Category Archives: hiroki

My audio essay

In the talk,Ken Robinson says that fear of failure embedded in education kills creativity.
So I propose some ideas to improve this bad situation of education.

First, with reducing time of denial, we should save more time of affirmation.
Ken Robinson say denial makes the fear of action . As a result of that , potential creativity in us is killed. In fact, in the modern education, there seems too much denial. For example, most of the modern exam requires us to give what is called the only right answer set by teachers. If we give a answer different from the answer set by teacher , the answer would be denied. I think, though indirect, these are typical denial. This way of education is not bad, but too much of the way of education seems to do harm to creativity.
So we should save more time of subjects not requesting the only right answer. specifically it is art, music , and so on that apply to the subject.
These subject not always requires the only right answer. Rather, these subject seems to put emphasis on the point of expressing one’s self. So basically, it can be said that these subject don’t deny us.
Therefore, I propose so.

Second, we should change the way of question.
Usually, when people give something as a question, the answer to the quesion always be one. For example, when a teacher gives a question of history, the teacher requires students to answer a word such as Nobunaga Oda , July revolution , World War Ⅱ.
However, the way of question can’t raise creativity. just memorising something don’t lead to raising creativity.
So, when we give something as question, we should avoid such a way to the extent you can, and devise the way of question. For example, we give a quesion of history, we should take the way ” why did the problem happen? and why was it a problem?” ”can you have an idea how the man came up with such a wonderful solution?” ” If you have to solve that situation, what way or policy do you take?” and so on. The point of these is not requesting people to answer what they know, but requesting people to answer the question with what they know.
In other words, I think, If we can teach even the way of coming up with ideas ,and so on, lectures of history will get more interesting , and ,at the same time,raise creativity.
In short, only with just taking note of a way of question, we can raise creativity well.
Therefore we should change the way of quesion in education.

This is all my suggestions.

Hiroki Suzuki

My reaction to ”Toyota opens up hydrogen fuel cell patents ”

Toyota said monday that it’s going to try to boost the market for hydrogen fuel-celj powered cars by opening up its patents to competitors.This is because they believe the potential of
fuel cells to become mainstream technology over the next 100 years, and they try to help accelerate the adoption through the market by having more autmakers and suppliers in on the development of fuel cells. The move comes as toyota, honda and hyundai are introducing new hydrogen models to consumers. However, even though costs of hydrogen fuel-cell powered cars have fallen, they remain costly to build and there remain few stations to refuel them.

This is my summary.
In this article, I feel that these actions of toyota are the right action that companies should take.
Now in the modern society, we can see the actions of companies that have over self interest supremacy doctrine. For example, in the food industry , there have happened a lot of problems such as comtaminations , uses of foods that have passed the day expressing by when we can eat, and so on.These actions indicate that ,even if the action do harm to the society , only self interest is important.
However, I think a companies is what do good to people , and should be.
So I feel that toyota is a great company , and I respect toyota , the company with good socially moral senses.


My reaction to gauging growth in 2015

Ecologist intelligence unit is estimating that the world economy will be boosted by lower oil price by 2.9%. in the other words,the 10 % fall is thougt to add 0.2 percentage point to world GDP.In 2015,surprisingly papua new guinua is predicted to be the zippest economy of all,expanding by nearly twice as fast as any other country. In contrast to papua new guinua, it is predicted that the Ebora outbreak in western africa will make Sierra Leone the worst performing country. These are my summury.
having learned the predict,i wondered why the ecomic grow in papua new guinua will be so fast.
so I decided to consider the reason. In conclusion,i think it is the possibility of the enomous resourses that are said to be deep in the papua new guinua that got ecologists predicting so.In 2012 , i already heard the possibility of the resourses in the papua new guinua. So that have made me think as aboved stated.
Now, it is said,too, Japan may has the possibility of much natural resourses.However,natural resourses have limitation and we can’t understand how much impact they will I think that we have to search for the other way to resolve the recession without much expecting the natural resourses.


This I believe (Hiroki S)

This I believe; the people around me
Hiroki Suzuki

I know that this is sudden, but I’m satisfied so much. I think the people around me have made me feel so. So I believe the people around me. Now, please let me explain why it turned out like this.

I am a university student now, but, until quite recently, I thought that I had few wants. I don’t have the strong desire for getting great grades in my university and even dreams. Though I want to read more books and to get good guitars such ds made by Gibson, such desires are not so strong that I will buy these by all means.
Of course, I don’t have the desires for fame and so on. Those made me think I was lacking in the desires for promotion, recognition, material, and so on that the people around me seem to have. Every desire is the roots of motivations. So I thought it was a problem for me to have little desire that makes me active.

So to speak, I desired for desires, but, one day, I noticed that I had little frustration too, when I saw my friends complain much. At the same time, an idea occured to me. The idea was that my desires had been satisfied already without my noticing it. Thinking desires over, desires are an emotion that every person can not help but has from birth. Then, I found wrong the way of thinking that I was lacking in such an emotion. This made me notice that it is no doubt that my desires are satisfied now. The people around me have been satisfying me without my noticing it.

Since I had the way to think, I came to want to return the favors to the people around me who had been giving favors. So, now, when somebody asks me for something, I make it a rule to live up to the expectation as much as I can.

For these reasons, I believe all the people around me that are satisfying me so much. I believe all the people around me including parents, friends, class mates, and teachers, are reliable people for me, and I believe that it makes me more satisfied that I continue to live up to the expectation of the people around me