All posts by naoki

my reaction about china’s car sale

In 2014, car sales growth in China reduced by almost half as slowing economic expansion. China is the world’s biggest car market. China’s car sales in 2014 rose 6.9%, compared with growth of 13.9% in 2013. World’s carmakers, such as Volkswagen, TOYOTA, have been fight with slowing car sales. But China’s car market is still much bigger than the US, in spite of slowing its car sales. In 2014, cars were sold to more than 23 million in China, compared with 16.5% million in the US.

My opinion
I will talk about slowing china’s car sales growth in 2014. The first, I suppose the reason is cars have become popular compared with olden days and many people already have own cars. So people don’t buy new cars. I traveled to Shanghai with my family in December in 2014. I saw too many cars in Shanghai. I surprised cars ran much more than in Tokyo. I often saw many cars of Volkswagen indeed. In the highway, cars were always crowded. So, I think car popularization is one of the reasons of slowing car sales. But, I suppose much more cars will be sold in China.

audio essay about education

I watched Ken・Robinson’s speech “How schools kill creativity”. I knew education have both sides good and bad. There is bad side in schools. I think also “schools kill individual characters and diversity”. He suggest school education which regards exam results as important kills creativity, I think it kills individual characters. I agree with him that it is wrong entering good university is the most important. It seems that now children study harder and intelligent, but they are afraid of failure, negative and have little creativity. They act according to an economic decision and behave as similar to others. Then, why schools kill individual characters? I will talk about problems of school education.
The first, the problem is, as Ken・Robinson said, that schools don’t appreciate a gift except study because of an education regards exam results as important. The purpose of studying is only to enter a good university, so they consider the other ability is not good. In preparing for exam, only one answer is right and study is only learning answer by heart. So their creativity and individuals are denied. Besides, they are afraid of failure and don’t challenge because a correct answer is the most important. In an exam, we are required not our opinion, but correct answer. The exam kills creativity.
The second, cooperativeness in classes in a group kills children individuals more than necessary. There are good points in group lesson in school, we can learn teamwork and experience the community. But too many respects for cooperation lose diversity. I will show my experience in primary school. I have often gotten scolded by teacher. Because I have spoken answer whatever I want and scribble on my notes. The reason why is, the study was easy for me. Further, teachers have demanded me to behave to others. Behavior different from others is bad, but the same with others is good. I think this is wrong. We have not to correct their talents. A weak headed child, like Jillian, Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg, has also good gift, so don’t regard them as strange and grow up it. Ken Robinson said children have various talents, so we have to educate them as they are.
Thus, schools lose our creativity and individuals. It’s necessary to learn mathematics, science, history and literacy for our life and to examine children to learn them. But current school education is inclined towards studying for exam. Well-balanced education is important. Education must regard not only studying but also originality as important. We need to find children’s talents and grow up their originality.

reaction about “The surprising uses of games controllers”

Games controllers can end up in the strangest places. The devices we use to control our computer games have, over decades, morphed into much more sophisticated designs. And they are finding uses outside of video games – from surgery to defusing bombs. Just this week, the US Navy announced it had approved a laser weapon that is essentially the kind of death ray that science fiction. The weapon is guided by a controller just like those used to play video games.Video game controllers can now be found in an astonishing range of places, from pilots controlling drones to medical students training through virtual surgery.

my reaction

I surprised that a familiar controller we use for playing video game is used to US Navy’s laser weapon, defusing bombs and remote control of surgery. I think the controller is able to use other things more. If we can remove bombs, we can apply to construction work, drive cars and train with game controller. An advantage of game controller is remote control. This adavantage is very useful for all peple. We can remove bombs crewless and like a video game. I hope these good technology  will develop more.

my reaction about brazil elections

President Dilma Rousseff has promised to reunite Brazil. She won in re-election with 51.6% of the vote, against center-right canditate Aecio Neves. Ms.Rousseff in Worker’s Party did well in the poorer northern satates. She reamains popular with poor Brazilians thanks to her government’s welfare programms since 2010. By the time she leaves office in 2018, the Worker’s Party will have been in power for 16 years. But she faced mass protests last year against corruption and poor services. So she appeal for unity and dialogue. this government deserves credit for helping to bring millions of people out of poverty but, as a result, public expectations here are now much higher.

I think Workers’ Party tends to win in the elections. In the past, election was limited for people in rich. But today, government was elected by all people. In almost countries, poor people are more than rich ones. So Workers Party is supported by them more than Social Democracy Party which takes many of the welfare for riches. I think that Democratic government exists for helping the weak. So in Brazil, Workers’ Party will have been in power for 16 years.

i believe

I believe sports are very important. Sports not only make maintain ours health but also have good effects on the mind. Sports make us get rid of our stress and we become patient. And when we play a team sport, it’s difficult to win without cooperation. So we can learn to respect others’ feelings. I believe sports are good for the mind.

I like sports. I had played soccer in an elementary school, played badminton in a middle school, and played volleyball in a high school. Especially Volleyball had good effects on me, I continue to play it. The reason why I play sports especially volleyball is getting rid of my stress. I feel great when I spiked strongly and block. And after playing sport, I am exhausted very much, but I like the exhaustion.

After the retirement from the club in a high school and within a time of examination, I am bored and feel stress. When I play sports, I can forget something wrong and feel refreshed. As a result, I can concentrate very much, and study harder. We become to concentrate better with sports.

The second effect is that we can become a man who has guts. I think Sports are methods familiar to us to try limits of myself. The hardest memory in high school is a training camp in summer. A training camp is very hot and strict. Its purpose is not training the body and technique but guts. The strict training makes our mind strongly.

And when I play a match, the game went to deuce, we can’t make a mistake. I’m be nervous. I experienced these situation any number of times. Then I have wined as well as lost. But the experiences had good effects on our mind. I became to stand a nervous situation. I could get good mind to do something without a strain in nervous situation.

There are these effects on our mind with playing sports, so I like sports. But, not only playing sports also watching the sports had good effects on us. I am excited when I watch soccer at world cup. Watching the sports, we show various feeling. It’s good to have an open mind. I think Sports make our mind grow up. There are a lot of effects of sports. I continue to play sports in the future, I will grow up my body and mind.

my reaction about Seized Silk Road bitcoin


The auction of 29000 bitcoins seized during a raid on the Silk Road internet market place has been completed. Silk Road, owner Ross William Ulbricht, shut down following raids by the FBI, for trading in illegal drugs. The seized bitcoins are part of the civil forfeiture and criminal action brought against Mr. Ulbricht. The sale of the coins, worth about $18.7m (£11m), was carried out by the US Marshals Service. the agency accidentally leaked a list of some of the buyers in an email update about the sale. Until now Bitcoin has been technically illegal to buy and sell using virtual currencies. But in California, Bitcoin is legalization.

My opinion

This is the first I’ve heard of virtual currency Bitcoin. Silk Road used a large sum of Bitcoin in illegal trading. So when the FBI has seized the Silk Road’s bitcoins, the market price of bitcoin was slumped. I think that digital and virtual currency is dangerous because the market is not systematized enough and out of government’s control. It is easy for criminals to do illegal business by using virtual currency. There are also fears of hacking and theft. So I opposite virtual currency.

my reaction about poaching africa elephant


My group talked about poaching Africa elephants. The survival of Africa’s elephants are under threat because many people poached elephants for their ivory, and trade it them secretly. The report documented an increase in number of large seizures of ivory in 2013. Africa elephant is endangered species. Now elephants are threatened with extinction. Elephant conservationists do believe that increased ivory confiscation is a sign that law enforcement is improving. We have to know about the poaching more, who, where and how. And find out a solution to stop it.


I have two opinions. First, I think that the law about poaching and transnational organized crime should be more strictly. It is important to regulate the trade about endangered animals more strictly. The second solution is to preserve Africa elephants. The government preserves and watches them as national property. And making a huge area where human can’t enter is very important. But many developing countries don’t have much money. So it is difficult to preserving many animals. In the present situation, I think making the law is better solution. We have to find a solution protecting animals from extinction.