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Hi! I’m Mizuki.

Japan has a lot of special days. I would like to introduce  Tanabata  my favorite special day.

“TANABATA” is on 7th July in Japan. People celebrate this day by writing wishes on Tanzaku and hanging them on bamboo. Tanzaku is small pieces of paper. Massages like “I wish well to my family” or “I hope  we can love each other”…  The bamboo and Tanzaku are displayed in many public places, like train station, schools and liblaries. But the bamboo and Tanzaku were often set afloat on a river in old days. Many areas in Japan have their own Tanabata customs. There is also a traditional Tanabata song. Probably all Japanese can sing this song.

In Hokkaido, there is Tanabata on 7th August, and there is “Rousokudase” song. In Hokkaido, children call at other house, and they sing Tanabata song. Then children can get many snacks! Like Halloween!

Thank you for reading! If you became interested in Japanese special day, I’m happy!

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