Category Archives: kazuaki

audio essay about creativity

I agree that creativity is important for education as he say. Dance and art is important. All students have to study dance and art like math and language. I think these days there are many university than before. Most students can learn math and language. So math and language is not so special. To make new things and new bland, only math and language is insufficient. I think the reason why iphone is more famous than any other mobile phone is not only good technology but also good look and good concept. People need person who can combine math with art or combine language with dance. Most people cannot understand difficult math and technology, so we have to make difficult things easy to understand. To do this, people need get creativity. Teacher let students do whatever they want to do.  I do not think a mistake is always necessary. But you cannot challenge if you are afraid of the mistake. If you cannot challenge, creative is not born. Unlike mathematics, even if you practice art, not always your ability of art grow. However, unless practice begin you cannot get creativity. If you miss, it is penalized. Evaluation of the deduction system should be stopped. Top university and high school should change the system.

But art have problem in that it is difficult for us to judge what is good and what is wrong in art. Math is easy in that teacher can score. Now there are no way to measure ability to make art. In addition art become useful for the first time mathematics ability improved. In developing country good people of mathematics is insufficient. Social infrastructure is often unstable. In such countries mathematics is important than Art. Unlike the United States and Japan mathematics are special. In developing countries, people who is able to mathematics is useful. To make house, phone, train math is needed. Appearance of things secondary. If things is none, it is impossible to improve the appearance. This means that there is a need to distinguish between developing countries and developed countries.

I have received a traditional Japanese education. Always I’ve been studying to take the points. So I cannot dance, and do not draw even picture, cannot make even videos. And it is true that enrolling in a good high school and a good university is good for me. But I have no idea what to do by utilizing the fact that i’ve learned in. I think what is not enough for me is creativity. The number of excellent mathematician and linguist in Japan is a lot. That’s why now I want to focus on art and dance in japan.

my reaction to twitter.


There are more and more people who use twitter. As the number of users is on the rise, there are many offensive content and users. Then twitter made changes that users can report abuse or offensive content more easily to twitter. The reason of the change is to put priority on user’s safety. There are 3 type of changes. First is reporting abuse. Users can easily report abuse which is not aimed to them directly. The way people report become simpler. Second is blocking users. If you block users, you need not see the user’s post anymore and the user can’t see your profile and post. This condition itself continue temporarily and permanently where necessary. Third is response to reports. There will be more staff and resources and better tools and systems for checking abusive content.



I use many SNS including twitter. I can get useful information through twitter. But I hate advertisement. Many advertisement is on my timeline. These post interfere seeing my friend post. So I agree twitter’s change. However advertisement which I am interested in is not unnecessary. Therefore twitter make appropriate system which gives good advertisement for us. And there are some people who I don’t like. Due to new change, I block such users easily and silently. Personally I prefer twitter to facebook, instaglam. Twitter is more convenient than facebook in that we can post short sentence without pictures. And facebook have many pictures of my face. I take care my privacy. So because of safety such a block report or response, I like twitter.



The Australian government decided about religion. It was prohibited that women who wear the Vail enters the parliament. Most Islam people always wear the Veil to cover the face without eye. This law was made because recently the risk of Muslim terrorism has been increasing. Australia has joined the US-led coalition fighting IS in Iraq, and domestically, police have conducted anti-terror raids in recent weeks. But there are also objections. some people say there was no reason for people with faces covered to be considered a specific threat. In fact, this law was finished in two weeks.

My opinion

I think this law is not good. Certainly there is a lot of bad rumors against Islam. However, as also in the text, not all Islamic bad. law that country determines the national outfits are infringing the freedom. War on terror is a political story. We do not treat general people as terrorists. . The fight against terrorism should be solved by dialogue, can not be solved by prohibition of armed and Islam. I want Australia to be no discrimination country as immigration country.

my reaction to article about Edward Snowden


Edward Snowden who was a staff of NSA tell NBC what he think. He leak 1.7million top secret government document to all over the world. He appeared in interview to tell what he think one year after he revealing the information, then he describe himself as American patriot. He said he did that because he want to help America. But many people said that he damaged US national security. He stay in Moscow where this meeting take place because if he travel back he would face criminal charge. He decided not to come back home. He said in interview “if I could go anywhere in the world that place would be home. His priority is not about himself. He want his family and country help him in the future.


My opinion

I think country should not steal the information about privacy. It is bad that country obtain information without public knowing. But Edward Snowden is a civil servant. So he should not betray the country. Once he betrayed, then order in a country would collapse. Journalists should expose the evil of the state. Although he revealed the document for improving the system of America, but America suffer from what he did. China and Russia also may do the same thing. Now America is only one country which commit a crime about internet. He should think what happen in the world, especially  to America if he betray America. I think it is ok that japan steal my information because I do not have things which I don’t want country to know. But there are many people who hate country know his information. So what country did is bad and what Edward Snowden did is bad too.

This I believe

I believe sport is the greatest things for us. Sports is like a universal language. Without knowing someone, I can enjoy the sport with someone who are stranger for me. Let me give you two example about sport.

First, I was a handball player in high school. I can get along well most people in high school club activities because I have understand each other thorough the sports. The practice was very hard. I have practiced from morning till night. I ate dish with everyone who are my team mate when it becomes late at night. I spent most time of the high school with my friends of the club. By playing sport, we can learn everything. So I think sport is very important. I play handball at the university now. I made a friend through handball. When I entered university, the first opportunity to make friends was also playing a sport. I can make friends by playing sports even if the relationship is bad. While I play sport with friends, I forget what does not matter for the game. Still now the relationship with team mates is good.

Second, I went to the Philippines last summer. Philipino is so kind. When I was walking, many people have been talking to us. People told me to welcome us, but we did not know what they are saying. So I could not be to a close friend. I was not able to reply. It is difficult for us to talk with foreigner because of language. I could not convey what I think. Then we played soccer together. Although we cannot convey words but we can enjoy playing sport. We grieve and joy together. After the game, we became very good friends. I have kept in touch with them even now.

Recently it have been said that Asia’s situation is not good especially for China, Korea and Japan. Most of Asian cannot speak English. So it is not easy for Asia to understand each other. But to make world better Asia have to stand together. As a first step, I think it is good that we Asian play sport together. It is true that it is difficult to make relationship good suddenly at the political level. But I think we can get along well in the citizen level like I experienced in the Philippines. So that, I want to play sport with people from all over the world. I want to be friends with people from all over the world through it.

my reaction about Brazil world cup

Brazil  hold world cup in 2014. In general, this is a good news. But  many Brazilian people don’t think so.  In Brazil, there are many slam in which thief steal things or criminal do your harm. Now government have police and military go to slam to keep town safe. It is good but people think it as short range policy.


I think so too. Brazil are danger country. Government have to take new policy to be good country. To success world cup, sending a military to danger zone is nice idea. When I go to Brazil to see world cup , if there are many police, I feel safe.  but there is much better thing.  When world cup end, if government stop sending military, this policy has no meaning. It is most important thing that government keep on saving citizen. To do this Brazil need much money. So l think government need  make work not only by world cup but also by manufacturer industry,farming and trading.