All posts by yuki

My reaction about “Wealthiest American say the poor have it easy”


Wealthiest Americans think that the poor have it pretty easy. The rich people think it strange that poor people get benefits from government without doing anything. On the other hand poor people believe that the poor need twice as much help as the rich.Most wealthiest say that government can`t afford to do for the poor while most those struggling say the government should do more for the poor.About immigration, both most the rich and the poor have positive image that immigration strengthen the country. But the margin of the rich is bigger than that of the poor, so many poor people think immigration have a negative impact.


My opinion

In Japan I think there are smaller gap between the rich and the poor than other countries. So, I don`t think about something on the rich side or the poor side. But in sure both of opinions are correct. The rich people think it is unfair that the poor can more help from the government, while the poor think they want to get job but they can`t ,so they need more money for looking for job. Same as immigrant, the rich only think the country`s economy grow up by taking more immigration, but the poor think their chance to get job decrease by taking more immigration. That is cause of the different of margin between the rich and the poor.

My Audio Essay about education system

Ken Robinson have the idea that children can`t exert their creativity in current education system. He thinks we should make new education system. He said adults should care about children`s talent and believe them.  I have both ideas to agree it and disagree it.

First, we shouldn`t delete the chance for children to do what they do and improve their ability. Sometimes parents can`t find their children`s great talent of something, and he or she live a common life even if he or she have potential to become an Olympic sportsman. Also Mr. Robinson introduced a famous dancer in his speech. She called Gillian was realized to learning disability because she didn`t feel at ease in class. But her action was the hope of moving, so she had potential to be dancer. If the doctor didn`t find that, she might not be dancer. Therefore we set the art class or dance class in school same as math or language or else.

However there are problems to realize that idea. Mainly students can`t afford taking the class that is not needed in exam. Recently most students study for passing exam to enter next school. Because it is important to get job they want to do. In sure, if you find you excelled in something and you can live by using that, you don`t have to learn math or language or else. But there are little talented people who succeeded in that way. So, I agree his idea but that is unrealistic.

Second I agree with his idea that making a mistake is rather good thing than bad thing because nobody can do everything since first time and can learn something to succeed by making a mistake. I think so, and I usually try to do something without scaring to make a mistake. That is said to everything, for example education, connection between humans and etc. In current education system, students don`t think in their selves and don`t willing to do new action. That should be changed.

Finally I think in realistic the most important education is language. The reason of that is learning language allow you to communicate smoothly with other countries people. We should do international business for growing up economy. So we need not only paper skill like writing skill but also practical skill like speaking and listening skill. But students study more paper skill than practical skill, so the government should let them study more practical skill.


My reaction to James Watson’s DNA Nobel Prize sells for $4.8m


James Watson is scientist who made the discovery of structure of DNA which encodes the instruction booklet for building a living organism with Crick. Thanks to the study, he received the Nobel Prize gold medal in 1962. But he was ostracized by the scientific community because of his remarks about race. After that he decided to sell his gold medal. It was first that a living recipient put his Nobel Prize medal on sell. The gold medal has sold at auction for $4.8m. Mr Watson said he used that money for donating part of proceeds to charities and to support scientific research.

My opinion

I think Mr Watson is great people.  Many people who had been sick saved by study he made. In fact the buyer of his gold medal in auction returned the medal to him. That is because he respected Mr Watson in that leaving the achievement for study of cancer that is the cause of his father’s death. He cooperated with Watson’s plan to donate to charities and support scientific research. In sure criticizing about race is unlike action, but he receive that penalty and think about what he can do for scientific society.  That is difficult way to do, so Mr Watson is a great people and that article is good news.

Equal parental leave pay for Civil Service staff


Currently, only mothers are entitled to full pay when a couple choose to share parental leave. But all Civil Service employees will be entitled to full parental pay from April 2015. The changes will enable more fathers to spend time caring for their baby. From 2015, parents can have a fully flexible choice over how they split their 52 week parental leave entitlement. Therefore extra leave was given to employed fathers if mother returned to work and was not claiming statutory maternity pay. The changes to the Civil Service pay arrangements will allow more fathers to be able to afford to take time off to care for their children.

My opinion

I think this Civil Service is innovative, so it should be entitled as soon as possible. It is difficult and unfear that new-born children is taken care of by only mother. Many of fathers who don`t take care their children say that there are no time for taking care because they work almost day. Therefore they are supposed to take care of their children if they are given to parental leave. Some mothers want to continue their works with raising children. That is needed for father`s help. It is said to not only raising children but also housework. For these point, I think the Civil Service is good system.

MY REACTION -Nasa launches carbon dioxide observer-


Nasa has launched a misson dedicated to measuring carbon dioxide from space. The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 will help pinpoint the key locations on the Earth’s surface where the gas is being emitted and absorbed. The launch was delayed a day due to the failure of the water system used to dampen the noise and vibration generated by the rocket’s first-stage engine and strap-on boosters.

OCO-2 carries the 2 designation because it is a replacement for a spacecraft that was destroyed on launch in 2009. this should give scientists a better understanding of how the greenhouse gas cycles through the Earth system, influencing the climate.

My opinion

I think the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 help delay increasing of carbon dioxide and grobal warming. because by the reserch of the satellite, it is found that how the greenhouse gas in air and we can see the country that do global warming countermeasure or not.

I think we should have a mind to global warming. If everyone do that, big effect will happen and  delay grobal warming. Moreover government in Japan should do the acting to space eagary. Not onry Japan, but countries in whole world should do serching space like America.


This I believe

I believe in family. My family helped me many time. Thank to them, I live in here. I can do little things without help of my family. I have mother, father and big sister.

My mother is very kind but she don’t stare her opinion because thinking about around people. I think that is her week point. Contrary my father is so selfish, for example where to go for eating lunch or dinner is decided by him. But my father is so active, so he has followed us to many spots and done sports such as tennis with family. All of us enjoyed that event. And my sister is cheerful disposition, so when she wasn’t in home, I feel a little loneliness. Sometimes she advised me about studying or love situation or .etc.

I deeply appreciated to my family when I entered hospital. Before being junior high school student, I was taken seriously ill. I was very disappointed when I heard that. My family came to hospital and cheer up me. They must have shocked , but they behaved brightly. Moreover my grandmother came from Nagoya, and give kindly words to me. The most impressive word to stay in my heart is “God give trial that is what you can do” . I remembered enduring hard cure with that word. I love my grandmother too.

In fact, I have family who haven’t been introduced. They are two dogs, one is mother and the other is her son. They are very cute. I feel happy they are delighted with their tail wagging when I come back home. I can have peace of mind when I play with them.

After that experience, I think our ties grow more strong. Of course, we fight in many times. But that is evidence of belief. In future, many things will happen, but my trust to family will not disappear. This I believe.


Brazil unrest:Million join protests in 100 cities -My reaction-


Many people took part in the protests in Brazil. There are several reasons for brazilian having unrest to the government.First, violent problems were happened in many place. Second cause of brazilian unrest is over high transport fares and the huge cost of next year`s football World Cup. Protesters are angry at corruption and poor public servicesas well as high cost of next  year`s football World Cup. Moreover politicians having high salaries and giving jobs to their relatives are widely scorned.


My image of Brazil was cheerful because of  samba in Rio de Janeiro. So, I don`t think such as protests was done in Brazil and I`m surprised at that. After reading that content, I understand why many people have negative feelings to the government, but protests are trouble for people who live in there. In addition, it is few chance to solve the problem by protests. Of cource, the government should invest in education and public services and it is natural that people angry at rich politician`s relatives getting job easily. But the government may try to improve that situation, so protest sproduce only a bad things.