Category Archives: inho

what i believe.


I believe that Children have to be grown up in urban city rather than suburban.

Of course, there are many things could make children’s childhood full of pleasure in suburban. However, that doesn’t mean children who grew up in urban can’t have good memories of childhood. also, even though children who grew in urban city have less nature based good mamories, that place offer many other advantage like education, transportation, information.

For example, i grew in suburban. I spent almost half of my life in that town. There were so many things i could enjoy with. Clambing mountain, catching some dragonfries, swiming in river… thing that you hardly enjoy in urban city. Thanks for that great curcumstans gave me  many good memories of childhood, my life in suburb had been good untill i move into urban city.

i was such a good kid in suburban, i was quite good at study and sports. when i moved into city at first time, i thought i could be a student just as good as i was.

however,  i noticed what i thought was wrong.

First there are too many academy for all studens. since no academy were in suburb, i’d had no idea about the academy and that fact became the one of the biggest reason i lost my passion for study.

secondly, contrast to my thought, they were really good at sports. because there were also academiy for sports. they had special skill in soccer, basket ball. they were good even at playing with instruments. of course i wasn’t good at it because i saw an instrument first time after i moved into urban city

This is why i think children should be grown up in, at least, near urban city.

suburban has great curcumstans for children.

however, they need to be educated like children in urban city.

i think unbalance of education could cause unbalance of the standard of living. it would be great if suburban has education system too, but suburban usually doesn’t have high quality education system.

this is why i think children need to be grown up in urban city.


my reaction about resula

my article was about the problem of resula animal that we might can’t see anymore because of destruction of nature by human.

actually, resula was found recently. it is new species in africa. however, if people try to save their teritory and lives they can’t use their soil for living.

my opinion about this problem is securing the teritory of resula by compensating for the people who living in that very teritory.

maybe this isn’t best choice but i strongly believe that resula can have their teritory if the government offer appropriate compensation for the people. they can’t keep their lives without their teritory because africa is not a developed country so they have to keep argriculture life, but without that land,

none of resula can’t be saved. it is very important to keep resula safe because they are whole new species.  if resula is extincted

maybe there is no more chance to see them again. it’s quite a big deal. many of species are being extincted even at this moment. resula could be one of them and we can make that never happen by offering some compensation.


The main topic of my group was manipularation of voting in ukraine. First time i saw this topic, i remembered some happening in south korea. As a matter of fact, serious fraud case heppened in korea. After it had turned out a huge fraud, many people were upset about that. However, the same case just happened in ukraine.
An important vote was held in ukraine and it was about independence of part of ukraine. According to the result of vote, almost 80% of people in east ukraine ageeded with the idea of becoming independent while the government of america is denying the legality of vote.
If east part of ukraine unite with Russia, it would be unplesure happening for america. I think that is why the government of america insist that the vote for independence in east ukraine is illegal.
one of friend of mine say everyone have a right to want democracy so it is not illegal to do a vote for independense. I agree to my friend but partly because it was the part of ukraine where vote was held. Usually it is unacceptable for part of country to become independent because it causes chaos to entire country. However, in this case, several problems in ukraine have been an issue and the whole situation is at the chaos already. So i think maybe the vote could be permitted.