All posts by haruka

“Facebook fights largestever”US court data request- My reaction

Facebook is fighting a US court order in which it was forced to submit data belonging in people involved in a benefit fraud trial. Last year some private data was supplied to the court. The Facebook accounts showed that fraudulent claimants of US federal disability benefits were in fact healthy. However it had been veiled and was made public by a judge this week. He demanded that Facebook should comply with search warrants. The company abided by the verdict but protested that it violated the US constitution. There are no date restriction on the warrant and the range of the data request. It mean that the government may keep the data indefinitely. Facebook said that the government had obtained controls on the freedom of the account holder’s speech.

I think that the court should make more clear ruling. The definition, Facebook as “digital landlord”, has not enough details. The validly of the warrants should be within a fixed period of time. The range of data also should be limited. I don’t understand why the judge don’t make clear about that, although t it is necessary subject in order to protect personal data. When unreasonable searches and seizures become been permitted tacitly, the times would go back to the old days. I can understand Facebook are useful to find guilty such as the example last year, but I can’t agree with the judgment.I hope people may use Facebook safely.

Nigeria Gunmen Kidnap 20 Women in Northeast- my reaction


Boko Haram abducted 20 nomadic women in northeast Nigeria. On April 15, the group had already kidnapped more than 300 girl students and young women in the same place.

Boko Haram is an Islamic group and their purpose is foundation of Islamic country in Nigeria.

The group of vigilante is prepared to resist Boko Haram’s military actions. A member of the vigilante stated that a member of Boko Haram compelled the women to enter their vehicles and abducted the women and the young men who trid to save the women from Boko Haram.

275 of the kidnapped girls haven’t been found yet.


My reaction

Boko Haram is growing as a serious issue and receiving international attention so we have to consider a solution as soon as possible.

I‘d like to discuss two problems, concerning Boko Haram. The first problems is that Boko Haram has a big power in Nigeria and the second is that it is difficult to save women and children.

Firstly, why does Boko Haram have strong influence in Nigeria? The members have a lot of guns. In other words, they have much money so they can act in the way they like.

I think The Nigerian Government has to find Boko Haram’s source of income and restrict their action. However, in Nigeria the government doesn’t have authority so the government doesn’t have a power to stop Boko Haram. Of course, the vigilantes try to restrict Boko Haram, but the act of vigilantes don’t have justified because they are not an official group of Nigeria.

This is why the government has to recover the authority to suppress Boko Haram’s attack.

Secondly, abductions are invasion of women and children’s right. These are immoral action and provoke antipathy in the whole world. So we have to rescue them.

I think Nigerian government should receive support from surrounding countries and developed countries. Almost all countries have recognized that Boko Haram is a dangerous group so it is not difficult to get their support. In fact Britain and America already have stated that they will help gathering information. However, Boko Haram hates western culture so the huge religious conflict may take place if other countries give aid.

This is why Supporting countries need to consider seriously how to save the women and children.

“Rastrojos members held in Barranquilla raid”― My Reaction

Colombian police have arrested criminal gang. They are accused of extortion from shop owners and smuggling drugs such as cocaine. They demanded about $35 a month from businessmen in the city. When people refused to pay extortion money, the gang threatened and often attacked them. They have been related to at least 12 grenade attacks. They also used children and teenagers to sell illegal drugs. President Santos who is now running for re-election said they will continue fighting those thugs relentlessly.

I think that Colombia has to propose some drastic measures. Not only arresting but also  not producing thugs is important. If all of the Rastrojos members are arrested, new gang would appear. I think that the social system such as education and economy have to be reformed. I was shocked when I heard teenagers cooperated with gang. They may not receive public education and know that what they are doing is illegal. One of these days, they would become a criminal and the negative chain continue. I think it is necessary to make the society which prisoners can resume their place in. For that purpose, stable economic development and stable social order are needed. I expect President to carry out basically and radical reforms.

Veil bans in France-my reaction



Wearing veil in public was banned in France. A strict control was carried out. If people break the rule, they will be fined. These days, Muslim population is rapidly increasing  so The French Government made  this rule.The government claims that this rule focuses not on the religion but on the security.Also, French President Nicholas Sarkozy says that the veil restricts women’s rights and this is a discrimination against women.

Some people are against the government’s opinion. They argue that these bans will lead the conflict between Islamic culture and western culture.Also, other opponents say that the bans deprive the women of their freedom.

After all, this debate is still growing.


My reaction

I’d like to discuss this topic from two points of view. The first point is French attitude toward religions and the second one is women’s rights.

Firstly, why did The French Government imposed veil ban? In fact, it is clearly written in the constitution that France is nonreligious nation. Therefore, it is thought that people shouldn’t show religious attitude in public.

However, in my opinion, I think this attitude is too strict. Wearing veil doesn’t affect the other people. Moreover, Muslims don’t force their religion on French people. This is why I think government doesn’t have a right to make such a rule.

Secondly, I refer to women’s rights. French President Nicholas Sarkozy claims that veil is discrimination against women. However, I think Muslim women wear veils without being imposed by someone . Is this discrimination for women? It seems that veil bans rather prevent Muslim women from living freely.

This is why I think France should have a more generous attitude toward religions.