All posts by etona

My audio essay


I would like to talk about my ideal education.

His TED talk was very exciting because I agree with his speech very much.
I think we should not kill not only children’s  but also everyone’s creativity. We have to take advantage of their talent for each child. But we have to keep our basic education as it is .  I have 2 reasons.


At first, I think creativity is very important and it has to be utilized because I believe everyone has it originally and  it is different depending on the person’s gift from my own experience.

Last year I participated in a workshop. The theme  there was a new public enterprise policy.  When we  had brain storming, my team members found different ideas. It looks only proper that everyone has his own idea but it’s very important because each person has own background. For example, their families, hometowns, schools and so on…   As Mr. Robinson says, I also think he or she has own point of view and own creativity.


Secondly, I think we have to catch up with future. In the present era, I think sense of value will change easily more than ever and there will be new sense of value. For instance, when the earthquake  happened on 11 March 2011, our sense of value about nuclear power generation was changed. Economic downturn precipitated by the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008 was also remarkable example. So I think holding and educating each person’s creativity, we have to survive in this era. Mr. Robinson says “Degrees aren’t worth anything.” I think it means the education that is predicated on the idea of academic ability is old-fashioned and same education for everyone can’t catch up with future.


Although I think the education that regards creativity as important is great thing, in order to live in human community we have to have at least minimal knowledge or intelligence. So it’ s important for us to keep our basic education.


In the future I hope our education would be better and our life would be more creative and powerful. Everyone should challenge for better creativity and better education.


You could create imagination power so that you could have better creativity and educational power. Because if you could have vivid imagination, you could act and create anything much faster than when you had only vague imagination.  Imagination power is much stronger than you just can think of.

My reaction about 「“instagram for doctors” to be launched in Europe 」



An app which shares the photos that draws the condition of patients was released for doctors or medical students. The pictures of this  app ,“instagram  for doctors ” are uploaded by more than 150,000 doctors. It is epoch-making idea  but there are problems about patients’ credentials. Moderators check the photos before it is added to the databases to provide their personal information. However there are rare cases of patients and if someone found the we can identify them.




I think it is useful app for human to develop medical technology.  Anybody can download this application for free and of course there are privacy issues. so I want to suggest an idea for this app . This idea is that we change this app  for  only doctors or medical students and then we can protect their privacy and they can research. Although if we change this app there are some problems ,(ex to cost a lot of money to certify medical people  on the app)I think it is good way to protect privacy and research cases of patients

This I believeマイ録音番号10.wav


I believe in the powers of recording. the records often makes me happy, excited, sad and so on… When I have a impressive time, I take pictures, write down memo and get the memorial things. Basically I think I forget almost things that I had and I am a forgetful person. So I always try to record.

When I was ten years old, I moved to Fukushima and changed another school because of my father’s job. I was born and raised in Tokyo so I was very anxious with new town and new school. I was cleaning up after the move then I found the album with a lot of pictures that describe my happy time. The pictures encouraged me and I could have hope for the new life.

From this experience, I became to love the recording memories and I carry tools to leave on memory. Especially smartphone is a good tool for me. I can take pictures, record voice or movies, leave memo and draw paintings with it. Moreover I have external hard disk drive and I put date on the drive when the memories are full.

Although these data are important for me, sometimes I was confused with some questions. ”Because of recording, do I become forgetful person? “or “Because of my forgetful character, do I record memories? ” and “Do I record too much?”
After experiencing this question, now I try to sort the memories carefully. furthermore I don’t have deep attachment  to old things or rubbish very much so I waste many things in my daily life.

In addition, I also love to enjoy another person’s record. That’s why I read the magazines, blogs, private papers of the famous persons or watch movies and so on. I think artworks or novels are also records of the artist’s or novelist’s view of the world and I love them too.

I think records can last indefinitely and they have power to move people again and again. I think they are one of the firm things. I love their silence. They are just in there. But they remind us the scene or the feelings and sometimes give us discovery or impression.
That’s why I can believe the power of records.

My reaction to the articlle ‘Made in Africa: Is manufacturing taking off on the continent?’

The low cost manufacturing in Africa is expected all over the world.
Until now, It has been ubiquitous for us to find the products which were made in China. While Africa commands a meager 1.5% share of the world’s total manufacturing output.
Africa Progress Panel report says “Economies that have sustained high growth over the long term have gone through a process of economic diversification.There have been not characteristics of growth in Africa, even in sectors that are attracting foreign investment. where are little structural transformation.

I was surprised at that Africa having not been expected all over the world because I thought Africa has already attracted Europe or USA… but it was wrong. Africa is the one of the areas with hidden potential.
By the way  I have anxiety when I heard about this news. That is the oppressive working conditions like other developing countries.
There may be nothing I can do but I wish anyone must not die or be injured by the condition….
so I think  it’s big problem for people all over the world  to solve,
and we should think about the manufacturing that costs low price.

EU court backs “right to be forgotten” in Google case


A top EU court has ruled Google must amend some search results which is irrelevant and outdated date at the request of ordinary people in a test of the “right to be forgotten”.
They concluded that sometimes Google’s search would infringe someone’s privacy.
But Google said they were disappointed at this conclusion and it was inadequate because it’s hard for them to do censorship a lot of data.
Finally the court said people had the right to request information be removed if it appeared to be “inadequate,irrelevant or no longer relevant.”

my reaction
I thought the right to be forgotten is very important for this social and we have to think about treating the information.
I heard about this news on BBC before the class , I could deepen the opinion about this through the discussion.
Today, we face and treat a lot of information, so we consider about the merit and demerit of information…
For example, privacy ,classified information , the right to know and etc….
Reading this article, I could find out the good point and bad point of information society