Category Archives: kazuya

final audio essay

In the speech of ‘how school kill creativity’, Ken Robinson says the most important thing for education is to educate children their whole being. As for his opinion, I have both for and against ideas.

First, I against his opinion that we should treat all subjects equal especially arts. Ken Robinson say ‘our education system is predicted on the idea of academic ability. Because there was no public systems of education before 19th century and education system was made in order to meet the needs of industrial society. So we made superiority and inferiority for subjects.While it may be true but I think subjects should be treated differently. Ordinary the people who studied arts enthusiastically were wealthy because arts needs a lot of money.As a citizen, we have to make moneys. And if a person born at poor household, he has less choices than rich people about what he can do. Arts potentially different in that there is people who can’t learn economically so shouldn’t be treated similarly with other subjects. I think practical subjects should be preferred than arts.

Second, I agree with the opinion that we should recognize human’s unlimited creativity make our life affluent and children are the hope for the future. Ken Robinson says ‘creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status. If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. And by the time they got to be adults most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong’. These claim are to the point. It is true that more and more people want their educational backgrounds and want to enter a high level university, but it make their creativity and  diversity loss. For example, there is a typical lifestyle in Japan. A man who is raised by a mother devoted to the education will enter the high level junior high school, high school, and university. At last he enter a large company. This is a typical successful life style in Japan, so many Japanese people think entering high level university means success, all we have to do is to study for an exam. Now Japanese often be said there is no personality, they can only solve examination questions. In order to overcome this state, we have to look again educational system.

Actually I have an against opinion to him but I roughly agree with him. I think we need  more flexible educational system for us.

My reaction about Gauging growth in2015


 The world economy will grow by 2.9% in 2015 according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. In 2014, world GDP was estimated to have increased by 2.5%. Oil price has so big effects that a 10% oil price down makes world GDP grow 0.2 percentage points. America will be the highest growth country in  developed countries but the euro area and Japan don’t grow well. Excluding Japan, Asia and Australia will be the world’s fastest-growing region in 2015. Papua New Guinea may be the best zippiest country but the other hand, the worst performing will be Sierra Leone in 2015 because of the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa.
 This article is very interesting to me in that there are many facts I didn’t know.
 First, a 10% oil prices down make world GDP add 0.2%. These days we know that using too much oil makes the world warmer and warmer, so say we mustn’t rely on oils. Then people use natural gas and hydrogen fuel. But I could’t believe the oil price down has such a great effect.
 Second, Papua New Guinea is thought to be the best growing country. Maybe Papua New Guinea is one of developing countries in the world, so it has a big potential for growth. Not only Papua New Guinea but also other developing countries place in top ten countries considered to grow.
  We should know such meaningful facts and consider the future.


The reaction about the topic of Russell Crowe


 Russell Crowe insisted that children should know the brutal truths of the war. Then he made a film whose title is The Water Diviner in order to show anti-war. It described the story of travel to Gallipoli after the war and include a number of graphic battle field flashbacks. We often overstate the war so we don’t know the truth of the war. Therefore It is important for us to correct the imbalance even in small ways, for example teaching our children not only Gallipoli but also Turks say Gallipoli as Canakkale.
 I agree with the opinion Russell Crowe said. It is true that excessive horror and murder  are hard contents for children because these representation often give bad effect on them. In reality young people commit violent crimes by being affected such expressions.
 However  to know the truth of the war is not only to watch the violence. We tend to think whether won or lost the war and be taught ‘there was an affair’,but the war is not just a fight. There are many backgrounds for it like religions, nation, authorities and so on.
 So it is worthy of knowing the real truth about the war even though it was too violent.

My reaction about the Instagram for doctors


An app which enables doctors to share patient’s pictures is to be made publish in Europe by the end of the year. Actually more than 150000 doctors have uploaded it but there is a question whether patient’s privacy is concealed. On the assumption that patients’ face are automatically hidden, so far, doctors can use it legally because identifying the doctor does’t mean to identify the patient. But if there were rare cases like only seven cases in USA , the patients could have been identified so it is difficult problem.


I think this app has more advantage than defects and there are two reasons for this.
First, this app can make medical science more development. Anybody can download the app for free, and only verified healthcare professionals can upload photos or comment. So the possibility that these photo would be abused is low and in countries where there is poor medical science such as developing countries will be able to enjoy the value of the app.
Second, patients’ privacy can save. It is true that in rare cases patients would be identified, but it is dangerous, just shouldn’t upload such photos. And there is a consent between a doctor and a patient, so take a legally step.
For these reasons, I think this app is very useful.

this I believe

I agree there are many important things for life, for example money, pets, study and so on. But I think that my family is the most important thing for me so I believe my family. There are some reasons for this.

Firstly, my family is only one for me and cannot be replaced by other things. Actually there are some people who are raised by men or women without blood relationship. In that case, a family is “practically” replaced. But it is “essentially” only one family for them. They are raised and very grateful to those “essential” families. In my case, I practically have blood relationship with my family and essentially live as my family. But what I want to say is “essential” family is the true family. Blood relationship is not concerned with. What we think as “essential” family is the true family and cannot be replaced by any other things.

Secondly, I have a brother and a sister. If I were to an only child, I could have much time for me and love my parents. But by having brothers or sisters I can learn a lot of things. For example, consideration and reserve for others. In contrast with only child, I have to take action and share something to use or eat with considering my brother. And I respect both brother and sister. My brother is more intelligent and my sister has talent that can play the piano and sing songs. So existence of a brother and a sister is very important for my life.

Thirdly, my family is the best supporter for me. Each time I have ever made mistakes they scolded me and lead me the correct way. To scold me is very to my advantage so I am grateful for my family. And also when I win success my family is very glad of that. I often take actions in order to please my family because it is happy to do something for my family. The existence that always take my side is heartening.

In conclusion, I am very happy to have a great family and place my family the most important thing in my life. This is what I believe.

My reaction about a woman in Uganda


The woman in Uganda saves Uganda’s lost and abandoned children. She name is Gladys Kalibala. She was abandoned by her mother and raised by her grandfather. He was so kind people that she was very effected his love.
After her brother’s death, she started a news paper column in order to notify people that there are many abandoned children as a journalist.
Kalibala wants to start a foundation where she can raise more awareness and support these children by providing them with shelter and education.

I think Kalibala is the very good and clever woman. Whoever help people is great, but her motivation and devotion are things worthy of special mention.
First, in Africa, basically income is low because Blue-collar works account for much more than white-collar works. So as is often the case with Africa, some stars( for example famous soccer players who are active in European countries) feed not only their families but also relatives and orphanages. They have enormous money, so in a different point of view, they are natural for helping poverty. But Kalibala is not rich person. She is not a self -centered person. She work to save lost and abandoned children.
Second, Kalibala is using the mass media. It is very effective to use mass media because that can make scale of movement bigger. By using mass media, she can do more beyond her capacity.
For these reasons, I think Kalibala is a good and clever woman.


About Ireland’s smoking ban


Ireland was the first country which enact smoking ban in the world . That extend to not only a workplace but also restaurant. Smoking in enclosed workplace is made illegal and punishable by a fine.
This law was copied by some countries. And recent research prove the smoking ban has a positive effect for health.
But we can’t completely sense that smoking rates decline everywhere. If you can’t smoke inside, you would smoke outside. So it is probable that more and more people in outside smoke or are inclined to smoke.


I think the smoking ban is moderately necessary. Sweeping smoking ban is too hard.There are three reasons for this.
First, recently many societies have had negative image for smoking. Health problem,especially passive smoking is very cared.
Second, there are companies of cigarettes. They have a lot of employees and influence on economy. So if the sweeping smoking ban is enforced, employment decrease and economy has big damages.
Last, there are many people who like smoke. Although Cigarettes are ordinary legal products, the suddenly Smoking ban is very hard. We should think not only nonsmoking but also smoker more carefully.
For these reasons, I think sweeping smoking ban is too hard. We should separate smoker from nonsmoking more hard or we should make cigarettes more expensive products.