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Yuzuru Hanyu collided with Chinese skater at Cup of China-My reaction


Yuzuru Hanyu who is an Olympic champion was injured on his chin and had a concussion of his brain because of his collision.

The Cup of China was held at the Shanghai. The accident happened while athletes were preparing for their free program. Hanyu collided with chinese Han Yan. Hanyu was bleeding from his chin.  He couldn’t stand up for a while. Hanyu’s coach, Brian Orser told him to take care of himself. However, he decided to take part in the free program. He skated with “Phantom of Opera” and finished in second place. He scored 237.55. Hanyu was extremely surprised when he looked at his score so he bawled and appeared overjoyed.


My reaction

I’d like to discuss this topic from two points of view. The first point is whether figure is a sport or not. Second is about the most important thing for athletes.

First, figure is different from other sports, such as soccer and basketball. In most sports, athletes shoot at the goal, but in figure, judges give a decision on their performances. This is why it is often said that figure isn’t a sport.

However, I think figure is a kind of sport because athletes don’t contend with men and women together in competitions. For example, in competitions of painting or playing the piano, prizes are given to artists and performers without distinguishing by their sex. On the other hand, female and male athletes are divided in sports including figure.This is why I think figure is a sport.

Secondly, which is more important for an athlete, his health or his pride? Hanyu finished his performance to the end so audience were strongly impressed. On the other hand, his coach and people were involved in the competition were worried about Hanyu’s physical condition. Some people said that Hanyu shouldn’t participate in the competition.

I think Hanyu’s judgment was right. If he had given up skating, experience of accident would have become a trauma. Before causing a severe trauma, he had to overcome his fear.This is why I think Hanyu had to take part in the competition not only for his pride but also his future.



Hong Kong protesters

Pritesters in Hong Kong decided to hold over the vote whether to accept several goverment concessions because of a lack of discussion with protesters. But it doesn’t mean protesters stop demonstration. They still have the will to fight against the government.

Why people in Hong Kong are fighting against Chinese government ? It is caused by the inequality of elections. Chinese government has ruled that candidates for the chief executive election must be vetted by nominating committee dominated by pro-Beijing groups. In short, Hong Kong people have been deprived their freedom of politic participation by the government.
In my country, Japan, everybody can announce one’s candidacy. But it isn’t in Hong Kong. I surprised because what I think it’s natural is not natural. Many people around me may not know the value of freedom about politics. Now, I’m 20 so I have the right to vote. Using this right, I’ll positively participate Japanese politics. I believe if people have the will of paticipating politics, the government must be changed. To get the precondition as the participation to politics, I want to support to Hong Kong protesters.

The great-granddaughter of a Canadian soldier whose bear cub inspired the story of Winnie the Pooh has visited the UK to retrace his footsteps.

Cpt Harry Colebourn brought the bear in 1914. He went to war in France and he donated the bear, called Winnie, to London Zoo. Winnie the Pooh was written by Alan Alexander Milne for his family. At first, the story was called The Wrong Sort of Bees in the London Evening News. The boy in the stories, Cristopher Robin, was named after Milne’s son. He had a favorite teddy bear, which he called Winnie the Pooh. And also, he had other stuffed animals such as a kangaroo, a piglet and a donkey. The characters in the stories based on his toys.
I know Disney’s story but I didn’t know the origin of Winnie the Pooh. Disney has made a lot of movies based on fairy tales. The stories, made by Disney, are a little different from real stories. For example, in The Little Mermaid, the heroine throws herself into the sea. However, in the movie, Princess Ariel gets married to Prince Eric. Almost all of Disney films come to happy end and the good defeats the evil. I think it’s very easy to understand for children.

When I was little, I read the Winnie the Pooh, made by Disney. In the book, Pooh lives in the house which has a doorplate, Alexander.I’ve thought Pooh’s real name is Alexander since then. But I realized its name is author’s name last Tuesday.

Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Japan’s minister Obuchi and Matsushima has resigned almost at the same time.
Ms Matsushima had been accused by the opposition of violating election laws. Ms Obuchi was alleged to have misused her political funds
PM Shinzo Abe who brought them into his cabinet said he took responsibility and that they would be replaced within a day
Ms Obuchi was tipped by some as a future prime minister, but allegation emerged that her staff had misused campaign funds. She apologized for being unable to contribute to key goals set by Abe, including “a society where women shine”

After I read this article, I think it is stupid news.
Mr Abe wants to bring more women into top level of government, but I don’t think that is not good way.
I think Japan is not male chauvinism but female supremacy recently. If there are more women in the cabinet, they are more predominant in Japan. You may say that if there are many men in the cabinet, feminists get angry, but I think the best way of equality of the sexes is that.
At present, there isn’t the public tendency to discriminate against women in Japan, so even if there are only men in the Diet, it doesn’t become male supremacy. But how about turning this situation?
And there is more important problem. That is the policy to bring women into cabinet actively .It isn’t necessary to bring them into by force. Brilliant people must be ministers, so it should not be restricted that more women must become them. As this article, that policy brought about disaster.
I think it is good that more excellent women go into top level of government, but should stop the public tendency to bring them into government by force

Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Japan’s minister Obuchi and Matsushima has resigned almost at the same time.
Ms Matsushima had been accused by the opposition of violating election laws. Ms Obuchi was alleged to have misused her political funds
PM Shinzo Abe who brought them into his cabinet said he took responsibility and that they would be replaced within a day
Ms Obuchi was tipped by some as a future prime minister, but allegation emerged that her staff had misused campaign funds. She apologized for being unable to contribute to key goals set by Abe, including “a society where women shine”

After I read this article, I think it is stupid news.
Mr Abe wants to bring more women into top level of government, but I don’t think that is not good way.
I think Japan is not male chauvinism but female supremacy recently. If there are more women in the cabinet, they are more predominant in Japan. You may say that if there are many men in the cabinet, feminists get angry, but I think the best way of equality of the sexes is that.
At present, there isn’t the public tendency to discriminate against women in Japan, so even if there are only men in the Diet, it doesn’t become male supremacy. But how about turning this situation?
And there is more important problem. That is the policy to bring women into cabinet actively .It isn’t necessary to bring them into by force. Brilliant people must be ministers, so it should not be restricted that more women must become them. As this article, that policy brought about disaster.
I think it is good that more excellent women go into top level of government, but should stop the public tendency to bring them into government by force

My reaction to “China Communist Party plenum begins in Beijing”

A big meeting of Chinese communist Party leaders focuses on the rule of law and fighting corruption has begun in Beijing. Communist Party has about 90 million members but power resides with the Central Committee. Unfortunately, the role of the attendees is merely to nod through the policies set out by Communist Party leader and national president Xi Jinping. The party released a statement highlighting the importance of the law. However, critics say he does not intend to make the Communist Party itself subject to the law by , for example , setting up an independent judiciary.

My opinion
Reading and discussing this article helps me know better what Chinese Communist party is like. I didn’t know that the Central Committee is the highest organization of the Chinese communist party until I researched. Chinese political system and Japanese political system are very different. I firmly believe just nodding through the policies set out by person with power is not democracy. And I think the rule of law in Japan and that in China are also different. The rule of law in Japan is under democracy and actions of everybody is restricted by law, including the president. But the rule of law in China is under communism and it could strengthen power of president because he isn’t bound by law. I think such a rule of law is not a complete rule of law. Although having said that, the move from the rule of men to that of law is a big change because adopting the rule of law will lead to sticking the knife into vested interests.

Brain repair `may be boosted by curry spice` my reaction


It is already known that curry is capable of promote healthy.

Furthermore, a German study shows turmeric accelerate the growth of neuron which is thought to be a part of the brain’s repair kit. Turmeric is expected to become drugs for Alzheimer’s and other diseases, but it is ongoing study so it isn’t clear whether it works for humans.

The German institute is studying aromatic-turmerone. Rats injected with this compound is used for and sufficient parts of their brains which are related to neuron growth seem to be activated. A scientist says that the compound may accelerate the increase of brain cells.

In another study, it is proved that neural stem cells can transform to any type of brain cell. Scientists suggest that the effect can be used to repair wounds and disease.

They say it is possible that human enjoy the benefits of this study in the future.



I’ll talk about Japanese achievements in the study of turmeric and problems on scientific technology in japan.

This article is related to japan deeply. In fact, Musashino university originally specified the effective of turmeric. Prof Abe focused on the fact that there are less patients of Alzheimer’s disease in India. He supposes that the cause was their eating habit. He made a inquiry of spicy including curry.

Finally, he confirmed the ability of prevent turmeric to prevent brain damage.

I think Japan can be proud of this discovery.

However, I also think that this study has a problem. The problem is the little budget on scientific researches in Japan. In this article, Germany studied the effects of aromatic- turmeron, but if the Japanese government invest more studies, Japanese scientists may be more successful.

This is why I think people need to be more interested in scientific research and understand the role played by science and technology.

Hallucinogen in ‘magic mushrooms’

Researchers report that a small number of longtime smokers could drop their smoking habit when taking psilocybin, so called “magic mushrooms” in trial at Hopkins University School of Medicine. According to the trial, 80 percent of study participants could quit their smoking. Before this, the success rates of quitting smoking by taking smoking cessation drug was less than 35 percent. Therefore, that success rates is unbelievable high level. But magic mushrooms have hallucinogenic effect, we must be careful when taking them. It is needed to administer after careful preparation and in a therapeutic context.

In Japan, it is banned to take or have magic mushrooms in the law. And I think it will be still banned after this report because we should focus on safety. A person who have hallucination may do violent acts or injure someone around him. And it is dangerous for himself because he may get involved in accidents, for example, traffic accidents. If the drug or method that can control that hallucination discovered, it can change situation. But now, there are no way so it should be still banned, I think.

My reaction -Mexican government and Drugs-


On June 30th, Mexican security forces killed at least 22 drug gang members through a gun fight. They are the members of La Familia Michoacana drug cartel. According to prosecutors, when soldiers patrolled the area of cartel’s factory, gang members fired at soldiers and started the gun fight.

The president Pena Nieto tries to regulate drugs strictly the same as his former president. So he decided to use security forces (nearly army) to oppose drug gangs. Some people condemn that his decision would promote more violence of gangs.



No soldier was injured or killed in this case despite fighting against all 22 gang members. We can imagine there are lots of soldiers. I think shooting and killing members are excessive to fight against them. If the government tries to use such a strong power, they should take another way, for example, shooting only their legs, firing tear-gas bomb and so on. Of course, there are also riot polices in Mexico so they should be used instead of security forces.

In Japan, the conflict between country and private citizens is sometimes problem. From the view of constitutionalism, security forces are civil servants so they have to restrict using power to civilians even if they are perpetrators. Criminals also have rights to stand a trial and they might have been innocent. I don’t agree with government’s actions which invade human rights.

This I believe

I believe in family. My family helped me many time. Thank to them, I live in here. I can do little things without help of my family. I have mother, father and big sister.

My mother is very kind but she don’t stare her opinion because thinking about around people. I think that is her week point. Contrary my father is so selfish, for example where to go for eating lunch or dinner is decided by him. But my father is so active, so he has followed us to many spots and done sports such as tennis with family. All of us enjoyed that event. And my sister is cheerful disposition, so when she wasn’t in home, I feel a little loneliness. Sometimes she advised me about studying or love situation or .etc.

I deeply appreciated to my family when I entered hospital. Before being junior high school student, I was taken seriously ill. I was very disappointed when I heard that. My family came to hospital and cheer up me. They must have shocked , but they behaved brightly. Moreover my grandmother came from Nagoya, and give kindly words to me. The most impressive word to stay in my heart is “God give trial that is what you can do” . I remembered enduring hard cure with that word. I love my grandmother too.

In fact, I have family who haven’t been introduced. They are two dogs, one is mother and the other is her son. They are very cute. I feel happy they are delighted with their tail wagging when I come back home. I can have peace of mind when I play with them.

After that experience, I think our ties grow more strong. Of course, we fight in many times. But that is evidence of belief. In future, many things will happen, but my trust to family will not disappear. This I believe.