Category Archives: keita

Audio Essay

I agree with his ideas about education, intelligence and leaning.

The creativity and originality of children are the key to the future. The people who create the future are children. It is the most important thing in education.

However, the contemporary education deprives originality of human. We originally think of original things because we do not afraid of mistakes. But the contemporary education forces us not to take mistakes. The company require us not to take mistakes, too. The contemporary education have created this idea.

Originally, the education should be focused on the generation’s needs. In 19th century, the education was born from needs of industrial society. The superiority or inferiority of subject were decided about two things. First, the useful subject to work was the high priority. Second, the result of school was priority matter. Like this, 21th century education should be focused on creating the originality and creativity of children. But the present condition of education different from this. The contemporary education’s goal is to be a university professor. Is it the needs of the present day? Our education should be changed basically. The education of university is an inflationary tendency.

Ken Robinson said that “Gillian was not sick. She is a dancer.” “People had to move to think.” This is the needs in this generation. The art’s order of priority is lower than math and languages now. It is wrong! We have to bring out the hidden talent in the children. Recently, the elementary school in Japan have introduced dance in the required subject. This is the good tendency to change the education system. But we have to change more than this in the contemporary education system. The teacher evaluate only the result of school. This brings that the contemporary education’s goal is to be a university professor. So, the teacher should evaluate children in more many elements. That is the first step to change new education system. And Ken Robinson also said that “I believe our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capability.” And “we will do it is by seeing our creative capacities for the richness they are and seeing our children for the hope that they are. And our task is to educate their whole being, so they can face this future. We may not see the future but they will. And our job is to help them make something of it.” Like this, to introduce a new conception will make the brilliant future. And to keep this brilliant world, we should continue to have the creativity and originality.

UK economic growth revised down


The UK economy has grown more slowly in the past year.

Revised figures show GDP in the 2014 was a few persent higher than in 2013.

Also, the UK’s curent account deficit widened.

The downward revision in the annual GDP groeth rate was due to lower government and business investment than first thought, and higher imports.

Despite that, the UK’s GDP still grew a litle.

However, the economy is now only a few persent higher than the previous pre-recession peak.

Some professionnal said that weakness in the eurozone is having dampening impact on business confidence and investment.

On the other hand, some professionnal said that the economy could grow faster next year than this.

Though there are some opinions about the UK’s economy, the actually that the economy is not so good is sure.


The UK may change this bad situation. If like Venezuela, the main exports have a problem,it is difficult to recover the economic.

However, in case of the UK, the UK can export goods to other countries expect for eurozone.  To take this way, the economy may improve more than now.

The UK is a main country in the world. Economic power’s good or bad of the market  affect many countries. So economic power, like the UK, should stabilise the economy. It is the good way to steady the world economy.



Regin, new computer spyware, discovered by Symantec


Symantec, a leading computer security company, says it has discovered one of the most sophisticated piecies of malicious software ever seen. The bug, named Regin, was probably created by a government. Once installed on a computer, it can do things like capture screenshots, steal passwords or recover deleted files. It is said that computers in Russia, Saudi Arabia and Ireland have been hit most, and it has been used to spy on government organisations and business and so on. It is also said that it likely took months to develop and its creators have gone to great lengths to cover its tracks. Regin’s purpose appears to be to collect information.


The present age, there are a lot of resk of computer virus on the other hand it is a convenient very good thing for gathering information and using social network and so on to spread computer. We must focus on this resk of computer. Like Regin, the bug of computer can attect on other countries’ server, and it can develop to an international problem in addition war. The government should enforce securities and computer security company should develop new systems to overcome the computer virus. It will be probably vicious circle, we must never bear up the computer virus. To protect individual information and internatinal relationship.





Humanity’s global battle with mosquitoes


We cannot escape disease carried by mosquitoes all over the world.  There are a lot of epidemic of disease. For example, chikugunya and malaria and so on. Although we want to wipe them out because of preventing the disease from spreading, removing mosquitoes could have a disastrous effect on an ecosystem – problem of detritus in the water and useful job of pollination. There are some methods of controling mosquito numbers. In this situation, according to Prof Hilary Ranson,  we need to use an evidence base to then target the breeding sites with things we know will work.


Although the most important thing is to reduce the high toll of mosquito-borne disease, protecting an ecosystem is important thing, too. So  we should try to make a vaccine. TV news said that the government did not make a vaccine because the number of victim was still few. The government started to make a vaccine after epidemic of the disease caused by mosquitoes.  It means that the government focus on benefit more than redusing the victims. This is not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster.

This I believe

I believe that football can conect people with other people. These days, World Cup is taken place in Brazil, and really come alive.

I have been playing football for 15 years. Through playing football, I realised that football may become one of the communication tool among people. I will talk about conection among people by the football.

First, I went to Australia during 1 month 2 years ago. There were few Japanese, so I have to talk in English. However, I cannot speak English well, so I had only a few friends at first. At that time, I was helped by football. Some people who like football plated football at school but there were odd number of people. This is because I joined football. After this, I did not need any words to communicate with them. There were no difference of nationality, a race abd languages in football. Football is common sports all over the world. Then I could get many friends and I had a good time in Australia.

Second, I will talk about strong friendship. I played football when I was elementary school, junior high school, high school and university. Forcs on when I was high school but I could have many good friendship at my school.

In Japan, every high school football player’s goal is to advance to a national convension. As a matter of course our team, too. We made a great effort to progress. We practiced everyday, of course long term vacation, too, and we overcome many difficulties which are hard traning, failures, a breakdown and deteatsand so on with all members of our team. These things conected us very strongly. The result of our final match was not so good. However, I won the precious thing more than the result through the days playing football with our teammates. That is the strong conection between our teammates. Even now, we often gather and play fpptball although we are busy and do not have any time.

Like this, I believe that football has a big power to conect people with other people. To mention other example, crowdedness in Shibuya when Japan’s football match. It is clear that football conect people among complete stranrers. So, I believe that football can conect people with other people.

Ebola deaths pass 300 in West Africa-WHO

The number of people killed by the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa has risen, WHO has said. Ebola-related deaths were reported in three countories by the WHO. The three countries have been battling to contain the outbreak . The outbreak began in the one countory, but then spread to its neighbours.

There is no cure or vaccine for Ebola. It is spread by close contact and kills between 25% and 90% of those infected, according to the WHO. Symptoms include internal and external bleeding, diarrhoea and vomiting.

The WHO said it was working with the three countories to strengthen cross- border collaboration aimed at tackling the outbreak. It dose not recommend any travel or trade restrictions on the three countories, the WHO added.

I think that Ebola virus is so terrible and I hope to decrease the victims by Ebola tirus.

At first, we should prevent infection from spreading. Simultaneously, we should discover the way to cure. Although the sanitation in Africa  is poor, they should keep themselves clean as much as possible.

Like this, as taking care of sanitary management, we wish the new medicine will be developed. I hope that the number of people infected Ebola virus will drcrease and I wish African safety.

Bosnia and Serbia emergency after “worst ever” floods

My topic is Bosnia and Serbia emergency after “worst ever” floods.

It happened the heaviest rain and worst floods since records began 120 years ago in Bosnia and Serbia. Overflowing rivers have burst into towns and villages, cutting off whole communications, while landslides have buried houses. Army helicopters have been sent to evacuate thousands of stranded residents but reports say bad weather is hampering the efforts. Serbia`s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said his government had appealed for help from the EU, Russia and neighbouring countries. Rescuers in Serbia have so far managed to evacuate around 4000 people. In Bosnia, army helicopters have been trying to rescue residents. But strong wind and rain may be hampering the efforts. The rescue pilot said “This is the most difficult mission I have ever participated in.”


After reading article, I think that it happens a lot of abnormal wheater all over the world recently. For example, in Japan, there are a lot of Gerirra Gouu i.e. heavy rain, tornados, too high temperature and so on. Environmental problem is the important thing for ourselves now. Therefor, we have to improve the global issues. In other words, we should put off rights, decreas CO2, protect the nature resource and so on. We never forget the crisis of globe and ourselves life.