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This I believe

This I believe

I believe that having a goal and making an effort to reach it is the best way to make our life better and richer one. I feel it wasting our precious and short life to live without having a goal of your life. Any goal is OK, easy one or difficult one…  for example, trying to remember 10 English vocabulary per day to get better at English, or trying to get good score at your exam. That’s ok, that’s enough.

Talking about my life, I have reached one big goal and I’m now trying extremely difficult one.

The first one is high school entrance exam, and I could pass it. Then now, I’m studying hard to pass bar exam to be a lawyer. Bar exam is so difficult that I don’t have time for having fun, but I don’t feel bad about it because I am doing what I want to do and studying to realize my dream. Some people ask me “Why do you study that much? Why don’t you want to play with your friends?” Actually, of course I want to play with my friends, but studying law is much more fun for me.

What I want to tell you is that making an effort to realize your dream makes your life great one. Recently, I only do studying law, but my life is productive one.

In addition, if you have good circumstance for studying, I think you had better not waste it and study hard to gain knowledge. Plenty knowledge give you a lot of choice. I mean if you have a lot of knowledge, you can find or make your goal easily.

There are a number of people who have a dream but can’t realize it because of poverty, so if you are in good circumstance, I think we must not waste it.

I am given good circumstance to study law, so I am trying not to waste it.

I will do my best to pass bar exam and to be a layer.

I hope you have a goal and make your life better one.

this i believe

I believe/ reading books is important. /I have three reasons for that. /First, /though it’s quite simple, /reading books is a lot of fun. /In a bookstore, /I can pick out a book I get interested in /or sometimes by the whim./ I think/ this process, I mean, the moment I am browsing through or choosing books, is interesting. /Of course, /reading books when I’m on a train, in my house ./ Like watching TV, /playing sports, and listening to music, /reading books is one of my favorite hobbies./

Second, /I can learn so many values from books, /for example,/ novels impress me /and give me an opportunity /to rethink about things around me, /criticisms give me a new way of thinking/ every time I read, /biographies tell me how /intelligent or courageous people in the past behaved /in the face of adversity. /Every book has different characteristics, so/ I think it’s better to read various kinds of books./

Third,/ we are in a democratic society, /so the smarter individuals become,/ the better the society will be, /like philosophers and Sophists were born in Athens./ In addition,/ Society is functioning thanks to the government, in other words, bureaucrats, and for them, it’s easier /to manipulate stupid people. So people must get some proper knowledge to watch whether our government have a right policy or not. /I’m sure to be among stupid people now,/ but I don’t want to be like them and I want to be a person of knowledge in the future. In order to attain my goal, /I think books are really effective.

_Though /I have spoken several high-sounding opinions so far, /as a conclusion, /to be honest, /I read books just because it’s fun. I read books for myself. /It is the biggest reason why I believe reading books is important.


i believe

I believe sports are very important. Sports not only make maintain ours health but also have good effects on the mind. Sports make us get rid of our stress and we become patient. And when we play a team sport, it’s difficult to win without cooperation. So we can learn to respect others’ feelings. I believe sports are good for the mind.

I like sports. I had played soccer in an elementary school, played badminton in a middle school, and played volleyball in a high school. Especially Volleyball had good effects on me, I continue to play it. The reason why I play sports especially volleyball is getting rid of my stress. I feel great when I spiked strongly and block. And after playing sport, I am exhausted very much, but I like the exhaustion.

After the retirement from the club in a high school and within a time of examination, I am bored and feel stress. When I play sports, I can forget something wrong and feel refreshed. As a result, I can concentrate very much, and study harder. We become to concentrate better with sports.

The second effect is that we can become a man who has guts. I think Sports are methods familiar to us to try limits of myself. The hardest memory in high school is a training camp in summer. A training camp is very hot and strict. Its purpose is not training the body and technique but guts. The strict training makes our mind strongly.

And when I play a match, the game went to deuce, we can’t make a mistake. I’m be nervous. I experienced these situation any number of times. Then I have wined as well as lost. But the experiences had good effects on our mind. I became to stand a nervous situation. I could get good mind to do something without a strain in nervous situation.

There are these effects on our mind with playing sports, so I like sports. But, not only playing sports also watching the sports had good effects on us. I am excited when I watch soccer at world cup. Watching the sports, we show various feeling. It’s good to have an open mind. I think Sports make our mind grow up. There are a lot of effects of sports. I continue to play sports in the future, I will grow up my body and mind.

This I believeマイ録音番号10.wav


I believe in the powers of recording. the records often makes me happy, excited, sad and so on… When I have a impressive time, I take pictures, write down memo and get the memorial things. Basically I think I forget almost things that I had and I am a forgetful person. So I always try to record.

When I was ten years old, I moved to Fukushima and changed another school because of my father’s job. I was born and raised in Tokyo so I was very anxious with new town and new school. I was cleaning up after the move then I found the album with a lot of pictures that describe my happy time. The pictures encouraged me and I could have hope for the new life.

From this experience, I became to love the recording memories and I carry tools to leave on memory. Especially smartphone is a good tool for me. I can take pictures, record voice or movies, leave memo and draw paintings with it. Moreover I have external hard disk drive and I put date on the drive when the memories are full.

Although these data are important for me, sometimes I was confused with some questions. ”Because of recording, do I become forgetful person? “or “Because of my forgetful character, do I record memories? ” and “Do I record too much?”
After experiencing this question, now I try to sort the memories carefully. furthermore I don’t have deep attachment  to old things or rubbish very much so I waste many things in my daily life.

In addition, I also love to enjoy another person’s record. That’s why I read the magazines, blogs, private papers of the famous persons or watch movies and so on. I think artworks or novels are also records of the artist’s or novelist’s view of the world and I love them too.

I think records can last indefinitely and they have power to move people again and again. I think they are one of the firm things. I love their silence. They are just in there. But they remind us the scene or the feelings and sometimes give us discovery or impression.
That’s why I can believe the power of records.

This I believe (Hiroki S)

This I believe; the people around me
Hiroki Suzuki

I know that this is sudden, but I’m satisfied so much. I think the people around me have made me feel so. So I believe the people around me. Now, please let me explain why it turned out like this.

I am a university student now, but, until quite recently, I thought that I had few wants. I don’t have the strong desire for getting great grades in my university and even dreams. Though I want to read more books and to get good guitars such ds made by Gibson, such desires are not so strong that I will buy these by all means.
Of course, I don’t have the desires for fame and so on. Those made me think I was lacking in the desires for promotion, recognition, material, and so on that the people around me seem to have. Every desire is the roots of motivations. So I thought it was a problem for me to have little desire that makes me active.

So to speak, I desired for desires, but, one day, I noticed that I had little frustration too, when I saw my friends complain much. At the same time, an idea occured to me. The idea was that my desires had been satisfied already without my noticing it. Thinking desires over, desires are an emotion that every person can not help but has from birth. Then, I found wrong the way of thinking that I was lacking in such an emotion. This made me notice that it is no doubt that my desires are satisfied now. The people around me have been satisfying me without my noticing it.

Since I had the way to think, I came to want to return the favors to the people around me who had been giving favors. So, now, when somebody asks me for something, I make it a rule to live up to the expectation as much as I can.

For these reasons, I believe all the people around me that are satisfying me so much. I believe all the people around me including parents, friends, class mates, and teachers, are reliable people for me, and I believe that it makes me more satisfied that I continue to live up to the expectation of the people around me

I believe

I believe that racism will disappear one day.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character,” said Nelson Mandela. Unfortunately, people of the time didn’t realize how cruel racism is. To discriminate people because of skin color, or cultural differences were a matter of course.
But things have changed. The world is now setting against racism. Nowadays, only a tiny minority of people support racism, separated toilet facilities according to race don’t exist anymore, equal opportunity in education is assured. In addition Barack Obama became the first African-American president in 2008. However, complete eradication of racism is not yet achieved. There are still violent racism all round the world (of course in Japan too). For instance an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were victims of genocide in 1994, racial discrimination is on rise in India and Australia. Further more, in France the rise of far-right wing parties with Marine Le Pen known of her discriminative speeches can be mentioned.
Racism has been a part of human history since time immemorial. It stems out of a tendency to create racial stereotypes on the basis of race, colour, nationality, religion and other factors. Often racial discrimination is practiced without even being conscious, It seems to be like human’s nature. We live in a world in which we are surrounded by things that cause us to develop associations that produce stereotypes. So maybe racism will never disappear. However discrimination can be reduced significantly by education.
Education at school should help us realize how racism is immoral. Educating young people and revise stereotypes are effective solutions, in other word transforming the school’s culture is required. For example, it is desirable that school encourage children making a cross-race friend in order to tackle prejudice, because discrimination can not prevail over firm friendship. In addition, school should take a firm stance against racism. Racial incidents must be monitored more attentively and If students exhibit racist behavior, teachers should deal with it immediately and strictly, because by not reacting swiftly and by not giving severe punishment, we send the message that racism is acceptable.
Instead of being colorblind, we should celebrate differences. Educational organization should not assume the air of indifference, because Ignorance is at the bottom of racism. I think that we also have to make efforts to be open-minded and strive to make Nelson Mandela’s dream come true.
If we believe that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, if we believe in love for humanity, we should not tolerate racial discrimination.


Yamato Aoki: This is I believe

Yamato Aoki: This is I believe


I believe that Japan will get rid of one quadrillion yen worth of government bonds and become the leader of the world as a developed country full of social issues.

I went to study in the Unites States of America when I was 15 on my own. It was an eye-opening experience for me especially because I only spent my time studying and playing sports in Japan. Many of the same generation was passionate about politics. There was a discussion about  American military base in Okinawa during one of the classes I took. One of the students asked me what I thought about it and I couldn’t say a word. My English wasn’t good but more than that, I didn’t know anything about that issue. Afterwards, I had many opportunities to participate in social movements. One of them was the presidential election that Obama was in.

After Obama got elected, I came back to Japan. I realized there were not many young people who were interested in social and political issues. Therefore, I started a non-profit organization to make young people more involved in politics. As the leader of this organization, I got to discuss with lot of local government workers about the future of this country. They all said that Japan faces declining birthrate and aging population.

I believe that only the young can solve these problems. Considering that I may live in this country for the coming 60 years,  we must reconsider the mindsets of local and federal governments.  They seem to believe that national tax will allocated to local governments in the form of subsidies as if they fall from the heavens. Hence, they do not live in the framework in which they must raise the money for themselves. I believe that even these local governments must take the responsibility to raise the money to solve the problems that they face.

Only after accomplishing this will Japan solve its quadrillion yen bond problem, and truly become a global leader. I believe that I will be a member who can contribute to realizing this dream.


This I Believe

This I Believe

I am satisfied with my life these days because I have got to challenge myself in everyday lives. And I found some essential factors to make your life better and enjoyable.


What changed my life fundamentally was dancing. I had wanted for a long time to begin something through which I can achieve a goal with my own efforts before I enrolled in college. I started krump dancing. When you move in the style of krump, you can express your emotions and energies much more than any other style of dancing. Krump dancing itself is of course very good to do, but its important characteristic is that krump is a dance of battle. You express yourself and improve your skills through battles with other dancers, and in fact I can see most of krump dancers are very earnest. You have to be so earnest that you keep up with or beat your rivals.


But when battling or competing, you cannot help thinking of being defeated. If someone defeats you, of course you will get depressed, and have a hard time. Though at the same time you can have many ways to deny your lose, by making excuses, sometimes such fears of defeat put you away from trying, making efforts or competing with others.


I was also scared of competitions and defeats. The fear of defeat was, to me, too big to compete with others because I had never experienced defeat. I often made an excuse of lose and my lack of efforts. But through krump dancing, I changed. Now when I’m in face-to-face competition with the rival in dancing, somehow I do never want to lose and despite the fear of loses, I can feel like challenging the rivals. What did make me change?


I think that is because I met many people who are better at dancing and I lost many times, then my arrogance was swept away. Now I can also see the enjoyable dimensions of things more than the fears of failure. I think I have got more active and satisfied with everyday lives  than before. I try things, and then, whether I succeed or fail, learn many things from them. If you are scared of failure, you may also be scared of challenging yourself, then you cannot learn anything from your life. I think it is a waste of lifetime.


I believe what is important in life is the experience of failure, and the passion to learn from and get over it.

This I believe

I believe sport is the greatest things for us. Sports is like a universal language. Without knowing someone, I can enjoy the sport with someone who are stranger for me. Let me give you two example about sport.

First, I was a handball player in high school. I can get along well most people in high school club activities because I have understand each other thorough the sports. The practice was very hard. I have practiced from morning till night. I ate dish with everyone who are my team mate when it becomes late at night. I spent most time of the high school with my friends of the club. By playing sport, we can learn everything. So I think sport is very important. I play handball at the university now. I made a friend through handball. When I entered university, the first opportunity to make friends was also playing a sport. I can make friends by playing sports even if the relationship is bad. While I play sport with friends, I forget what does not matter for the game. Still now the relationship with team mates is good.

Second, I went to the Philippines last summer. Philipino is so kind. When I was walking, many people have been talking to us. People told me to welcome us, but we did not know what they are saying. So I could not be to a close friend. I was not able to reply. It is difficult for us to talk with foreigner because of language. I could not convey what I think. Then we played soccer together. Although we cannot convey words but we can enjoy playing sport. We grieve and joy together. After the game, we became very good friends. I have kept in touch with them even now.

Recently it have been said that Asia’s situation is not good especially for China, Korea and Japan. Most of Asian cannot speak English. So it is not easy for Asia to understand each other. But to make world better Asia have to stand together. As a first step, I think it is good that we Asian play sport together. It is true that it is difficult to make relationship good suddenly at the political level. But I think we can get along well in the citizen level like I experienced in the Philippines. So that, I want to play sport with people from all over the world. I want to be friends with people from all over the world through it.

This I believe

I believe family. My family always help me when I’m in a difficult situation. I have a mother,a father, a elder sister, and a cat. My family is very close. we have a supper together almost every day. And once a week everyone in the family eat out and enjoy conversations. More over we seldom get into an argument. I love my family very much.

My mother cooks breakfast and supper every day. And it is very delicious. I eat it almost every day. I don’t work and don’t have much money so eating her dish is also economical. I love her dish.

When I was an elementary school student, I tried to enter a private junior highschool. So I had to pass an exam. And my mother always taught me all subjects.

When I failed to enter an university, and I had to study one more year, she encouraged me. Thanks to her encouragement, I could study hard. Without her kind heart, I wouldn’t be a Keio university student.

My father always let me do what I want to do. When I wanted to enter private junior highschool, and when I failed to enter an university, he forgave me. More over he don’t mind paying money for me. Without his generous heart, I wouldn’t be a Keio university student too.

My mother and father are very close. They have been married for about 30 years. As far as I know, they never get into an argument. They sometimes travel double. And I’m happy when I see their closeness. I give a gift every their wedding anniversary.

My elder sister is not only valued family member but also my best friend. When I was child, I and she are on bad terms. But now we are very close. We have a same liking for food and music. So we talk like friends almost every day. I think she will have been my best friend.

Last, I introduce our cat “Sachiko”. She is two years old. She is Singapura that is most tiny cat. She is very cute and sociable. When I’m sad, I play with her and I’m healed.

As I said, I’m always helped by my family when I’m in a difficult situation. My family make what I am. I’m always thankful to my family. And I believe them. I love my family very much.