All posts by Grell

Material for final audio essay

Watch the talk given by a Ken Robinson, an expert on education. You can turn on subtitles. Click here and scroll to No. 9 if you have problems watching the embedded video <

Write an essay with your response to his ideas about education, intelligence and learning. Read aloud your essay to make an audio essay.

You will be graded on:

  • the content
  • ability to communicate your ideas in English (grammatical accuracy, appropriate vocabulary,coherence…)
  • appropriate length (400~600 words)
  • intonation and spoken fluency
  • evidence of reflection
  • completing the essay and posting it on time (before 11.59 pm, 18th January 2014)

If you have any questions or problems, please contact me <>



 This article is about the tension between protesters, police and the masked men in Hong Kong. Protesters opposed to the idea of restriction on the first-ever direct election. Protesters want to stop the plan of screening the candidates so they built a barricade in the center of Hong Kong. Police took out a dawn operation to relieve traffic. Protesters demanded the authorities to accept the demands. The masked men arrived to destroy the barricades because they are anti prodemocracy-demonstrators. So we could say that this article’s title could be “protesters VS police and the masked men”.


 As I read through this article I thought these kinds of actions are meaningless. It could be effective but causing trouble to an innocent people is not the way to demand something. By using barricades, people could not go through by car and even by foot. In anyway if you want to convince someone you should not rely on those violent actions.

 If I were to challenge the government I would use internet media. These day people tend to use internet. People inside their home often use “2ch”,”nikonikodouga” etc. By using them we could change people’s thoughts. In this way we won’t be an obstruction to anyone.

 What I wanted to say is that trying to change something in a violent way may be effective sometime(not always) but will be disliked by the citizens who form the city.


In this class there are three primary goals:

  • To improve your English discussion skills;
  • To improve your awareness of world news and topics;
  • To improve vocabulary knowledge by using Quizlet.