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    Hello, welcome to our show. Do you want to live a long life? And Do you believe in the power of music? We will talk about two topics. An Active mind and our classmate, Kaho’s,“I believe.” Let’s start!

 “Active mind”

 We thought a happy life is connected with having an active mind. So we surveyed about the connections between hobby and health.

 We asked 20 men and 20 women. The first question is “Do you have any hobbies?” If a respondent said “yes”, the second question is “What’s your hobby?” And the third question is “How often do you do your hobby?”

  If a respondent said “no”, the second question is “How do you reduce your stress?” and the third question is “What do you do in your free time?”

 In the first question, All men answered “Yes.” About 35% of men have hobby involving the outdoors like playing sports. About more than three fifthes of men have hobby involving the indoors like netsurfing. Less than half of men do their hobby once a week.

  30% of women answered “No.” And they reduce their stresses by eating, laughing or sleeping. Half of Women have a hobby involved the indoors. One third of women who have a hobby do their hobby once a week.

 In Japan, It is said that about a person out of three dies of a stroke or heart disease. It is important for prevention of them to do exercise and reduce stress. Having hobby is connected to reducing stress.

 Some doctors said there are more rate of women who have heart disease than rate of men. Maybe It connected to our result that 30% of women answered “No, I don’t have a hobby.”

  So having hobby and reducing stress are important for health.

 “I believe in power of music”

     Today, we shared with you about active mind and Kaho’s ‘I believe’. Let’s listen to her Audio.

    We agree with Kaho’s opinion.

    Shin aften listens to music when he wants to relax. Reina has never heard about music effest, so she was surprised. I also given power from music, especially when I feel down.

    We notice that music has a great and big power.


    We hope you enjoyed our show.Thank you, bye.

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