Archive for the ‘mamiko’ Category


Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Better late than never. This team talks about students’ leisure time.

 Worksheet – cocktail-worksheet

my culture

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

January 1th, this is new years day. People all of the world celebrate this day. In japan, most of people gose to temple to pray their hope and say a target of one year.

In my family, we have been to “Taishakuten” since  I was a baby. Tishakuten is very old temple. it is at sibamata. In there, iI pray “please geive me a good year, too.” and drow a written fortune. I drew good luck this year. After that, I eat dinner with my family, grandparents,uncle, aunt and cousin at grandparent house. Menu of dinner is “Osechi” and “Ozouni” . My grandmother is good cooker. So it is very good. After dinner, I give new years gift and play “shakuninn-isshu”. It is card game that be passed down from past and very exciting game. I like it . but I’m not good at it. In this way , my family spend on new years day. I’m looking forward to next this day.