Category Archives: ikumi

Reaction of “Where the jobs are and who’s being hired?”

Recently, many positions employers added and the job grows in U.S since 1999. 2014 was the nation’s best year for job growth. In particular, Business, professional services and healthcare jobs created the most staffing positions. Last year was a good year for blacks and Latinos looking for work, particularly more young adults. However, the news is not all good, because blacks and Latinos still have far higher unemployment rates than whites.

I think that raising an employment rate is very good, because economy of all over the world will recovery little by little. However, it is a problem that blacks and Latino’s employment rates are still lower than whites. So there are some racial discriminations in the U.S. I believe that we must lose much discriminations and all people should be treated equally as soon as possible.

Final Audio Essay

Ken Robinson believes that we should bring up creativity of children. Then what is creativity? It consists of two thoughts that a divergent and convergent thoughts. The divergent thought is ability to create new ideas by oneself. The convergent thought is the ability that understands many matters and collects them all together.
I agree with his opinion. I believe that we should do education to increase the originality of children for the next generation. I have three reasons.
The first reason is the current society demands originality. Now, many companies need a creative talented person with a rich idea. For example, IT companies. They always demand a new idea and technique, because if they can’t produce new things, consumers get tired. As a result the incomes of companies decrease.
The second reason is to bring up the person who can adapt to the information-oriented society. In the modern society, information increases more and more, and the contents are developed too. We need education to increase the creative thought of children to get a skill that be able to use the enormous information. I think that we cannot adapt to the information-oriented society in future by the present education that only brings up a memory.
The third reason is we have to learn the ability which can adapt a complicated life. New technique and information are produced, and our life becomes convenient. However, the problems that we can’t adapt ourselves increase. So, we need originality which make a new idea to solve these problems.
Then what kinds of education bring up creativity? In some Japanese schools, they educate to increase originality. For example, the elementary school in Osaka uses a computer and the internet in each subject. Teachers let students think about a quiz by oneself and let students make learning software with the photograph which they took. By this education system, opportunities of the creation increase and students can master a modern technique.
The American schools teach using “the Brain Storming method”. Students speak about one problem freely and find a solution by collecting their ideas. The BS method has a rule that not to have to deny every opinions. As a result, students can give many opinions freely without being afraid of mistake. I think that the Japanese schools should perform the class using the BS method.
In conclusion, I believe that we review the present education system, and we should carry out a system that bringing up the creativity of children. If the education system does not change, children can’t change too. So, I strongly believe that we must change the education system as soon as possible.

My reaction about “Andy Warhol pop-art exhibition opens at Tate Liverpool”


A unique Andy Warhol exhibition featuring more than100 examples of his work has opened in Tate Liverpool. Andy Warhol was a leading proponent of the “pop art” genre. “Pop art” is a post-war style based on vivid imagery from popular culture. He was famous for producing works featuring Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, as well as pieces highlighting everyday items like soup cans. He tried to challenge the traditional separation between high and low culture, and he believed that art was for everyone, so tried to get his work out there to the biggest audience possible.

I agree with Andy Warhol that art is for everyone, but now, in fact, there are arts which only rich people can enjoy. It is called “high culture”. High and low culture is separate. High culture is more classically and traditionally than low culture, so we have to pay a large of money if we enjoy high culture. For example, Opera, Ballet, classical music, Nou and Kabuki. However, I believe that arts of all genre should be enjoyed equal for everyone all over the world. I think art is an extremely important object in our lives, because we can relax and get a lot of powers from many arts. In fact, I became well again when I listen to my favorite music. So, I believe that the cost of high culture should be reduced similar to low culture.

My reaction about “Seoul:Pyongyang Sancton Unchanged”

The South Korean president Park Geun-hye said her government is open to the idea for the North and South try to resolve the issue through dialogue. However May 24 sanctions prevent Park to execute plans explained in her Dresden Declaration. In Dresden Declaration, she made a three-point proposal to North Korea for the humanity, co-prosperity, and integration of the two Koreas, but the relation between South and North doesn’t carry out yet. In a recent poll, almost South Koreans want to improve this bad relation between South and North.

After reading and discussing this article, I thought South and North should make a good relationship. I have two reasons. Then I tell you about these reasons.
First, May 24 sanctions make bad effect to Korean economy, because these sanctions ban all inter-Korean trade and investment activities. If it improves, I think Korean economy grows up. Two Koreans should follow “German unify”. German succeeded nation unification. As a result, an unemployment rate came down and carried out economic growth.
Second, I believe that the most important thing is peace between two nations. A battle only causes problem. In other hand, a peace makes us happy.
In conclusion, I believe that two Koreans should make a good relation. I hope to arrive at a solution as soon as possible.

This I believe

this i believe

Today I have an interesting motion: “which education is better for student’s growth, American or Japanese”. I believe that Japanese education is better than American one. I have four reasons about it. Then I’m going to talk about these reasons.

First of all, it is not necessary for American students to clean their own classroom after school. On the other hand, in Japan, students clean their own classroom by themselves after school. While this system of American school prevents them from getting into a habit of looking after themselves, the system of Japanese school encourages students grow step by step.
Second, Japanese schools have school festival and sport festival, but American schools don’t have them. These festivals give two good effects to Japanese students. The first effect is that the festival can make deep friendship between them. The second effect is that they can grow up to be cooperative, because they can have a feeling of achievement when they prepare and finish these festivals with classmates in order to success them.
Next, I’m going to talk you about summer vacation. American summer vacation has three months without homework. So, American students having nothing to do in summer vacation and have many time to do what they want to do, such as, learning their interesting things, doing volunteer and practicing sports or musical instruments. However, in fact, most of students idle every day. On the other hand, Japanese summer vacation has about a month with a lot of home works. They can become intelligent, because they have to study very hard. So I think Japanese education is better than American vacation.
Finally, American schools have a system of grade skipping. I think this system has an advantage, but it also has some weak point. The advantage is that students can study what they want to study regardless of their age, but there are two disadvantages. The disadvantage is that they can’t have deep relation with classmates, because their classmates can change each time if they skip the grade. The next disadvantage is that students grow up to be able to get good grades only, but that they can’t have good relations with others and can’t succeed in working. I think that it is very important for all classmates to study at the same level and learn various things in cooperation. So, I think schools should not adopt this system of grade skipping for students.

In conclusion, these reasons tell us that Japanese education is better than American one for students. Now I’m very proud of Japanese education.

This I believe

Today I have an interesting motion: “which education is better for student’s growth, American or Japanese”. I believe that Japanese education is better than American one. I have four reasons about it. Then I’m going to talk about these reasons.

First of all, it is not necessary for American students to clean their own classroom after school. On the other hand, in Japan, students clean their own classroom by themselves after school. While this system of American school prevents them from getting into a habit of looking after themselves, the system of Japanese school encourages students grow step by step.
Second, Japanese schools have school festival and sport festival, but American schools don’t have them. These festivals give two good effects to Japanese students. The first effect is that the festival can make deep friendship between them. The second effect is that they can grow up to be cooperative, because they can have a feeling of achievement when they prepare and finish these festivals with classmates in order to success them.
Next, I’m going to talk you about summer vacation. American summer vacation has three months without homework. So, American students having nothing to do in summer vacation and have many time to do what they want to do, such as, learning their interesting things, doing volunteer and practicing sports or musical instruments. However, in fact, most of students idle every day. On the other hand, Japanese summer vacation has about a month with a lot of home works. They can become intelligent, because they have to study very hard. So I think Japanese education is better than American vacation.
Finally, American schools have a system of grade skipping. I think this system has an advantage, but it also has some weak point. The advantage is that students can study what they want to study regardless of their age, but there are two disadvantages. The disadvantage is that they can’t have deep relation with classmates, because their classmates can change each time if they skip the grade. The next disadvantage is that students grow up to be able to get good grades only, but that they can’t have good relations with others and can’t succeed in working. I think that it is very important for all classmates to study at the same level and learn various things in cooperation. So, I think schools should not adopt this system of grade skipping for students.

In conclusion, these reasons tell us that Japanese education is better than American one for students. Now I’m very proud of Japanese education.

This I believe

Today I have an interesting motion: “which education is better for student’s growth, American or Japanese”. I believe that Japanese education is better than American one. I have four reasons about it. Then I’m going to talk about these reasons.

First of all, it is not necessary for American students to clean their own classroom after school. On the other hand, in Japan, students clean their own classroom by themselves after school. While this system of American school prevents them from getting into a habit of looking after themselves, the system of Japanese school encourages students grow step by step.
Second, Japanese schools have school festival and sport festival, but American schools don’t have them. These festivals give two good effects to Japanese students. The first effect is that the festival can make deep friendship between them. The second effect is that they can grow up to be cooperative, because they can have a feeling of achievement when they prepare and finish these festivals with classmates in order to success them.
Next, I’m going to talk you about summer vacation. American summer vacation has three months without homework. So, American students having nothing to do in summer vacation and have many time to do what they want to do, such as, learning their interesting things, doing volunteer and practicing sports or musical instruments. However, in fact, most of students idle every day. On the other hand, Japanese summer vacation has about a month with a lot of home works. They can become intelligent, because they have to study very hard. So I think Japanese education is better than American vacation.
Finally, American schools have a system of grade skipping. I think this system has an advantage, but it also has some weak point. The advantage is that students can study what they want to study regardless of their age, but there are two disadvantages. The disadvantage is that they can’t have deep relation with classmates, because their classmates can change each time if they skip the grade. The next disadvantage is that students grow up to be able to get good grades only, but that they can’t have good relations with others and can’t succeed in working. I think that it is very important for all classmates to study at the same level and learn various things in cooperation. So, I think schools should not adopt this system of grade skipping for students.

In conclusion, these reasons tell us that Japanese education is better than American one for students. Now I’m very proud of Japanese education.

This I believe

Today I have an interesting motion: “which education is better for student’s growth, American or Japanese”. I believe that Japanese education is better than American one. I have four reasons about it. Then I’m going to talk about these reasons.

First of all, it is not necessary for American students to clean their own classroom after school. On the other hand, in Japan, students clean their own classroom by themselves after school. While this system of American school prevents them from getting into a habit of looking after themselves, the system of Japanese school encourages students grow step by step.
Second, Japanese schools have school festival and sport festival, but American schools don’t have them. These festivals give two good effects to Japanese students. The first effect is that the festival can make deep friendship between them. The second effect is that they can grow up to be cooperative, because they can have a feeling of achievement when they prepare and finish these festivals with classmates in order to success them.
Next, I’m going to talk you about summer vacation. American summer vacation has three months without homework. So, American students having nothing to do in summer vacation and have many time to do what they want to do, such as, learning their interesting things, doing volunteer and practicing sports or musical instruments. However, in fact, most of students idle every day. On the other hand, Japanese summer vacation has about a month with a lot of home works. They can become intelligent, because they have to study very hard. So I think Japanese education is better than American vacation.
Finally, American schools have a system of grade skipping. I think this system has an advantage, but it also has some weak point. The advantage is that students can study what they want to study regardless of their age, but there are two disadvantages. The disadvantage is that they can’t have deep relation with classmates, because their classmates can change each time if they skip the grade. The next disadvantage is that students grow up to be able to get good grades only, but that they can’t have good relations with others and can’t succeed in working. I think that it is very important for all classmates to study at the same level and learn various things in cooperation. So, I think schools should not adopt this system of grade skipping for students.

In conclusion, these reasons tell us that Japanese education is better than American one for students. Now I’m very proud of Japanese education.

My reaction of U.S. plans to curb land mines and join global treaty.

Now, there are about 9 million land mines in the world. In the past the U.S. has always reserved the right to produce more land mines. However, recently the U.S. intends to join Ottawa Convention which prohibits the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of the mines. Steve Goose, head of delegation said the U.S. should join at least set a target date to join the treaty and immediately pledge not to use land mines and begin destruction of its stockpiles.

I agree with Steve Goose, so I believe that the U.S. should sign Ottawa Convention immediately. I have two reasons. First, land mines are used indiscriminate killing. All the lives are precious, but it is cruel and cause inhuman damages. Land mines take a lot of lives of innocent people. Second, I think that there is a method to substitute for land mines. Land mines are used mainly in borders, but there are other methods. For example, making the net with the splinter on borders and making high wall with surveillance camera.

In conclusion, I think all countries must not use land mines, because indiscriminate killing is not good and there are better replacement solutions. So, the U.S. which likes a world leader should join Ottawa Convention as soon as possible. I pray for the peaceful world without the weapons.