Archive for the ‘post’ Category

What is this site?

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Welcome to

This site is for students studying how to make podcasts at J. F. Oberlin University. They provide the content and teachers Hans von Dietze and Damon Brewster help with the language and tech support.

Check out the students’ work at…









My Culture

Monday, May 26th, 2008

Bowing is a Japanese traditional custom. I really like it because it is useful and pleasant when someone bows to me. I think bow has many meaning in each situation. For example, when we are greeting, it means “nice to meet you”, when we bow for boss or elder people, it means “respect” and in sports, we also often bow, we bow for “acclaim” each other. I like this way the most. In soccer game we bow each other before and after the game, before the game, bow means “nice to meet you and has a good game” and after the game, it means “good game and thank you”. Some team players often bow for field too, before they go in to the field, it means “please keep an eye on our game”. Bow is really casual custom but really polite. I feel pride about it.


Monday, May 26th, 2008

 Have you ever joined japanese festival ? I have joined it many times ,festival is very fun .

 japanese festival has many kind of type. But I think japanese festival can divide two type .Japanese fesival has two type, so “mikoshi” and “dashi”. Mikoshi means carry on The Buddha’s house by many people. Dashi means pushing big a wheel in  many kind of musician by many people.

 My festival type is dashi. I weared speciai costume . For example ,tabi is old type footwear and obi means your waist to hold up your clothes and decoration .

 And I show special dance for people. Then people give moneys for showers. This money is management money or we use drinking and eating.


Projects – Lesson 6

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

Today we decided that teams should have four weeks to complete their podcast shows. The shows should be:

  • 8~10 minutes long
  • be interesting for students
  • be connected to Oberlin
  • be varied and contain 3 elements (interview, survey etc)
  • have a worksheet to teach new words and give listening practice for classmates
  • have jingles and an Intro / Line-up and Goodbye


The second mini-task was to write a 100~150 word blog post on on ‘My Culture’. This is homework and should be finished before next week’s lesson.


Have fun and work hard!

Student Pods – Lesson 5 – Naoki Z and Yuuta

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Yuuta is kept waiting when Naoki has a problem with the bus…

Student Pods – Lesson 5 – Azumi, Naoki and Kanna

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

On this show, we hear about an International Camp in Kanagawa and discuss wishes and dreams in the opening interview.

Student Pods – Lesson 5 – Megumi and Shoichiro

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Our two presenters talk about part-time work and have some interesting news about Oberlin Club in Izu.

Student Pods – Lesson 5 – Aya and Mio’s podcast

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

On the show, Aya and Mio talk about breakfast and why it’s important.

Campus News – Lesson 4

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

In lesson four, we continued to build our podcasts adding a Campus News section. We had discussions, ‘concrete facts’, humour and lots of interesting news. Next week We’ll add these audio tracks to our interviews to make a longer podcast.

This week’s podcast features Naoki Z and Yuuta’s Campus News added to week 2’s podcast.

Enjoy the weekend!

Editing – Lesson 3

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

In this class, we started to edit a podcast show using our interview audio files, stingers and music with Garageband. If you use a Windows OS it is possible to use Audacity to edit audio files. Our next element for the podcast show is ‘Camus News’. Find some interesting events, news or information that is related to J. F. Oberlin University and prepare a 2~3 minute report. We will add it to our podcast show next week. Thanks for your hard work!