
 Have you ever joined japanese festival ? I have joined it many times ,festival is very fun .

 japanese festival has many kind of type. But I think japanese festival can divide two type .Japanese fesival has two type, so “mikoshi” and “dashi”. Mikoshi means carry on The Buddha’s house by many people. Dashi means pushing big a wheel in  many kind of musician by many people.

 My festival type is dashi. I weared speciai costume . For example ,tabi is old type footwear and obi means your waist to hold up your clothes and decoration .

 And I show special dance for people. Then people give moneys for showers. This money is management money or we use drinking and eating.


One Response to “Festival”

  1. bounthiam says:

    hey, naoki !
    ive joined Mikoshi once when i was studying japanese.
    this festival is really funny and im looking forward to join it again
    take care

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