All posts by naoya

Final test (Autum term)


I agree what he said “The only way we’ll do it is by seeing our creative capacities for the richness they are and seeing our children for the hope that they are.”


He said that the present education system took children’s creativity away.

He considers that children who would like to continue to learn music and arts are decreasing because we think mathematics and languages are more useful than music and arts and it follows that it disturbs development of children’s creativity.


He said that academic cleverness is the most important during the period of rapid economic growth, but spiritual richness is needed these days and we should reconsider the meaning of learning music and arts.


I approve his opinion.


Mathematics and languages are dealt with as the most important learning.

When I was an elementary school student, we had a lot of music and arts classes and the school life was fun for me.


But when I was a high school student, we had mathematics and English classes every day, but we had a class of music or arts only once a week. And I feel I became less creative than before. Therefore I agree with him.


I think we should have more computer classes. Especially, I think programming is one of the most useful technologies. Most people learn programming in adulthood. If we start to learn programming in childhood, we can master it more easily.


It is said engineers are lacking in Japan. To develop our future life, we really need more engineers in Japan. If we start to learn programming at elementary school or junior high school, the number of engineers will increase.


I also think we should have more gym classes at high school and university.

Many people don’t have physical education classes at university. Health is one of the most important things in our life.


When I belonged to the track and field club at junior high school, I could easily to memorize English words and Kanji, though training was very hard and I was exhausted.


Exercise is good for our creativity as well as our health. I think exercise has a salutary effect on academic life, so physical education is very important.


I hope that Japanese education system will be changed in future. Children should have not only mathematics and languages but also music and arts. And it will help to develop and encourage children’s creativity.

New York, Boston mayors back LGBT groups, reject St.Patrick’s Day parades By Haimy Assefa, CNN

I think all of the people should be given an equal right, so I agree with same-sex marriage.

Not reproduction but a partner’s lasting promise that it receives mutually is a matrimonial essential point, and is the purpose.

I am opposed to robbing happiness of homosexual because I respect to individual freedom and we should be also released from the idea that homosexual is seen as different.

If we don’t accept same-sex marriage, it may breed discrimination against homosexual and I am afraid that it leads to the abuse of human rights in the event.

It is a kind of transformation to admit homosexual like infertility treatment and contraceptive treatment have been admitted.

If we admit rights for homosexual couples to have children, it should be considered carefully because they might be discriminated or there might be an opposition movement.

Therefore, we should change or reform the law and we should also change our social awareness.

Every countries should make the new world that we can permit homosexual marriage.

Minorities have usually new and wide view in general.

People can build new world, change our view, and broaden our vision of the world by supporting homosexuals, who are minorities now.

I believe


I believe fortune telling.


People are divided into two groups. One is those who believe in fortune-telling, and the other is those who never believe in it. Some people criticize fortune-telling because they think it has no evidence to be believed in and it may have suggestive effect. However it is up to individuals what to believe in as Caesar said in Gallic War “ Men readily believe what they want to believe. Men gladly believe that which they wish for.” I recognize fortune-telling as a reference to my life and I think it is usually pertinent.


I would like to introduce personality analysis by blood type and animal fortune telling.My blood type is O type. Type of O is; he has a great confidence in himself. He always has his own goal and does his best to accomplish it. He doesn’t rely on anybody and gets over a difficulty. He hates to lose. He wants win the game by any means. He is bossy. He is bright and has much love. He values his personal relationship. He takes care of his company. When I knew that, I thought that was telling a truth.


I also believe about animal fortune telling. In my case, my animal type is panther.He interested in something new and smart. He likes being well-dressed. That is telling a truth.


Fortune telling has come true. I believe fortune telling by blood type, and animal fortune telling.

my reaction about magic realism


Leaders in Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil refuse to face the reality that the days of easy money are over, and the time is now for real reform. Colombia’s Gabriel García Márquez, who died last month, was one of Latin America’s greatest novelists. His writing helped to popularize what became known as “magic realism,” which mixes realistic narratives with magical thinking.



My opinion about the magic realism is that leaders of each country should see their real economic conditions and review their economic policy. They should not dream an impossible dream.”Magic realism”  refers to the way local “legends” in Latin American cultures are often ultimately endowed with supernatural, or at least fantastical elements. These elements and traditions of legend are often borrowed from by many modern Latin American writers.Marquez wrote a wonderful short story which very intentionally illustrates the way the mundane is often embellished in such a way as to eventually become fantastic-a hallmark of Latin American story-telling and folklore. The story is called “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World.”This story is an excellent introduction to “magic realism,” and was written to sort of define the convention itself, showing that Marquez did indeed embrace the term somewhat.Magic realism is just a story in books, therefor the government of each country should not emulate it.