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Reaction of “Where the jobs are and who’s being hired?”

Recently, many positions employers added and the job grows in U.S since 1999. 2014 was the nation’s best year for job growth. In particular, Business, professional services and healthcare jobs created the most staffing positions. Last year was a good year for blacks and Latinos looking for work, particularly more young adults. However, the news is not all good, because blacks and Latinos still have far higher unemployment rates than whites.

I think that raising an employment rate is very good, because economy of all over the world will recovery little by little. However, it is a problem that blacks and Latino’s employment rates are still lower than whites. So there are some racial discriminations in the U.S. I believe that we must lose much discriminations and all people should be treated equally as soon as possible.

My reaction about “Wealthiest American say the poor have it easy”


Wealthiest Americans think that the poor have it pretty easy. The rich people think it strange that poor people get benefits from government without doing anything. On the other hand poor people believe that the poor need twice as much help as the rich.Most wealthiest say that government can`t afford to do for the poor while most those struggling say the government should do more for the poor.About immigration, both most the rich and the poor have positive image that immigration strengthen the country. But the margin of the rich is bigger than that of the poor, so many poor people think immigration have a negative impact.


My opinion

In Japan I think there are smaller gap between the rich and the poor than other countries. So, I don`t think about something on the rich side or the poor side. But in sure both of opinions are correct. The rich people think it is unfair that the poor can more help from the government, while the poor think they want to get job but they can`t ,so they need more money for looking for job. Same as immigrant, the rich only think the country`s economy grow up by taking more immigration, but the poor think their chance to get job decrease by taking more immigration. That is cause of the different of margin between the rich and the poor.

my reaction about china’s car sale

In 2014, car sales growth in China reduced by almost half as slowing economic expansion. China is the world’s biggest car market. China’s car sales in 2014 rose 6.9%, compared with growth of 13.9% in 2013. World’s carmakers, such as Volkswagen, TOYOTA, have been fight with slowing car sales. But China’s car market is still much bigger than the US, in spite of slowing its car sales. In 2014, cars were sold to more than 23 million in China, compared with 16.5% million in the US.

My opinion
I will talk about slowing china’s car sales growth in 2014. The first, I suppose the reason is cars have become popular compared with olden days and many people already have own cars. So people don’t buy new cars. I traveled to Shanghai with my family in December in 2014. I saw too many cars in Shanghai. I surprised cars ran much more than in Tokyo. I often saw many cars of Volkswagen indeed. In the highway, cars were always crowded. So, I think car popularization is one of the reasons of slowing car sales. But, I suppose much more cars will be sold in China.

Final test (Autum term)


I agree what he said “The only way we’ll do it is by seeing our creative capacities for the richness they are and seeing our children for the hope that they are.”


He said that the present education system took children’s creativity away.

He considers that children who would like to continue to learn music and arts are decreasing because we think mathematics and languages are more useful than music and arts and it follows that it disturbs development of children’s creativity.


He said that academic cleverness is the most important during the period of rapid economic growth, but spiritual richness is needed these days and we should reconsider the meaning of learning music and arts.


I approve his opinion.


Mathematics and languages are dealt with as the most important learning.

When I was an elementary school student, we had a lot of music and arts classes and the school life was fun for me.


But when I was a high school student, we had mathematics and English classes every day, but we had a class of music or arts only once a week. And I feel I became less creative than before. Therefore I agree with him.


I think we should have more computer classes. Especially, I think programming is one of the most useful technologies. Most people learn programming in adulthood. If we start to learn programming in childhood, we can master it more easily.


It is said engineers are lacking in Japan. To develop our future life, we really need more engineers in Japan. If we start to learn programming at elementary school or junior high school, the number of engineers will increase.


I also think we should have more gym classes at high school and university.

Many people don’t have physical education classes at university. Health is one of the most important things in our life.


When I belonged to the track and field club at junior high school, I could easily to memorize English words and Kanji, though training was very hard and I was exhausted.


Exercise is good for our creativity as well as our health. I think exercise has a salutary effect on academic life, so physical education is very important.


I hope that Japanese education system will be changed in future. Children should have not only mathematics and languages but also music and arts. And it will help to develop and encourage children’s creativity.

My audio essay


I would like to talk about my ideal education.

His TED talk was very exciting because I agree with his speech very much.
I think we should not kill not only children’s  but also everyone’s creativity. We have to take advantage of their talent for each child. But we have to keep our basic education as it is .  I have 2 reasons.


At first, I think creativity is very important and it has to be utilized because I believe everyone has it originally and  it is different depending on the person’s gift from my own experience.

Last year I participated in a workshop. The theme  there was a new public enterprise policy.  When we  had brain storming, my team members found different ideas. It looks only proper that everyone has his own idea but it’s very important because each person has own background. For example, their families, hometowns, schools and so on…   As Mr. Robinson says, I also think he or she has own point of view and own creativity.


Secondly, I think we have to catch up with future. In the present era, I think sense of value will change easily more than ever and there will be new sense of value. For instance, when the earthquake  happened on 11 March 2011, our sense of value about nuclear power generation was changed. Economic downturn precipitated by the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008 was also remarkable example. So I think holding and educating each person’s creativity, we have to survive in this era. Mr. Robinson says “Degrees aren’t worth anything.” I think it means the education that is predicated on the idea of academic ability is old-fashioned and same education for everyone can’t catch up with future.


Although I think the education that regards creativity as important is great thing, in order to live in human community we have to have at least minimal knowledge or intelligence. So it’ s important for us to keep our basic education.


In the future I hope our education would be better and our life would be more creative and powerful. Everyone should challenge for better creativity and better education.


You could create imagination power so that you could have better creativity and educational power. Because if you could have vivid imagination, you could act and create anything much faster than when you had only vague imagination.  Imagination power is much stronger than you just can think of.

What I think about the modern education system.

Nowadays, how to teach children and how to send promising people to the modern society are always argued. What people gains from education and how they are educated are very important because what they learned from in their childhood has a very big influence on their talents. Mr. Ken Robinson insisted in his speech that the most important thing is the creativity and he said that the education in America and England is not proper in order to improve children’s creativity. I am for his opinion that the system of the education today can not improve the creativity, and I also think that the system of the education in Japan is not proper too. In Japan, it is often said that the education for the children is improper and teachers are just teaching thing systematically. It is said that children are just compelled to study without time to use their creativity. The education in order to train their creativity is not established yet and I think it is worse than America and England.

I think creativity is important in modern times and think that it is an urgent subject to be solved. The reason why I think creativity is important is that the creativity is necessary in modern society. It is often said that the ability to think by yourself and make actions by your own way is necessary when you work in the modern companies. This means that people who can work by the command of the boss systematically and work just like a robot are not so much necessary, compared with the old days. In the past, it was said that the people who could work systematically and sincerely by the command of the company was most important and most necessary. However, since a lot of new businesses, such as IT business or anything, have become the main stream in the modern business, the idea that people who can move systematically is important has become an old-fashioned idea. So, what shall we do now? In order to educate a promising people who can work for the modern companies, we have to change the way of the education which can improve their creativity. For example, let children think by their own ideas without supprssing them by a fixed ideas.

In conclusion, I am for the opinion of Mr. Ken Robinson and think that the creativity is very important in modern society. I think improving the system of the education will surely send promising people to the modern society and make the strength of the nation more powerful. Improving the education means improving the nation ‘Japan’.

My comment about the alcohol tax increase

According to the article, alcohol taxes will increase in the United States. Contrary to what we can imagine, some studies show that this rise will create some jobs. Money not spent on alcohol, coupled with the newly raised tax revenues, will be used on other goods and services which will create jobs in non-alcohol sectors. Moreover this increase will help reduce heavy drinkers. David Jernigan, director, Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth said that “Alcohol tax increases are an evidence-based approach to improving health, and importantly, yield a small net increase in jobs” .
I think that increasing the alcohol taxes is not an effective solution to prevent excessive drinkers from consuming alcohol. Person who are dependent of alcohol will not stop drinking because of small tax increase. They will probably buy cheaper alcohol, which are much more bad for health. As the result, instead of reaching a helping hand to heavy drinkers, this new anti-alcoholic policy may contribute to deteriorate their health… The best way to save alcoholic people is to persuade them, and make realize how drinking too much dose of alcohol is dangerous for human’s organism.
Only their determination will be able to change their mind. Increasing alcohol tax will be pointless concerning the improvement of alcoholics health.

However, I think that this increase will be effective to lessen normal drinkers’s consumption. It is evident that this plan will contribute to the amelioration of people’s health. Furthermore I have to admit that this plan is very interesting and successful to tackle the problem of unemployment. Thanks to this project, the economy of the United States will certainly grow!
…at the expense of alcohol sector’s workers.

My Audio Essay about education system

Ken Robinson have the idea that children can`t exert their creativity in current education system. He thinks we should make new education system. He said adults should care about children`s talent and believe them.  I have both ideas to agree it and disagree it.

First, we shouldn`t delete the chance for children to do what they do and improve their ability. Sometimes parents can`t find their children`s great talent of something, and he or she live a common life even if he or she have potential to become an Olympic sportsman. Also Mr. Robinson introduced a famous dancer in his speech. She called Gillian was realized to learning disability because she didn`t feel at ease in class. But her action was the hope of moving, so she had potential to be dancer. If the doctor didn`t find that, she might not be dancer. Therefore we set the art class or dance class in school same as math or language or else.

However there are problems to realize that idea. Mainly students can`t afford taking the class that is not needed in exam. Recently most students study for passing exam to enter next school. Because it is important to get job they want to do. In sure, if you find you excelled in something and you can live by using that, you don`t have to learn math or language or else. But there are little talented people who succeeded in that way. So, I agree his idea but that is unrealistic.

Second I agree with his idea that making a mistake is rather good thing than bad thing because nobody can do everything since first time and can learn something to succeed by making a mistake. I think so, and I usually try to do something without scaring to make a mistake. That is said to everything, for example education, connection between humans and etc. In current education system, students don`t think in their selves and don`t willing to do new action. That should be changed.

Finally I think in realistic the most important education is language. The reason of that is learning language allow you to communicate smoothly with other countries people. We should do international business for growing up economy. So we need not only paper skill like writing skill but also practical skill like speaking and listening skill. But students study more paper skill than practical skill, so the government should let them study more practical skill.


My audio essay about education

Our future is unpredictable. Nobody know what our society will look like in 10 years. According to Ken Robinson, education is a system which is designed to help us deal which the change of the society. Effective education should help children to discover and develop their creativity. For him, creativity is as important as literacy.
That is why he strongly criticizes the current state of today’s educational system. He flame that the education in our time has lost its objective. Instead of evaluating the potential and special ability of children, teachers only judge capacity of children in accordance with the result of their exam. Because of that we are forced to believe firmly that mistake is bad, and therefore we are not prepared to be wrong and we are tend to be reluctant to create something new.
I totally agree with his argument. Biased education which only think about producing university professor will certainly kill our creativity. Today’s education misunderstand the meaning of the word intelligence. Intelligence does not only indicate being brilliant at mathematics, or having success in an examination. Intelligence is a diverse, dynamic, and distinct concept. As Ken Robinson has pointed out, we sometimes misunderstand what does intelligent exactly means. Different from what we believe, the way of being of intelligence is not fixed, and there are countless form of intelligence.
Especially in Japanese school, learning means memorizing a mysterious magic formula by heart. For example in japan, students learn the multiplication table like a poem. The greater majority of lessons in Japanese university consist in glancing at the professor repeating the textbook word for word. What a intelligent and interesting practice! So grad to be entitled to attend such informative and educational class, it is as exiting as counting sheep when i can’t sleep.
In those system you don’t need to consider to be qualified as an intelligent person, you just have to memorize the entire textbook, like completing monotonous work in a fordist industries. Such a restrictive view of intelligent should be corrected. Adopting a new conception of education, putting emphasis on the richness of the human’s capacity is required.

How ever I want to notice that, bringing out the hidden talent in a person is very difficult for both school side and student side. First, school will have a duty to look at children’s potential very attentively, and should furnish some diverse class.

Concerning the students, things are more complex. To clarify the problem, I’ll tell you about my childhood.
I was born in 1992 in France because both of my parents were artists. At the time I wanted to be an artist like them and I used to spent all my time painting pictures. At school I was really hopeless, I never did my homework and I never listened to my teacher. I was planning to be a painter so I didn’t mind about my result at school. But when I enter to the junior high school I understand that I wasn’t talented enough to have a successful life as an artist and I gave up. Furnishing effort is sometimes not sufficient to cover your talent. In exchange for my dream I start studying at school and it was really pleasant for me because effort expended on study is almost always rewarded.
In study, the result is in most cases proportional to the effort. In contrast in artistic field, talent is the most essential element.

It very easy to encourage young children to develop their individuality but, school should teach children that bringing out the hidden talent is one hundred time more difficult than studying. Every children born artist but to stay an artist you should be strong and determined.

flexible education is necessary

Japanese current education is lacking the ability to foster creativity. Not unique opinions but correct answers are wanted from students. The talents of students are hidden by current education. This is why such education system should be changed as soon as possible.

Ken Robinson says that the education practiced in almost all over the world seems to make children lose their creativity rather than develop it, and that it is no longer supporting raise childrens’. For example, schools in every country consider there are difference levels of importance in subjects. Math and language are usually considered to be the most important subjects, humanities are the second importance, and art is the least important. This difference shows that people think subjects which are necessary in getting good jobs are prior to others.

Also he criticizes that the idea that the academic ability determine one’s intelligence, and at the same time, he tries to rethink of the idea from three points of view. First, he thinks intelligence is consists of the senses such as sight, hearing, touch. Second, intelligence is very interactive and dynamic. Finally, intelligence is something so unique people cannot put all the aspects of it together into one definition. Therefore, he argues that people should reform the education system so that children can develop the true intelligence.

I agree with his opinion. It seems like the existing education system is depriving potential children of their talent. For example, teachers often say that mistaking isn’t a bad thing so students should not hesitate to make a mistake. But in fact, if students make mistakes or fail in exams, teachers don’t praise students. Not only that, teachers often criticize such students also in existing education system, and they only teach questions for which answers exist, so there is no room for supporting creativity. What I mean to say is that, true intelligence isn’t being cultivated by the existing education.

Recently, Japanese educational facilities try to change the education system. For children’s creativity, the Minister of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is planning to change the National Center Tests for University Admissions. MEXT consider that flexibility and creativity is becoming more important because of the globalization. To be more specific, MEXT announced that the center test will be add an essay test and interviewing in a few years.

However, I don’t think they will be able to make any good result only by such modification. It is difficult for people to measure flexibility and creativity. But MEXT tries to measure them at the Center Test. If those who are educated by existing education system make the test and interview, this modification would not be a drastic reform.

I think if people want to develop the true intelligence, the distinction between teachers and students is no longer necessary. There is no answer in creativity. Everyone has different answers about it. By building an equal relationship, it becomes possible for people to express their opinion freely and foster creativity.

The Japanese education institution tries to change a part of the education system such as form of the examination. However, it will have little effect. To support children’s talent,   more flexible education is necessary.001_150118_2241A0