difficulties. In addition, researchers believe the finding may explain the lower allergy rates in East Asian people who eats raw nuts much more than roasted ones.

My opinion about this article

I have never heard this finding. I don’t have any allergic reaction, but many friends around me have it. Nowadays, we can see the information of allergic foods on menus or displays at restraunts and supermarket. This information is very good helping for people who have allergic reaction. Moreover, recent scientist’s reseach discovered many findings that are related to allergic foods. The finding which is discribed in this article is one of them. However, many people are distressed by allergies even now. I think the society should still make more efforts about allergic foods.

This I believe

I believe that music can change the world more peaceful and solve a lot of problems around the world. In addition, music can give power to people.

I love music for a long time.  I listen to music everyday. My favorite Japanese artist is Kazutoshi Sakurai, he is a vocalist and a guiterist of Mr.children. Mr.children is the Japanese popular rock band. Many Japanese people love their songs from the day when they dubued until now. They often make songs about love, peace, human and so on. The lyrics of their songs resonate in my heart very much. I have been encouraged by their songs when I had be sad. Moreover, my way of thinking have been changed by their songs positively or peacefully.

In one of their songs, “The palm of the hand”, Sakurai tells us, “People don’t have to be one group, it is natural that there are various groups or various humans around the world. We don’t have to have a same sense of values. We don’t have to have a same ideology. We don’t have to believe a same religion. We should admit other people’s thinking each other. We don’t need to fight because of difference of thinking.” I think it is very important thing what the song tells. Sakurai made a lot of songs which relate to peace of the world, they are not only “The palm of the hand” but also other songs. I have been taught many things by lyrics of songs which are made by not only Mr.children but also other artists. Music is very efficient tool to convey important thoughts to people around the world.

Music can be spreaded over the border. American rock music is very popular in Japan, and Japanese pop music is popular in America, too. Some musicians often act live performance in many countries, some of them sometimes sing their own songs in each lamguages. Even if they sang their songs in their language and the audience couldn’t understand their language, the audience enjoys very much or be moved to tears in their live. It is very fantastic that many people watch the same stage at the same time and they enjoy in the same place together. In the place, we can think that we are friends.

I think music power is great. Music plays very important role in the various place around the world. I will be helped by music forever.

My reaction “Made in Africa: Is manufacturing taking off on the continent?”

The low cost of manufacturing in African countries is attracting companies from around the world.

Several African countries have enjoyed economic growth in recent years, but there are fears that a failure to develop manufacturing could prove to be costly.

“Economies that have sustained high growth over the long term have typically gone through a process of economic diversification, the spread of new technologies, rising productivity in agriculture, the expansion of the manufacturing sector, and the development of a skilled workforce,” write the authors of a recently published Africa Progress Panal report.

“These have not been characteristics of growth in Africa, even in sectors that are attracting foreign investment. Put differently, there has been a lot of growth but little structural transformation,” they conclude.

I think that the low cost of manufacturing in Africa is very attractive for some developped countries. European countries maybe able to benefit from African countries. African workers are paid low salary compared with European workers. Moreover, companies can rent African lands with low costs. America or Japan are far from African countries, so they can’t reap the much benefit, but European countries maybe able to reap it.

However, the environment in African countries is bad compared from European countries. I think European countries should help African countries to build infrastracture, give financial support. Helping each other is very important about this problem between developping countries to developped countries.

My reaction “Britain’a magnet for immigrants'”

Many migrants were entering Britain illegally through France every year.Philippe Mignonet, who is also the town’s deputy mayor, said, “The ease with which illegal immigrants can work on the black market in Britain, coupled with the fact that migrants’ family members can more easily join them, means that Britain is a magnet for illegal immigrants.”

Moreover, he mentioned about the most appropriate solution to the British problem, he said, “The quickest, most radical and easiest solution would be simply to shift the border from Calais to Dover and Folkestone and then the problem wouldn’t be handled in France but Britain.”

In addition, committee chairwoman Margaret Hodge said, “The border Force prioritised passenger checks on arrival at the expense of other duties and weakened the security of our borders.” “The morale of staff is at rock bottom, threatening the prospect of achieving the increases in productivity and flexibility of workforce which the Border Force so sorely needs.”

I think that immigrants are good for economic growth in the countries and international communication around the world. Immigrants will be produce many goods and money, economies of the world will be grow up. Moreover, immigrants bring their own cultures from the mother country to other country. That is very good for grobal communications.

However,  illegal immigrants bring some problems. I agree with Margaret opinion that threatening the prospect of achieving the increases in productivity and flexibility of workforce which the Border Force so sorely needs.