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My audio essay

In the talk,Ken Robinson says that fear of failure embedded in education kills creativity.
So I propose some ideas to improve this bad situation of education.

First, with reducing time of denial, we should save more time of affirmation.
Ken Robinson say denial makes the fear of action . As a result of that , potential creativity in us is killed. In fact, in the modern education, there seems too much denial. For example, most of the modern exam requires us to give what is called the only right answer set by teachers. If we give a answer different from the answer set by teacher , the answer would be denied. I think, though indirect, these are typical denial. This way of education is not bad, but too much of the way of education seems to do harm to creativity.
So we should save more time of subjects not requesting the only right answer. specifically it is art, music , and so on that apply to the subject.
These subject not always requires the only right answer. Rather, these subject seems to put emphasis on the point of expressing one’s self. So basically, it can be said that these subject don’t deny us.
Therefore, I propose so.

Second, we should change the way of question.
Usually, when people give something as a question, the answer to the quesion always be one. For example, when a teacher gives a question of history, the teacher requires students to answer a word such as Nobunaga Oda , July revolution , World War Ⅱ.
However, the way of question can’t raise creativity. just memorising something don’t lead to raising creativity.
So, when we give something as question, we should avoid such a way to the extent you can, and devise the way of question. For example, we give a quesion of history, we should take the way ” why did the problem happen? and why was it a problem?” ”can you have an idea how the man came up with such a wonderful solution?” ” If you have to solve that situation, what way or policy do you take?” and so on. The point of these is not requesting people to answer what they know, but requesting people to answer the question with what they know.
In other words, I think, If we can teach even the way of coming up with ideas ,and so on, lectures of history will get more interesting , and ,at the same time,raise creativity.
In short, only with just taking note of a way of question, we can raise creativity well.
Therefore we should change the way of quesion in education.

This is all my suggestions.

Hiroki Suzuki

audio essay

 He has told us throughout his speech, that the current educational system kills children’s creativity. His opinion was really new and impressed me, but I half agree, and half disagree.

First, he said, “We don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it.” It’s true that most people feel the things that we can do are being limited, and our brain are losing creativity, as we get older. But I think nobody knows how to become creative, because it’s not that creativity is what we can be taught from others, or taught at school. I felt what he said was irrelevant to education. I might hit on a great story on the train. I might create a fantastic computer. So I cannot say categorically that we grow out of creativity, because we cannot judge whether we grow into creativity or not, until we die.

Second, he casted a question taking a girl who likes dancing for example, “Why does every education system on earth have the same hierarchy of subjects?” I think that the girl’s good point was hard to be found unless people around her considered it as a good point. As he said in the other part, intelligence is divers, dynamic and wonderfully interactive. So, I think it’s very important to have the same hierarchy of subjects in order to be intelligent.

Third, in his opinion in the last part, we cannot develop children’s originality, or creativity unless we change the whole system of public education around the world, which highly talented, brilliant, creative people think they’re not, because the thing they were good at at school wasn’t valued or was actually stigmatized. It’s great if we can find talented sport players, dancers, musicians, artists, with his way of thinking. But, I don’t think everyone has a talent, everyone can be like famous stars, everyone should be treated like that dancing girl. There are not so many geniuses. One class usually consists of about 80% ordinary students, I think. They don’t have something distinctive, and “that something” cannot be found so easily, so they must find “that something” in the future. Even though he said, “the whole system of public education is a protracted process of university entrance…”, I think it’s the right period for students to find something that will be a strong point for them in the future. It’s a good opportunity to find something in this period, so I think it’s not a protracted process. I believe what we are studying now will have some meaning, even if it’s not useful now.


‘dislike’ botton on FB


CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook took it into account to give its users new buttons including expression of “dislike”, while it is not clearly defined to call “dislike” yet. It is also considered to add a heart, a peace sign, a protest fist, a hand holding a bunch of flowers and a glass of Champagne. He said the button expressing negative sentiment would be used for being force for good by the way the Facebook company found.


I disagree with the idea that adds ‘dislike’ bottom which expresses negative sentiment.
The reason lies in the fear that the bottom could threaten an essential right to freedom of expression, especially minorities’. Facebook is a communication tool that users can share life events or anything users experienced, chatting with friends and so fouls. At the same time, Facebook is also free space to express ideas, thoughts, beliefs or ideologies. If ‘dislike’ bottom use is allowed, users have to see both positive and negative reaction to their post. It is a big change for users to be added negative reaction because they become to feel that their posts are clearly evaluated as good or bad posts.
It causes problems especially when posts have messages that include controversial issue or themes in gray zone. There are naturally ideas that are sometimes at the target of serious attack, especially ideas by any protected category of people based on their disability, religion, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. Then, if the number of ‘dislike’ becomes ‘attack’ on these users, they hold back from posting by fear that they are targeted of critics again. Since it is against the principle of fair and free speech, I’m opposed to ‘dislike’ bottom.

overseas buyer know that our food will be safer than the alternatives

The article which I had read was about the next new wave of the economic growth in the Australlia. It is the agriculture. In Australia, top six businesses are from the top, the minerals boom,tourism, agriculture, wealth management, international education, and gas. Using the Australia’s precious source is the key to the economic growth and in the article it is written that it is the agriculture because Australia is geographically and politically stable, making it ideal for the task.

After i read the article, I understand that Australia is suitable for agriculture and I wanted to know what business will be suitable for Japan too. And I examine through the internet. There were a lot of information but, it was written that the IT is the most important key for Japan to grow the economic. Japanese people are very good at dealing with small things and in the internet , it said that it is why the IT will grow more and more.

I thought that IT is a good way to grow the japan’s economy. However, i also thought that we have to have look at other thing which do not look good at first but might turn out be effective for the economy.

Australian food will be safer than the alternatives―reaction


This article is about  Australian economy. It is thought that agribusiness is one of the next waves of growth in the many industries because China has great demand for food. There are potential value about next wave in Australia. Australian laws are trusted by foreign countries and Australian government interference is minimum. This is why foreign countries think Australian food is safer than other countries’.

After Australian mining boom, Australian growing industries are tourism, agribusiness, wealth management, international education and gas. Domestically, the average life span will be long so servicing senior citizens will be more important. Also, by increasing incomes private schooling and health care will become more important.


My opinion

I’ll talk about food safety. In this article, Australian food have a good reputation to foreign countries. Such reputation will profit Australian economy. In agribusiness, Japanese industries should model itself on Australia. However there are some problems in Japan.

The important one is rumors caused by the accident in Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. After the accident, many countries carried out import restrictions against Japan. At present, the relationship between Japan and foreign countries has recovered. However, once Japan has lost trust from other countries about food safety, other countries will have a strong doubt for a long time. The lowered reputation of Japanese food is not only in foreign countries but also in Japan.

Recently, the media reported some extraneous material was found in instant food and fast food. Such news makes people anxiety about food safety.

This is why Japanese food industries should make special effort to improve reputation.

Clinical studies planned in Japan for prenatal screening of fertilized eggs

My article talked about pre-implantation genetic diagnose.

The screening, called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, has ethical problems over genetic selection, as it would also include testing for genetic disorders.

Doctors are planning to conduct clinical studies on the screening of eggs fertilized in vitro to see if the implantation of eggs containing no genetic abnormalities can lessen the risk of miscarriage.

A subcommittee of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology has drafted a plan for the studies, to be reviewed by the group’s ethics committee.

If approved, the group plans to solicit public opinion on the plan.

I agree with almost ways for who have the babies. But I oppose ways for choose babies.

I think that there aren’t normal children and abnormal children. Everyone has the differences. Only the people who will be able to accept all kind of difference should have the baby. Technologies such as pre- implantation genetic diagnose should be used by the people who can’t have the babies.

Prenatal diagnosis has good points. For example, we get the information about fetuses, we can prepare for them. We will be able to get information about “abnormal” children and prepare for accept differences. But this technology shouldn’t be used to choose the lives.

Transplant success: Boy under 10 gets heart of girl under 6 – My Reaction

Osaka University Hospital announced this successful heart transplantation. The donor girl had been hospitalized at Juntendo University Hospital. Her parents agreed to provide her organs after a doctor diagnozed that the child could be judged as brain dead after suffering from a brain disorder.  Under the rivesed organ transplantaion law, organs can be taken from anyone regardless od their age with family consent. Then the girl was declared brain dead recently. Her organs were hervested for transplantation after her family gave their consent. The operation of transplanting a heart was smoothly succeeded, as a surgeon Yoshiki Sawa said at a press conference. The boy’s parents also expressed the hope that their son will live a new life always remembering the donor and her family.

There are many positive and also negative opinions about the transplantation of organs. For now I want to focus on a positive side of the transplantaion, and discuss possible opinions from religious perspective. In some religions, people believe in a cycle of life, in another word, reincarnation. The idea is that after you die, your soul will live a next life, and this will continue for long time.  So why cannot we make a cycle of body, too? It seems quite efficient. Moreover, some Chiristian people believe the phrase “earth to earth; ashes to ashes, dust to dust”, which means when we die, we all return to nothing.  It might suggest that it is acceptable to use the organs of dead people because it is better to use the organs to save other lives rather than let it returns to nothing. I am sure that this topic is very controversial, and so we need more discussions and considerations.

My reaction to Geckos inspire ‘Spider-Man’ gloves


Little geckos can climb walls and much research has been trying to clarify how they climb, yet results of those investigations has proven that using gecko adhesion to work at larger scales without any loss of performance was difficult. However, Stanford University’s team invented hand-sized silicone pads which were inspired from geckos. People who weigh 70kg can climb vertical glass wall when they use the silicone pads. The pads will be used for soldiers when they need climb up without ropes and ladders.


This new technology will be helpful and useful for soldiers, workers, toy companies, and kids in many situations. Firstly, it is very useful when soldiers need climb up silently or there is nowhere ropes can hang. And they can carry out their duty with less baggage. Secondly, especially for steeplejack, it can improve their safety when they work at bad scaffolds or high places. Finally, maybe new toys will be made and toy companies can profit by them and kids can play new style games in the open.

“Frozen” products sales

Disney announced that sales of dresses based on its movie “Frozen” was over 3 million dollars in North America this year alone. In this “Frozen” fever, Disney is making next “Frozen” movie. The title is “Frozen Fever”. Making use of this movie, Disney will earn more and more money.

Why can Disney succeed in business ? Of course, its brand value or quality of its goods is one of the reasons. But the biggest reason I think is its abvertising strategy. In the first place, Disney is the conglomerate that dominates various media, for example, publication, broadcasting and so on. It has succeeded by strong power of advertising through each media it has.
Advertising power is extraordinary. In fact, by its power, we seem to be good thing in spite of bad thing in reality. Therefore, if you want to get succeeded in business, you should forcus on advertising. And we should pay attention not to be tempted by false advertising.

Real Wimmie the Pooh owner’ footsteps retraced by great-granddaughter

Winnie the Pooh is the story of honey-loving bear’s and his friends. It is based on the bedtime story in London. Now it have been translated into more than 40 languages and it became the Disney’s movie loved by everyone. The motif of Winnie the Pooh is the cub in the London Zoo donated by Cpt Harry. The young boy in the stories, Cristopher Robin, was named after author’s son. The real Cristopher Robin like the cub as well as the the boy in the stories. These days, Cpt Harry’s great-granddaughter met the cousin of the late Cristopher robin Milne. She was very moved and commented that a real bear and a fictional bear affected the narratives of their lives.


I love Winnie the Pooh so much that I used to watch the video twice a day when I was in a kinder garden. The attraction in the Disney Land which I take the first is always Pooh’s Honey Hunt. But to my surprise, I don’t know the back ground of the story.Literatures sometimes have some hidden truth and another story like a criticism against the society and a political message. Although Winnie the Pooh wouldn’t have such a hidden subject, it is interesting to think how it was made. In addition, I realized that literatures have a power to connect people when I read the news. I am happy if I can meet an author of my favorite book or relatives and would like to talk about my great-grand father.